1.Topology optimization of tunnel support using reverse evolutionary structural optimization method;用反向渐进结构优化方法研究洞室支护优化
2.The span of reverse cumulation and the generated spaces;反向累加生成及其生成空间

1.series opposing反向串联, 串接反向
2.reverse-coupling directional coupler反向激励定向耦合器
3.backward search for program alignment function反向检查程序定向作用
4.reverse recovery time反向恢复时间-反向阻断晶体闸流管的
5.peak reverse voltage反向峰值电压峰值反向电压
6.reverse torsion fatigue testing machine反向扭转疲劳试验机
7.reverse pinocytosis(细胞)反向胞饮现象
8.circuit repetitive peak reverse voltage电路反向重复峰值电压
9.circuit crest working reverse voltage电路反向工作峰值电压
10.backward search for beginning of program反向检查程序起始标记
11.In a contrary manner or direction.反方向地,相反地,对立地
12.To confront boldly.公然反对,向…挑战
13.The plane is flying a contrary direction.飞机向相反的方向飞去。
14.They were walking in opposite ways.他们向相反的方向走着。
15.moves in the opposite direction.船会向相反的方向运动。
16.response oriented theory反应取向理论反应取向理论
17.To a reversed position or direction.沿反方向到一相反的位置或方向.
18.To turn and proceed in the opposite direction.向相反方向运动在相反的方向转动或推进

1.In order to ensure the reliable source of technical water supply for the unit as well as a safe and steady operation of each bearing\'s cooler,the technical water supply operates based on forward/backward switching as designed,controlled by four electrical switch valves made in Israel that are able to work forwardly and backwardly.为了保证机组技术供水水源的可靠和各轴承冷却器设备的工作安全稳定,技术供水设计成能正/反向切换的运行方式,由4个以色列生产的能正/反向切换的电控开关阀控制。
2.To acopt the backward teaching of back roll jump can make students eliminate their psychological obstructs when they fear to fall back after take-off.背越式跳高采用反向教法,能使学生尽快消除起跳后身体不敢后倒的心理障碍。
3)opposite direction反向
1.A definition of accumulated generating operation in opposite direction is posed in this paper corresponding to traditional accumulated generating operation, gives a grey model GOM(1,1), provides a new generating method to grey modeling.相对于传统的累加生成提出了反向累加生成的定义 ,给出了灰色 GOM(1,1)模型 ,为灰色建模提供了新的生成方
1.Objective To study left lung inverse circulation (LLIC) reversing pulmonary hypertension(PH ) in canines.目的探讨左肺反向循环 (LLIC)逆转肺动脉高压的机制。
2.In this paper,inverse Steffensen s inequality is given and two extensions of it s is proved.给出了反向Steffensen不等式及其推广形
6)back switching反向反转
1.Being necessarily very small in size,instability and back switching often occurs when the external voltage is removed,and creates serious problems.为解决此问题,发展了一种通用的方法用于决定避免反向反转的铁电畴的尺寸。

Ik(反向运动)ik (反向运动)inverse kinematics(ik)反向运动是使用计算父物体的位移和运动方向,从而将所得信息继承给其子物体的一种物理运动方式。