1.In order to study the propagation law of electromagnetic disturbance caused by the electrical fast transient/burst(EFT/B) in the mine,the frequency-spectra characteristics were analyzed.为了深入了解煤矿井下电快速瞬变脉冲群电磁骚扰的传播规律,分析了电快速瞬变脉冲群的频谱特性,运用传输线理论建立了矿用线缆的RLCG模型,并利用PSPICE软件进行仿真分析,研究了矿用线缆中电快速瞬变脉冲群骚扰的传输特性。

1.gender-based harassment基于性别的骚扰,性骚扰
2.cause trouble or discomfort to(sb);harass打搅,骚扰(某人)
3.Sometimes harassment can be of a sexual nature.有时候,骚扰也可以是性骚扰行为。
4.The Essence of Sexual Harassment:Sexual Harassment as Tort;性骚扰本质界定——侵权视野下的性骚扰
5.To disturb or distress by or as if by repeated attacks; harass.一再骚扰以反复的攻击或类似方式来烦扰;骚扰
6.Scold, punish or harass sb申斥、惩罚或骚扰某人
7.Why make a disturbance at this time of night?值此深夜为何如此骚扰?
8.someone who assaults others sexually.在性上骚扰别人的人。
9.Mosquitoes annoy us in the summer.夏天蚊子骚扰我们。
10.To prevent evils and ghosts from disturbing the man's world,不让恶魔出去骚扰人间。
11.To subject to unwanted or improper sexual activity.调戏或对…进行性骚扰
12.sexual harassment in the workplace工作单位里的性骚扰
13.A dog that molests sheep has to be killed.骚扰羊群的狗要被杀掉。
14.any of various large flies that annoy livestock.骚扰家畜的各种大苍蝇。
15.The bees annoyed the picnickers.蜜蜂骚扰野餐的人们。
16.To constrain or overcome by harassment.抑制通过骚扰(扰乱)来约束或征服
17.To harry or pester persistently.困扰,纠缠不断地掠夺或骚扰
18.Calibration for Coupling/Decoupling Networks in Measuring System of Immunity to Conducted Disturbances传导骚扰抗扰度耦合/去耦网络的校准

1.Power System under External Force Harassment and Its Safeguard;强外力骚扰电力系统及其防护
4)A disturbance;a fuss.扰动;骚扰
5)Armigeres obturbans骚扰阿蚊
1.Armigeres obturbans was the preponderant population,anopheles hyrcanus sinensis and culex pipiens pa.其中,中华按蚊214只、潘氏按蚊15只、淡色库蚊113只、骚扰阿蚊888只。
6)Armigeres subbalbeatus骚扰阿蚊
1.Analysis and discussion on influencing factors of the meteorology for the species variations of Armigeres subbalbeatus;影响骚扰阿蚊种群诱捕数量的环境气象因素分析与探讨
2.Observation on the Biting Cycles and Influence Factors of the Armigeres subbalbeatus;骚扰阿蚊叮刺周环及其影响因素的观察与分析
3.Investigation on the breeding habits and influence factors of the Armigeres subbalbeatus;骚扰阿蚊孳生习性及其影响因素的调查研究
