1.Analysis on control effects of soft rock with support method of shotcrete on steel grill;钢格栅喷混凝土支护下的软岩控制效果分析
2.Robotized Shotcrete Eguipment used in Tunnel;隧道喷混凝土的自动化及其设备
2)sprayed concrete喷混凝土
1.Study on material for special sprayed concrete has been made for the purpose of improvement of sprayed concrete quality and expanding its application.为提高喷混凝土的质量和拓宽用途,进行了特种喷混凝土材料的试验研究。
3)sprayed concrete喷射混凝土
1.The technical measures of reducing the rebound degree of crushed sand sprayed concrete;降低机制砂喷射混凝土回弹率的技术措施
2.Mix ratio design of sprayed concrete for diversion tunnel of Panshitou reservoir and construction;盘石头导流洞喷射混凝土配合比设计与施工
3.Endurance research on high-property sprayed concrete;高性能喷射混凝土的耐久性研究

1.mesh reinforced shotcrete钢筋网加强喷射混凝土
2.Technical code for shotcrete pock bolts shore锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范
3.Wet type shot-crete technology: research and application湿式喷射混凝土技术研究及工程应用
4.On the Test of Steel Fiber Sprayed Concrete and Its Application;钢纤维喷射混凝土的试验研究与应用
5.Study of Reinforcing Superstructure of Bridges by Using Shotconcrete;喷射混凝土法加固桥梁上部结构研究
6.Influence of Silica Fume on Properties of Mining Slag Shorcrete硅粉对矿用炉渣喷射混凝土性能影响
7.The quality cost control of C35 sprayed concrete in submarine tunnel海底隧道C35喷射混凝土质量成本控制
8.shotcrete robot operator喷射混凝土遥控设备操作员;遥控喷浆机操作员
9.Simple Talking about Construction of Spraying Wet Concrete to Support at Initial Stage in Tunnel浅谈隧道初期支护喷射混凝土湿喷施工
10.Design and Usage of Powdery Accelerator Mixer of Wet Type Concrete Injection Machine湿式喷射混凝土粉状速凝剂添加器的设计应用
11.Research on SF/PPF/PVAF Hybrid Fiber Reinforced ShotConcrete in Reparation and reinforcement Engineering混杂纤维喷射混凝土在加固工程中的应用研究
12.Application and Research of Metakaolin in the Coal Mine Shotcrete偏高岭土在煤矿喷射混凝土中的应用研究
13.Study of Reforcement Project in Reinforced Concrete Framework with Shot Concrete;喷射混凝土在钢筋混凝土结构加固工程中的应用研究
14.another system of stabilization involves pumping a concrete mixture to the surface of soil or loose rock. This is known as shotcrete.另一种支护方法是将混凝土喷射到土壤或松岩表面,这种方法叫作喷射混凝土
15.Study on application of connected-mixed-spraying method to vegetation restoration of shotcreted slope连通混喷法在喷射混凝土边坡植被中的应用研究
16.Research on the key shotcrete technologies for the underground tunnel chambers of Shuibuya Project水布垭地下洞室喷射混凝土的关键技术研究
17.Application of the Anchor Sprayed Concrete Technique on a Side-slope Support of a High-water-level Reservoir锚杆喷射混凝土在高位水池边坡支护中的应用
18.Application of the Technology of Spraying Concrete to Remaking and Reinforcing Coal - towers;喷射混凝土技术在煤塔改造加固中的应用

sprayed concrete喷混凝土
1.Study on material for special sprayed concrete has been made for the purpose of improvement of sprayed concrete quality and expanding its application.为提高喷混凝土的质量和拓宽用途,进行了特种喷混凝土材料的试验研究。
3)sprayed concrete喷射混凝土
1.The technical measures of reducing the rebound degree of crushed sand sprayed concrete;降低机制砂喷射混凝土回弹率的技术措施
2.Mix ratio design of sprayed concrete for diversion tunnel of Panshitou reservoir and construction;盘石头导流洞喷射混凝土配合比设计与施工
3.Endurance research on high-property sprayed concrete;高性能喷射混凝土的耐久性研究
1.Study and Application of Artificial Mixed Gravel Sand-shotcrete;机制混合砾砂在喷射混凝土中的应用研究
2.Experimental Study on Steel Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete;钢纤维喷射混凝土试验研究
3.Some ideas for the experience on shotcrete support;喷射混凝土支护的几点体会
5)spray concrete喷射混凝土
1.Problems in liquid accelerated agent of spray concrete testing by code of JC4772005;浅谈《喷射混凝土用速凝剂》(JC477-2005)标准检测存在的问题
2.Application of polypropylene fiber in spray concrete construction;聚丙烯纤维在喷射混凝土施工中的应用
3.High performance spray concrete has many feature than concrete such as high performance, high durability; little deformation etc. 高性能喷射混凝土是指具有较高工作性、高耐久性、变形小等诸多特点的喷射混凝土。
6)wet shotcrete湿喷混凝土
1.Construction technique of wet shotcrete for tunneling with TBM in watery section;TBM施工隧洞富水段湿喷混凝土施工技术
2.Based on the selection of the accelerating agents for the wet shotcrete,the applicability of the setting time for the accelerating agents got from the tests concerned are discussed herein,from which a proposal is put forward that the alkali-free accelerating agent is suggested to be preferentially applied to the wet shotcrete for the permanent project.根据湿喷混凝土速凝剂品种选择试验结果,讨论了速凝剂凝结时间试验结果的适用性,并提出了永久工程湿喷混凝土应优先选用无碱速凝剂的建议。
3.In view of development of national economy and environmental protection, necessity of researching wet shotcrete technology is discussed in this paper based on rebound reduction, dust reduction and construction quality of wet shotcrete.从国民经济的发展和环境保护的观点出发 ,从湿喷混凝土减弹、降尘和保证建设质量的角度 ,论述了湿喷混凝土研究的必要性。

喷射混凝土  用喷射法施工的混凝土。喷射混凝土有"干拌"和"湿拌"两种施工法,一般采用"干拌"法。它是浆水泥、砂及最大粒径小于25毫米的石子按一定比例拌合后,装入喷射机,用压缩空气将干混合料沿管路输送至喷头处,与水混合并以40~60米/秒的高速喷射至作业面上。湿拌法则是将原材料预先加水拌和后喷射。喷射混凝土施工时,由于水泥颗粒与集料互相撞击,连续挤压,以及采用较小的水灰比,从而使混凝土具有足够的密实性、较高的强度和较好的耐久性。    为了改善喷射混凝土的性能,通常是掺加占水泥重2.5~4.0%的速凝剂,一般可使水泥在3分钟内初凝,10分钟内终凝,有利于提高早期强度、增大喷层厚度,减少回弹损失。喷射混凝土中加入一定数量(一般为混凝土重量的3~5%)的钢纤维(直径0.3~0.5毫米,长度20~30毫米),能显著提高混凝土的抗拉、抗剪、抗冲击和疲劳强度以及韧性指数。    喷射混凝土施工,可使混凝土的运输、灌筑和捣实结合为一道工序。不用或少用模板,适于狭窄地段作业,并可向不同方位施作薄层混凝土。因而适用于矿山井巷、交通隧道、水工隧洞和各类地下工程的支护(见图);砖石与混凝土结构的加固和修补;边坡、基坑水池、渠道、游泳池等工程的护壁;复杂造型的薄壁结构;钢结构的保护层和热工炉窑的衬里及其修补等工程。