自燃发火,spontaneous combustion
1)spontaneous combustion自燃发火
1.Depend on practice and analysis of the multimeans of preventing coal seam spontaneous combustion,set forth the technique step of preventing coal seam spontaneous combustion in heading road along the goaf,which has gained good result.通过对各种防治煤层自燃发火技术措施的实施及分析,阐述了综合煤层自燃发火技术措施在沿空送巷中的作用及取得的良好技术效果。
2.Through study and practice of the multifarious of preventing breaking coal mass spontaneous combustion,the use of spontaneous combustion technique step in stopped full mechanized mining face is expounded,which has made a good result.通过对各种防治采空区破碎煤体自燃发火技术措施的研究及实施,阐述了综合防治采空区煤体自燃发火技术措施在停采综放面中的作用及取得的良好技术效果。
3.The reason of the spontaneous combustion at fully mechanized workface with top caving are analyzed.对综采放顶煤工作面自燃发火的原因进行了分析,阐述了所采取的综合性预防措施,及取得了良好的效果。

1.Experimental Research on the DongRong Coal of Spontaneous Combustion and Application;东荣三矿易燃煤层自燃发火实验研究及应用
2.Reasons for Spontaneous Combustion and Management Measures in Driving Readway Coal Seam掘进巷道煤层自燃发火原因及治理措施
3.Experiment Study of Coal Spontaneous Combustion Conditions in Goaf of Wuda Coal Mine内蒙古乌达矿采空区自燃发火条件实验研究
4.The Study and Application That Defends Elf-ignite Synthetically on the Working Face in Mine;矿井采煤工作面自燃发火综合防治方法研究与应用
5.An Intelligent Monitoring Spontaneous Combustion and Gas On-Line System Based on Intemor;基于因特摩技术的煤矿自燃发火、瓦斯在线智能监测系统
7.Development of a self-ignition and combustion model for diesel engines柴油发动机自动点火和燃烧模型的发展
8.auto-ignition temperature自燃温度自动点火温度
9.Research on Coal Mine Fire Control Caused by Coal Spontaneous Combustion of Small Coal Pits;小窑煤层自燃引发的矿井火灾控制技术研究
10.Present situation and development on monitoring and early-warning technology of coal spontaneous combustion煤自燃火灾监测预警技术的研究现状与发展
11.Practices on Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Spontaneous Combustion in Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining Face in Combustible Thick Seam易燃厚煤层综放面自然发火综合防治实践
12.The Elementary Study on the Spontaneous Combustion Tendency and the Spontaneous Combustion Period of Coal Based on Activation Energy Index;基于活化能指标的煤的自燃倾向性及自然发火期初研究
13.Study on Measurement of the Shortest Coal Spontaneous Combustion Period and Spontaneous Combustion Control Technology of Coal Stockpile煤最短自然发火期测试及煤堆自燃防治技术研究
14.Research of Spontaneous Combustion Prediction in Gob of Caving Workface in Easily Spontaneous Combustion Coal Seam极易自燃煤层综放面采空区自然发火预测技术研究
15.As the match burns, heat and light are given off.火柴燃烧时发出光和热。
16.capable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily.自身能够着火或者容易导致着火、燃烧。
17.They think I caught fire because a chemical reaction caused spontaneous combustion.他们认为著火是由于化学变化而引起的自发性燃烧。
18.Spontaneous combustion prevention and control technology for use during face equipment evacuation from top coal caving longwall faces in highly gassy and combustible coal seams高瓦斯易燃煤层综放工作面设备回撤期间自然发火防治技术

spontaneous fire自燃发火
1.2 Coal Mine,its coal seam is easily spontaneous fire.大雁二矿煤种为褐煤,属易自燃发火煤层。
2.The reasons for spontaneous fire at the fully mechanized coal face with caving of roof coal in the inflammable thick coal seam are analyzed.分析了易燃特厚煤层综采放顶煤工作面自燃发火原因,介绍了综放工作面在掘进、支架安装、回采、支架拆除期间应用综合防灭火技术的情况,为类似条件下防治自燃发火提供了成功经验。
3.It is introduced that the establishment and running of spontaneous fire bundle tube monitoring system in Yuejin Coal Mine in Yima Mining Area.通过取样分析,为矿井防治自燃发火工作提供了科学、准确的数据。
1.Development and application of mine self-ignition predictingand foretelling system with micro-computer;矿井自燃发火计算机预报系统开发的实践
2.This paper analyzes on the reasons of the self-ignition in the fourth and the ninth coal beds in Ningwu Coalfield,expounds the main advantages of the technology of fire prevention and extinction by nitrogen injection,and discusses the effects of the technology of fire prevention and extinction by nitrogen injection.分析了宁武煤田4号、9号煤层自燃发火的原因,阐述了注氮防灭火技术的主要优点及具体实施方法和工艺,讨论了注氮防灭火技术效果。
3.This article analysed the reason of the Xiaolongtan mining area coal bed self-ignition, and sumed up the fire fighting measures of Buzhaoba opencast many years as base, with the present manufacture situation, propose concrete measures and methods of Buzhaoba fire fighting.分析了小龙潭矿区煤层自燃发火的原因,在总结了布沼坝露天矿多年来采取的防灭火措施的基础上,结合当前的生产形式,提出了防灭火的具体措施和方法。
4)spontaneous ignition自燃发火
1.Prevention and cure methods of spontaneous ignition in mining No.8 caving coal of Nanshan Coal Mine.;南山煤矿8号层放顶煤开采自燃发火的防治
2.The reason of the spontaneous ignition at workface gob is analyzed.对工作面采空区自燃发火的原因进行分析,对火源位置进行判断,阐述了灭火方案及取得的效果。
3.The factors that affects spontaneous ignition in thick coal seam mining are analyzed.文章分析了厚煤层复采发生自燃发火的影响因素,介绍了多联二矿一号井采用综合措施,提高井下火区灭火效率的经验。
5)autogenous hose ignition自燃自发火
6)self inflammability自燃发火性
