1.Considered from the connotation of the rule by law,it contains the positive value orientation and ethic pursuit.从法治国家的内涵上看,它包含着正向的价值目标和伦理追求,法治国家不仅追求道德价值,与道德紧密相连,而且,道德在法治国家建设中发挥着不可替代的作用,具体体现在法不离德、德亦补法和人需有德三个方面。

1.positive thermotropism向热性, 正向热性
2.The positive-going signal subtracts from the forward bias of the lower transistor.正向信号则使它的正向偏压减弱。
3.input current at positive-going threshold voltage正向阈电压下输入电流
4.multinomial forward transfer element多项式正向传送单元
5.The soldiers were tearing into the enemy.战士们正向敌人猛攻。
6.The ship was now listing to port.船当时正向港口开进
7.The plane was nosing high up into the sky.飞机正向上升入高空。
8.forward propagation by tropospheric scatter正向对流层散射传播
9.The flow of the tide is toward the shore at this time.此刻潮水正向岸边涌涨。
10.right astern【航海】正尾方, 正艉向
11.forward of the beam正横前面(由正横方向
12.a front side (facing the cassette holder)a正面(面向卡带架)
13.drive due east [ west ]向正东[西]方行驶
14.normal force法向[正交、垂直]力
15.The plane was on/off course, ie following/not following the right course.飞机航向正确[偏离航向].
16.We take the downward direction as positive.我取向下的方向为正。
17.The advance guard was pressing forward with all speed.前卫正以全速向前挺进。
18.and were walking in their direction.正朝他们的方向走来。

proper crossover正向换向
3)positive and negative dimensions正向与反向
4)forward smoldering正向阴燃
1.Numerical study of forward smoldering combustionof polyurethane foam;聚氨酯泡沫燃料正向阴燃传播特性的数值模拟(英文)
2.Numerical simulation study of forward smoldering propagation of cellulosic material in a horizontally packed bed水平填充床中纤维质燃料正向阴燃数值模拟研究
3.Based on a three-step kinetic mechanism, a two-dimensional and time-dependent numerical model is presented for the forward smoldering propagation in a horizontally packed bed of cellulosic material.根据多孔固体燃料3步反应动力学机理,建立了2D非稳态纤维质材料水平填充床正向阴燃的数学模型。
5)positive direction linkage正向联动
1.Usually,there is a positive direction linkage between gold price and oil price.黄金和石油的价格波动在大多数时候呈正向联动关系,虽然没有严格的数字比例关系,但是其波动趋势往往相同。
6)forward simulation正向模拟
1.First backward simulation was made by using population parameter method to quickly get an approximate workblank,and then forward simulation was made by using incremental method to modify the workblank outline for the purpose of getting comparatively accurate outline dimension.介绍了一种用于冲压毛坯设计的新方法——基于正、反向模拟的毛坯外形设计技术,即先用全量法进行反向模拟,快速得出近似的坯料,再用增量法进行正向模拟修正毛坯的外轮廓,从而得到比较精确的坯料尺寸。

正向1.定向。 2.房屋坐北面南为正向。