1.The Application of Long-cable Face Roof Pre-control Technique in Upward-route-filling Mining Method;长锚索预控顶技术在上向进路充填采矿法的应用
2.The Automatic Route Search and the Realization of Shunting Operation Terminal in CTC;调度集中系统中进路的自动搜索及调车作业终端功能的实现
3.In this paper, the throat area of technical station is modelized inform of chart so that the route-set can be established by searching the shortestroute in the chart.采用图的形式表示技术站的咽喉区,通过在图上寻找最短径路来确定进路的合理排列。

1.triple-entry room-and-pillar mining三进路房柱式采矿法
2.entrance-exit panel进路集中装置控制板
3.Research on Immune Evolutionary Algorithm for Routing Schedule in Railway Station;铁路车站进路选择的免疫进化算法研究
4.Anthropology and Sociology: Study of Paris School;人类学进路与社会学进路:巴黎学派STS研究
5.Tat Chun Printed Circuit Board Company Limited达进电路版有限公司
6.complement and carry add circuit补码及进位加法电路
7.We pushed on following this road.我们沿这条道路前进。
8.multiple step and repeat machine多路步进重复照相机
9.The car ran off the road into a ditch.汽车驶离道路跌进沟中.
10.multipath approach electronic computer多路进场电子计算机
11.The car careered off the road into a ditch.汽车冲出路面, 陷进沟里.
12.turn left into Park Road.向左拐进公园路(Park Road)。
13.The cart rolled along the road.大车沿着大路前进。
14.The farmers padded the long road into town.农夫走长长的路进城去。
15.input configuration输入组态 -二进制电路的
16."access, entrance, leading, channel, fairway"进入,准入,门路,渠道,途径
17.Which way do you usually go to town?你进城一般走哪条路线?
18.turn from the high road into a narrow lane从大路拐进一条小胡同

1.The Ideal and Approach on Dealing witll Metropolitan Group Action in the View of Legality;法治视野下都市群体性活动处置理念和进路——以群体性事件处置为背景
2.The resection of pterygomaxillary fossa tumor adopting the enlarged Caldwell-Lu approach under nasal endoscope;鼻内镜下扩大Caldwell-lu进路切除侵及翼腭窝肿物
3.Reflection on Memory from Aesthetic Study of Time and Narration:Review and Approaches of Studies on Memory Theory since 1980s in China回忆之思:时间与叙事的审美之维——回忆理论研究的检讨与进路
1.Clincal application of root canal therapy via lip(buccal) path;唇(颊)侧进路根管治疗的临床应用
1.To Probe Further into the Way of Marxism in China;深入探索马克思主义中国化的进路
1.The Process of the Right to Silence in the Criminal Proceedings of China;我国刑事诉讼中沉默权之进路探讨
6)access road进路
1.The access road of case teaching method is analyzed and it brings forth the following four modes: class discussion,multi-media,moot court and observing the trial.介绍了当前在我国法学案例教学法的实施中出现的误区和困境,主要是先理论后实践、案例教学法就是举例说明或判例教学法、案例教学法运用越多越好等;阐述了案例教学法中"对话讨论"教学模式的特征;分析了该教学法的进路选择,指出应选择课堂讨论、多媒体、模拟法庭、观摩审判四种模式;根据课堂教学的导学、形成和巩固不同阶段,设计、选择和运用不同功能的案例,教学效果更佳。

进路1.上路出发。 2.前进的道路。 3.指事物发展演进的途径。 4.犹言生财之路。