1.Teaching reform of combination of teaching .本文就《分析化学》教学、科研相结合的教学改革进行探讨。
2.Combining with the meeting of modern markert to the aerobics talents,the paper also disscusses the shortages exsiting in aerobics teaching,puts forward teaching target system adapting to modern society development and pays more attention to teaching reform of the combination between aerobics teaching and society meeti.采用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈、数理统计等方法,对目前健美操教学现状进行了调查与分析,并结合现代社会市场对健美操人才的实际需求,探讨目前健美操教学中存在的不足,提出适应现代社会发展需要的教学目标体系,重视健美操教学与社会需求相结合的教学改革。
3.This combination is also the product of social and economic development as well as the developing trend of modern higher education.教育与生产劳动和社会实践相结合是培养社会主义建设者和接班人应遵循的主要原则,是社会进步和经济发展到一定阶段的必然产物,是现代高等教育的发展趋势。

1.a system of interlocking parts各部分互相结合的设备
2.Education must be combined with production.教育必须与生产相结合
3.Combine Chinese traditional medicine with western medicine.使中医与西医相结合
4.integrate theory with practice使理论与实践相结合
5.cooperation between judicial organs and masses司法机关同群众相结合
6.Enlarging Domestic Demand Must Be Combined With the Adjustment of Economic Structure;扩大内需必须与经济结构调整相结合
7.On the method using uniformity of analysis and synthesis in Das Kapital论《资本论》分析与综合相结合的方法
8.A Study of the Programming-Method in Combining VB and MATLAB;VB与MATLAB相结合混合编程方法的研究
9.Administrate Information Network Comprehensively with the Combination of Law and Moral;法治和德治相结合 综合治理信息网络
10.Realize gearing imitation by 3DS and AutoCAD;3DS与AutoCAD相结合实现齿轮啮合仿真
11.An Approach to Combination of Static and Dynamic Web Services静态与动态相结合的Web服务组合方法
12.Exploration of the Approach to Combination of Production, Teaching and Research by Building Laboratory;结合实验室建设 探索产学研相结合的途径
13.Practice and Reflection on the Combination Learning with Working Conjoined with Employment汽车专业实施与就业相结合的工学结合的策略
14.Let's insist on the comBination of commerce with industry, domestic trade with foreign trade, city with countryside, and whole-heartedly serve the people.坚持贸易与实业相结合,内贸与外贸相结合,城市与农村相结合,竭诚为人民服务。
15.It has rich content and a large amount of information.专业与行业相结合,技术与经济相结合,工艺与设备相结合是本刊特色。
16.This is the way to integrate the leadership with the masses and with the large numbers of activists.这就是领导和群众相结合,领导和广大积极分子相结合的方法。
17.Intellectual should combine theory with practice, with workers and peasants.知识分子要走与实践相结合、工农相结合的道路等论点。
18.marked by or relating to or resulting from combination.以结合为特点、与结合相关或者是结合的结果。

1.The text are aimed at the reformation circumstance of the building profession at present ,for the sake of arousing the study consciousness of the students ,and analyzed its necessity that the teach content of the mechanics courses should be combined with the one of the profession courses from two aspects of the teach method and the attentive question.针对目前土建类专业的改革情况,为了调动学生学习的自觉性,本文从教学方法和注意的问题两方面,分析力学课程的教学内容应与所学各专业相结合的必要性。
1.The integration not only will decide the character and developmental direction of Chinese culture in the present age, but also it will decide the fate of Marxism in China.所以,进一步加强对马克思主义与中国传统文化相结合的有关问题的研究,具有重大的理论意义与实践意义。
4)solid phase bonding固相结合
1.Based on the large deformation elastic-plastic finite element method(FEM) theory and finite model,the process of solid phase bonding for Cu/Al bimetal composite by hydrostatic extrusion was analyzed by ANSYS FEM with frictional elements inserted between two contacting metals.基于大变形弹塑性有限元理论,采用ANSYS有限元程序,通过建立合理的有限元分析模型,对Cu/Al双金属复合材料静液挤压固相结合的非稳态过程进行了数值模拟研究,得到了变形体在挤压过程中的等效应力、应变分布及相对滑动量随摩擦系数的变化情况,揭示了组元金属在静液挤压成形过程中的流动规律,指出在一定的变形量条件下,增大内外层金属之间的摩擦系数是较好实现内外层金属固相结合的主要方法。
1.A Discussion on the Combination Psychological Health Education with Moral Training;本文从理论与实践的角度阐述了心理健康教育与德育相互结合的意义、范围及其对教育工作者提出的要求。
6)Plastic phase bonded塑性相结合

“约束与调控相结合”的两原则“约束与调控相结合”的两原则  【“约束与调控相结合”的两原则】有关资产负债管理的一种观点。这种观点认为,商业银行实行资产负管理,既要实施自我约束,又要服从系统调控。二者相辅相成。按照这种指导思想,资产负债管理应遵循以下两大原则:①负债约束资产的原则。实施总量约束和结构约束。②有利于增强系统调控原则。按照统一法人原则,统一调度资金,增强对全行资金的调拨配置能力,抑制一些分支机构超负荷经营行为。.