1.Design of Semi-Rigid Rockfall Barrier Wall Based on Rockfall Simulation;基于落石计算的半刚性拦石墙设计
2.Design conception of safe net system based on analysis of motion trace of rockfall;基于落石运动特性分析的拦石网设计理念
3.Studies on Kinematic Analysis of Rockfall at the Slopes of Switch Station Attached to Baoquan Pumped Storage Power Station;宝泉抽水蓄能电站开关站边坡落石运动学分析研究

1.argue a matter out把某问题辩个水落石
2.We hope to clear the matter up quickly.我们希望很快能把事情弄个水落石出。
3.She got suspicious and decided to get to the bottom of it.她起了疑惑, 便决定弄个水落石出。
4.floor pattern magneto telephone switchboard磁石落地式电话交换机
5.The stone fell 10 metres before reaching the bottom of the well.石头落下十米才到井底。
6.The frost flakes the stone.霜使石头成片剥落。
7.The stones have fallen away from the side of the house.房子侧面的石头脱落了。
8.He was fully relieved.他心中的石头落地了。
9.It looked to her as if the rock would miss.看样子石头要落空了。
10.Although the limestone surface is gone,大金字塔表面的石灰石已经剥落,
11.The freezing of water also break off little pieces from rocks.水的冻结也使小石片从岩石上脱落。
12.He observed that feathers fell to the ground slowly, while stones fell much faster.他观察羽毛落地很慢, 而石头落地则快得多。
13.The Horde pushes out back to Blackrock Spire. (The Horde reenlists dragons to their aid.部落反击,回到了黑石塔.(部落让龙加入了.
14.and what with dropping blood, and what with dropping wine, and what with the stream of sparks struck out of the stone, all their wicked atmosphere seemed gore and fire.血在洒落,酒在洒落,磨刀石的火花在洒落,形成了一片血与火的气氛。
15.Test method for impact resistance of pipeline coatings (lime-stone drop test)管道防腐层需冲击性试验方法(石灰石落下法)
16.Some Considerations about the Implementation of Scientific Development Outlook in Petroleum & Petrochemical Industry;对石油石化行业落实科学发展观的几点思考
17.Several people were crushed to death by the falling rocks.有几个人被落下来的岩石压死了.
18.Several people is crushed to death by the falling rock.有几个人被落下来的岩石压死了。

1.Visual simulation of rock-fall of slope based on particle flow theory;边坡落石灾害的颗粒流模拟方法
3)falling stone落石
1.In order to understand the influence of the falling stone impulsive force to the gallery structure,a model test of gallery with small scale was done.为了探索明洞落石冲击后产生的附加荷载对结构物的影响,针对我国的工程实际,以若干单一化条件为基础,采用小比尺的模拟棚式明洞。
2.Collapse and falling stone are frequent geological hazards.崩塌落石是山区常见的一种地质灾害。
4)Falling rocks落石
1.It is very possible to be damaged by falling rocks, so the evaluating of dangerousness is needed.岩石边坡的落石是一种常见地质灾害,往往会造成巨大的人员伤亡和经济损失。
5)Rock fall落盘、落石
6)caved gangue冒落矸石
