1.Tailings grading,coarse fraction regrinding and reconcentration,fine fraction reconcentration technique is determined.经过试验研究,确定了对尾矿分级粗粒级进行再磨再选、细粒级再选综合回收工艺。

1.Select national dailies first. Then select regional or local daily newspapers.首先选取全国性报纸。再选取地区性或本地日报。
2.Feasibility Analysis of Middling Using Dense Media Repreparation in Tunlan Preparation Plant;屯兰矿选煤厂中煤重介再选可行性分析
3.Investigation on the Application of Cyclone Static Microbubble Flotation Column in the Re-concentration of Copper-Nickel Tailings旋流静态微泡浮选柱用于铜镍尾矿再选的研究
4.Cancel this dialog and choose the File Save As command.取消对话框,再选择“另存为”命令。
5.Reagan ran a second time in 1980.里根于1980年再次竞选.
6.1858 Ran for U.S. Senate again?again he lost.1858年再度竞选美国参议员??又再度落败。
7.Select a task, then choose an action below:选择一项任务,再从下面选择一项操作:
8.Study on the Mechanism of Selective Classification,Regrinding and Flotation of Flotation Middling浮选中矿选择性分级再磨浮选机理研究
9.Choose Start Menu, and then Run, and then type the following:选择“开始”菜单,然后选择“运行”,再键入下列内容:
10.Study on Pomegranate Breeding and Establishment of Its Regeneration System and Optimization of Analysis Condition in RAPD;石榴品种(系)选育和再生体系建立及RAPD条件优选
11.The Disharmony between Lay-off s Choice Standard and Reemployment s Choice Manner;下岗选择根据和再就业选择方式的错位
12.My fresh idea on the fact that Cao shixuan is another name of Cao Yishan;“世选尔劳予不掩尔善”——再论曹世选即曹以缮
13.re-elect sb to the Presidency/(as)President再度选举某人担任总统职位[为总统]
14."Unable to save chosen performance settings. Please try again."无法保存选择的性能设置。请再试一次。
15.You can't find a better choice anywhere else.在别处你再也找不到更好的选择了。
16.Install the optional Auto Sheet Feeder and print again.安装可选的“自动送纸器”,再重新打印。
17.That swimmer is through as an athlete.这个游泳选手已不能再当运动员了
18.I understood that he did not want to hear the enterprise again until after the election.我知道他在大选前不想再过问此事了。

regrinding and recleaning再磨再选
1.Another is to concentrate the scavenger froth into regrinding and recleaning.与现场生产工艺相比,新工艺具有不脱泥以及扫选泡沫再磨再选等特点。
3)re treatment cell再选浮选机
4)Reconcentration of tailings尾矿再选
5)re-choosing machine再选机
6)Regrinding floatation再磨浮选

(祝选)施今墨医案(祝选)施今墨医案 医案著作。施今墨原案,门人祝谌予选编。本书根据施今墨治疗验案,介绍百余种内科疾病证治,依照西医疾病分类系统编排,分为10章,包括传染系、呼吸系、神经系、消化系、泌尿系、生殖系、血液及物质代谢、运动系、杂病和妇科病。列述疾病包括伤寒、流脑、猩红热、气管炎、肺炎、脑充血、三叉神经痛、胃溃疡、急慢性肾炎等。是书结构与一般医案著作体例稍异,每种疾病医案之前,均有祝氏所撰简要说明,介绍该疾病西医诊断与治疗知识,然后列举施氏运用中医药治疗该病验案。此书叙述病因机理力求简明,而详于处方用药,处方后附有祝氏所撰方义释略。本书特点为采取西医病名,吸取西医诊断;治疗方法反映了施氏临床经验,尤以专病专方及研制特效处方见长。1940年由金华印书局出版排印本。