1.According to relative theories,a model to assess the vulnerability in each county was established.易损性评价是泥石流灾害风险性评价的一部分,根据国内有关易损性的理论成果,我们建立了昆明市泥石流易损性评价模型,对昆明市以各县区为单位进行了易损性评价,得出了昆明市各县区的易损度
2.The risk assessment of the debris flow is analyzed on the base of assessment of hazard and vulnerability,and it is concludes that the risk degree of the debris flow is 0.运用泥石流风险评价理论,结合泥石流的危险度评价和易损度评价,综合打虎沟泥石流危险度评价(H单=0。

1.Vulnerability Analysis,Evaluation and Vulnerability Division of Lightning Disaster in Langfang of Hebei Province廊坊市雷电灾害易损性分析、评估及易损度区划
2.Sprayed-on Self-Fusible Alloys Assure Much Longer Service Life of Expendable Parts大幅度提高易损件寿命的喷焊自熔性合金
3.To suffer or be susceptible to damage.受到损失,易受损害
4.Conclusion The degree of injury on blowout fracutre are slighter than that of direct fracture and complicated fracure, misdiagnose are more common in blowout fracture.结论爆裂骨折损伤程度轻于直接骨折和复合骨折,容易引起误诊。
5.What motives have loss companies to deal with abnormal related transaction in the profit year?本文对亏损公司在扭亏年度进行异常的关联交易进行研究。
6.Nonlinear Seismic Reliability and Fragility Analysis of RC Structures;钢筋混凝土结构非线性抗震可靠度及地震易损性分析
7.The Cognizance to the Civil Damage in Insider Trading --Studying from the View of Investor;内幕交易中民事损害的认定——从投资者角度进行研究
8.Improvement on the Civil Liability System of Insider Trading in China论我国证券内幕交易民事损害赔偿责任制度的完善
9.Consequently, the fragility curves and damage indices for gas pipelines can be constructed as functions of PGV and PGA.准此,即可创建不同最大地表速度与最大地表加速度下管线的易损曲线与破坏指针。
10.Subject to decay, spoilage, or destruction.易腐败、损耗或毁灭的
11.liable to decay or spoil or become putrid.易于腐烂、损坏或腐臭的。
12.The skin of a soft fruit bruises easily.细嫩的水果皮容易碰损。
13.Soft fruit bruises easily.细嫩的水果容易碰损。
14.The wings of a butterfly are very delicate.蝴蝶的翅膀很易受损。
15.a flimsy table; flimsy construction; a fragile link with the past.易损坏的桌子;易损坏的建筑;和过去脆弱的连接。
16.terms of trade gains or losses贸易条件收益或亏损(损益)
17.Its outstanding toughness offers greater protection against breakage during transportation,installation and usage.the impact strength is 10-27 times as much as plexiglass.韧性好,不易在运输安装及使用中遭受损坏。冲耐击强度是有机玻璃的10-27倍。
18.The object of crushing is to split open every berry so the juice can be easily seperated with a minimum of damage to the grape skins.破碎:目的使每个葡萄粒裂开,从而葡萄汁能很轻易地被分离出来,而对葡萄皮有最小程度的损坏。

synthetical vulnerability degree综合易损度
3)item vulnerability标的易损度
4)regional vulnerable degree区域易损度
1.It is put forward that the regional vulnerability can be estimated by the regional vulnerable degree.提出用区域易损度来估计区域易损性。
5)Commodity fragility商品易损度
6)vulnerability division易损度区划
