展成法,generating method
1)generating method展成法
1.Theoretical verification of generating method for grinding of gear involute helicoid;展成法磨削齿轮渐开螺旋面的理论验证
2.This paper proposes a new machining method of dram gear generating method in numerical control chine,which is simple and convenient and can pledge accurate engage gears.针对鼓形齿常用切削方法中存在的不足,提出了一种在数控机床上用展成法加工鼓形齿的新方法,并对加工过程进行了啮合分析,得出结论:用数控机床只要改变程序便可加工任意齿数的齿轮,并可达到预期精度。
3.To introduce the method of processing anchor chain wheel with forming way is the main factors in performance difference,and explain the generating method is the reasonable processing method.说明了成形法加工锚链轮是使用其性能变差的关键因素 ,说明了展成法是锚链轮齿形加工的合理加工法。

1.The milling tools of processing screw bevel gear on the basis of half spreading out principle;螺旋伞齿轮半展成法加工的铣削工具
2.Progress of 2-Methyl-1,4-Naphthoquinone and Prospect in Green Chemistry Synthetic Technologiesβ-甲萘醌合成研究进展及绿色化学法制备展望
3.Unable to build extension(s) for file type named '%1'无法生成名为“%1”的文件类型的扩展名
4.basis used to amortize deferred research and development costs摊销递延研究和展成本的办法
5.amortization methods for capitalized research and development costs资本化研和发展成本的摊销法
6.Research on the Electric Discharge Generating Machining of Gear Mold;齿轮模具电火花展成加工方法的研究
7.Formation and Development of Existence of Rights of Human Beings and International Law;人类权利存在与国际法的生成和发展
8.Activity-based Costing and Its Application in Enterprise;作业成本法及其在企业中的应用展望
9.The Analyse about the Cost-Income Method of Urban Sustainable Development;城市可持续发展的成本—收益法解析
10.Approaches for Enterprise Quality Cost Management;企业开展质量成本管理的途径和方法
11.The Four Characteristics about Formation and Development of the Civilization of Constitutional Government and Ruling by Law;宪政法治文明形成与发展的四大特征
12.Microbial and Enzymatic Production of L-carnitine;L-肉碱的微生物酶合成法研究进展
13.On the development,cause and apocalypse of france venture capital;法国风险投资业的发展、成因和启示
14.On the Comprehensive Integrated Method and Sustainable Development System;浅论综合集成方法与可持续发展系统
15.Recent Development in the Synthesis of Pyrimidinones;嘧啶酮类化合物的合成方法研究进展
16.Progress on Programmable One-Pot Synthesis of Oligosaccharides;寡糖可程序化一锅法合成的研究进展
17.The Emergence, Development and Maturity of L Hospital Rule;L’Hospital法则的产生、发展及成熟
18.On the Creation and Three Stages of the Transformational-Generative Grammar;转换生成语法的产生与三个发展阶段

3)Generated method展成法
4)expansion method展成法
1.This paper expounds a theory of processing the cam outline curve by the expansion method, and also introduces its application to symmetric the cam outline curve.详细论述了“展成法”加工凸轮轮廓曲线的原理;介绍了这种方法在对称凸轮轮廓曲线加工中的应用。
1.This paper discusses principle of machining a non-round hole by generating.本文讨论了用展成法加工非圆孔的原理,以加工等厚形三面孔为例,介绍了插刀设计与刃磨方法。
6)generating method展成方法
1.The research status and application foreground of generating method of digital surfaces, including the digitalization of surfaces, the digitized surface and its micro features, the principle of digitized conjugate surfaces and the generation of digitized surface are summarized and analyzed.对数字化曲面展成方法的研究现状与应用前景 (包括曲面数字化、数字化曲面及其微观特性、数字化共轭曲面原理、数字化曲面的展成等 )进行了综合评述与分

展衣展衣  古代王后六服之一。白色,用以朝见皇帝和接见宾客;又为世妇和卿大夫妻的礼服。见《周礼·天官·内司服》“展衣”注疏。《礼·丧大记》作“襢衣”。参阅孙诒让《周礼正义》十五。