1.A novel four-quadrant cascade multi-level inverter topology is proposed.提出一种可四象限运行的新型级联型多电平逆变器拓扑。
2.The main specialities and functions of wide spectrum four-quadrant seamless detector UV-14BQ-4 produced by EG&G company are introduced.介绍EG&G公司生产的宽谱段无缝四象限光电探测器UV-14BQ-4的主要特性和功能,给出UV-14BQ-4在激光束定位系统中的应用实例。
3.Traditional four-quadrant cascade multi-level inverter (FCMI) that consisted of a few four-quadrant power cells needs so many sensors and filter inductors that makes the system volume and cost increase remarkably.传统四象限级联型逆变器由多个四象限电压胞组成,需要大量电量传感器及滤波电感,造成系统体积和成本显著增加。

1.four-quadrant D.C.converting circuit四象限直流变换电路
2.Existance and Non-existance of Limit Cycle in the Fourth Quadrant of a Class of Cubic System;一类三次系统在第四象限极限环的存在性
3.Research of Four-quardant Rectifier for Electric Power Locomotive Based on TMS320LF2407 DSP;基于TMS320LF2407 DSP电力机车四象限整流的研究
4.Study of Control Method for Back-to-Back Four-quadrant Converter背靠背四象限变流器控制方法的研究
5.Research on 4-quadrant rectifier power-fed test四象限整流器互馈功率试验方法研究
6.Four-Quadrant DC speed regulation systems based on 6RA70基于6RA70控制的四象限直流调速系统
7.Power Exchange Control of Back-to-Back Four-Quadrant Voltage Source Converter;背靠背四象限电压源型变流器功率交换控制
8.Research on the Four-Quadrant Transducer Used for Hybrid Electric Vehicle;混合动力电动汽车用四象限能量转换器的研究
9.The Control Strategies of Three-Lever Four Quadrant Pulse Rectifier;三点式四象限脉冲整流器控制策略研究
10.The Research on the Method of Angle of Attack Measuring Based on Four-Quad Pressure Sensors;基于四象限压力传感器的迎角测量方法研究
11.Research about Four-quadrant Combination of Lever--On Prudential Financial Idea;“杠杆”四象限调整搭配研究——基于稳健财务思想
12.The Wooden Barrel Principle and Firms Resource Allocation;“木桶原理”与企业资源配置的四象限分析方法
13.The Development of Photon Beam Position Monitor System Based on Four-quadrant Detector基于四象限探测器的同步光位置测量系统研制
14.High-pressure Four-quadrant Frequency System of Hiost in Flame-proof Shaft隔爆型矿井提升机高压四象限变频调速系统
15.Study Four-Quadrant Detector in the Free Space Laser Communication自由空间激光通信四象限探测器性能研究
16.Appaication of Four Quadrant Swich Magntic Resistance Speed Control Technologyin Shearer四象限开关磁阻调速技术在采煤机中的应用
17.A novel control strategy for the PWM rectifier in cascaded multilevel converter四象限级联型多电平变换器的PWM整流器控制
18.Influence of high power laser on four-quadrant laser guiding detector高能激光对四象限制导器件的影响分析

four quadrants四象限
1.Through the analysis of traditional four quadrants angle measurement algorithm,an accurate and quick tracking algorithm to Air launched Armanent is illustrated and analysed in this paper.通过对传统四象限测角算法误差的分析 ,提出了一种用于机载武器的四象限测角的高精度快速跟踪算法 ,并对其进行了分
2.It has been proved by experiment that the traditional Angle measurement algorithm of the detector with four quadrants is of big measurement error.实验结果表明 ,传统的四象限探测仪测角算法具有较大的误差。
1.4-quadrant Control of the Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor for Elevator;电梯拖动用永磁无刷直流电动机的四象限运行控制
2.According to the characteristic of city railway vehicle,a rare-earth permanent magnet brushless DC motor of 4-quadrant control is developed.根据城市轨道车辆的使用特点,研究探索牵引用稀土永磁无刷直流电机的四象限运行控制。
1.Research of 4-quardant Rectifier for Electric Locomotive Based on SVPWM;基于空间电压矢量的电力机车四象限整流的研究
2.Electric locomotive system mainly concentrated on 4-quardant rectifier is stated.本文介绍了四象限整流器为核心的电力机车系统,阐述了四象限整流器的运行原理及控制电路设计,提出一种简单的电压空间矢量算法,该算法根据参考电压直接计算位置和作用时间,从而大大简化了计算。
1.The Principle and Application of Four-quadrant Frequency Converter;四象限变频器原理及应用
6)four-quadrant chart四象限图

四象限模拟乘法器四象限模拟乘法器four-quadrant analog multiplier 弓{X longxlon mon{ehengfoql四象限模拟乘法器(four一quadrant analogmultiolier)两个输人信号均为双极性的模拟乘法器。它是在信号检测和控制电路中应用较多的一个单元。电路图如图1(a)所示。忽略基极电流后,其对应的压控分流图如图1(b)所示。由图1(b)可得图1四象限模拟乘法器(a)电路图;(b)压控分流图u。=一R。(艺1一12) 一一Kuxuv式中增益系数K一 R几RxR,。K不含价,而且u:和价大大拓宽了线性动态范围。图3所示的四象限模拟乘法器广泛用于模拟电压的调制、解调、平方、开方、鉴相等电路中。il一‘一yxIO+(l一少)(1一,)几 一(1一y)x10一少(l一工)10-一(Zx一1)(Zy一1)10:翼…程淤臀界犷甲对’=一Reloth要th艺创T竺丛ZUT(1)当ux《ZUT,u,《一2价时,式(l)近似得uo七一RJO黔生L目l~一Kux场(2)式一_(2)中,增益系数K一Rcl。4U导“从而可得结论:。,均为双极性,故图1(a)为四象限乘法器;①u、、②K一一y)16图2_流控分流器电路图箫,式中含u、将产生较大的温漂;③两输入电压价、场的线性动态范围太小。 为了消除式(2)中K包含口导而引起较大的温漂,故来用流控夯流器,如图2所示。由图2可;_;_丛‘;_:、‘论叫一几、‘丫2‘Y‘z麒黛脚粉 ┌─────────┬──┐┌──┐ │{} │J ││Z下 │ ├──┬──────┴──┤├──┤┌─┤J │ha ││V3V ││尺│ │ ││} │└─┴┬─┼─────┬───┤│ │ │ │ │}JX· ││ │ └─┘ │行 ││ │ ┌───────┼───┘├──┤ │ │ │尺 │ ├───────┤ │ │ │)板’一ixz瓜〔│ └──┘ └───────┘ 图3改进的四象限模拟乘法器