1.However,under the continuous disturbance of the internal and external factors,apart from all kinds of forces,new stress equilibrium will form new stress field,which may cause rockfall locally.由于中国山区县普遍存在高陡岩质边坡,引发岩崩毁财毁物伤人常有发生,加强岩崩致灾机理与治理方法研究有着极其重要的现实意义。
2.Make some concrete suggestions to take precautions against the rockfall.对老炉房特大型岩崩的形成特征作了论述 ,对岩崩的规模、成因、危害性及发展趋势作了分析 ,提出了防灾的具体意见。

1.Mechanism of capping rock collapse by no-pillar sublevel caving无底柱分段崩落法开采顶板围岩崩落机理
2.Risk assessment method for single rockfall geo-disaster:a case study on the rockfall in Danba County,Sichuan,China单体危岩崩塌灾害风险评价方法——以四川省丹巴县危岩崩塌体为例
3.The results show that the great plastic yield areas and pull failure areas are formed in the base structure with caved area extends.结果表明,随矿岩崩落开采,崩落区下方岩层出现较大范围的塑性破坏区和拉破坏区。
4.Research on Slaking Properties of Red Beds Soft Rock and Dynamic Deformation Properties of Embankment;红层软岩崩解性及其路基动力变形特性研究
5.Course of Chain-Styled Evolution and Application of Information Tracking Technology of Perilous Rock;危岩崩塌的链式演变过程及信息跟踪技术应用
6.Technology application of plastic anchors in treatment of perilous rock collapse in Xiangshan of Zhenjiang锚塑法在镇江象山危岩崩塌治理中的技术应用
7.Weathering applies to crumbling and breaking down of rock into smaller pieces.风化指的是岩石破碎或崩裂成小块。
8.(geology) the descent of a large mass of earth or rocks or snow etc..(地质学)土、岩石或雪的崩落。
9.rocks disintegrated by frost and rain因受霜打雨淋而崩解的岩石
10.A Study on Disintegration Behavior of Granite Residual Soil in Guangzhou广州地区花岗岩残积土崩解特性研究
11.Numerical Simulation on Caving Process Zone Induced by Undercut拉底诱导的岩体崩落过程区数值模拟
12.A fall or slide of a large mass, as of snow or rock, down a mountainside.雪崩,山崩大块物质如雪或岩石,沿着山坡降落或下滑
13.The old highly folded rocks have been breaking down gradually into soil这些极度褶皱的年久的岩石经崩解而成泥土。
14.A mass of snow and rock broke away and fell on the climbers.一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到登山者的身上.
15.A mass of snow and rock break away and fall on the climber一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到登山者的身上
16.Weathering prepares the rock for transport by decomposing and disintegrating it.风化作用通过分解和崩解准备了要搬运的岩石。
17.Huge rockslides at times bury bulldozers and other machines.有时候巨大岩石崩落埋没了压路机及其他机器。
18.It may develop in place by the decay and disintegration of bedrock.它可能是通过基岩的腐蚀和崩解就地生成的。

1.Prediction of flood caused by rock-fall around Xiangshui sector of Dadu River;大渡河响水岩崩堵溃洪水预测研究
2.This paper introduces the basic principle of static-state blast technique and its application to the prevention of rock-fall at south-hill slope in Langping High School of Changyang County.笔者详细介绍了静态爆破技术的基本原理以及在长阳县榔坪中学南山坡岩崩治理中的工程实践,阐述了静态爆破技术在危岩体治理工程中的施工方法、特点,应采取的安全管理预防措施及应用推广前景。
3)slope collapes岩体崩塌
5)rockfall of Wjiang River乌江岩崩
6)rockfalls and landslides岩崩滑坡
