1.A quantitative understanding of springboard mechanics is necessary for divers and coaches to improve their performance.研究跳板的力学特性是提高跳板跳水技术水平的基础,支点选择和踏板位置是两个主要影响因素。
2.The springboard diving training aiding system was developed based on the theory of biofeedback applied in the daily training in a creative way,with the aiding training and testing evaluation as the basic function,and giving attention to sub-function of mathematical statistic analysis.跳板跳水辅助训练系统是基于生物反馈原理设计开发的,它将生物反馈机理创新性地应用于跳水日常训练中,以辅助训练和检测评价作为基本功能,兼顾数理统计分析子功能。

1.Human-board interaction during a running takeoff in springboard diving;跳板跳水起跳动作时的人板协调关系
2.Do you use diving board or diving tower?是跳板跳水还是跳台跳水?
3.The diver should project himself into the air from a high-board or springboard.跳水运动员应从跳台或跳板腾空而起。
4.Application of Springboard in High-jump and Long-jump Teaching;“踏跳板”在跳高、跳远教学中的应用
5.Mechematical modelling and optimization of the man-plate system;跳板跳水人-板系统的数学建模与优化
6.Both Feet Analysis on Counterforce During Landing Springboard of Diving Athletes ;跳板跳水运动员双足落板的受力分析
7.Kinetics Analysis on Person-board System While Taking off in Springboard Dive;跳板跳水起跳阶段人板系统的动力学分析
8.Diving is of two kinds: springboard and platform Springboard diving is done from a flexible plank 1 or 3 meters above the water;跳水分跳板和跳台两种。跳板跳水在距水面1至3米的弹性跳板上进行;
9.Four for men and women each-springboard, synchronized springboard, platform, synchronized platform.男女各4个——单人跳板、双人跳板、单人跳台和双人跳台。
10.In the final of a competitor, how many dives does a competitor take?跳板项目,男子跳11个动作,女子跳10个动作。
11.In the springboard event, men take eleven dives, women take ten dives.跳板项目中,男子跳11个动作,女子跳10个动作。
12.A Kinematics Analysis on the Swinging Limbs in the Stride Step of Springboard跳板跳水跨跳步摆动肢体的运动学分析
13.She sprang from the diving board into the water.她从跳板上跃入水中。
14.I cut across to the middle board.我越过中间的跳板
15.Function of a Springboard Remains Vigorous“跳板”功能旺盛不衰
16.Jim didn't have the nerve to jump off the high diving board.吉姆不敢从跳板上往下跳。
17.The competitors will dive off the highest board.参赛者将从最高的跳板上跳水。
18.The girl dived in bravely off the high board那个女孩勇敢地从高跳板上跳入水中。

1.Analysis of ramp loss fault of “BETIRAOI”;“BETIRAOI”轮跳板失落分析
2.The design and installation of the ramp for car/passenger ferry;车/客渡船跳板的设计安装
3)gang plank跳板跳板
4)springboard diving跳板跳水
1.Human-board interaction during a running takeoff in springboard diving;跳板跳水起跳动作时的人板协调关系
2.The taking-off process in springboard diving motion is analyzed in this paper on the basis of mechanical model of diver/springboard system.基于人-板系统的数学模型分析跳板跳水起跳阶段的各个过程。
3.This paper analyses the technique of both approach and take-off on springboard diving,and primarily introduces the research of both methodological advancement and progeny,then makes elementary academic discussion on some biomechanical problem of springboard diving.针对跳板跳水技术性强的助跑、起跳技术进行分析,介绍国内外不同时期有关跳板跳水运动技术研究方法的进展和研究成果,并对人板系统的一些力和能量问题进行初步的理论探讨。
1.The approach and take-off technique is the most critical technical part in springboard diving.走板起跳技术是跳板跳水中最难掌握和最关键的技术环节,技术和节奏上的失误会影响起跳后动作技术的完成,甚至使动作失败。
6)Board diving跳板跳水
1.An Analysis of Aerial Performance Techniques in 3-m Board Diving With the Method of 3-D Kinesiology;三米跳板跳水空中技术动作的三维运动学分析方法

跳板  一种中国民间体育游戏活动。在一块数米长的木板的中段,置物垫起,离地尺余,两端重量基本平均。跳板中段坐1~2人,用身体重量将跳板压住,起固定的作用。跳时一般以两人为 1组,各站在木板的一端,轮番向空中跳起,落下时用力踏板,将对方弹起至空中,周而复始,以达到的高度定胜负。弹起至空中后,还可做分腿、大转身、跳花环、"摘苹果"以及"持枪刺杀"等动作。弹得愈高,动作变化也愈多。跳板活动一般在喜庆丰收的季节里举行,对培养勇敢坚强的意志和增强体质有良好作用,在中国东北地区较为盛行,尤为中国朝鲜族妇女所喜爱。(见彩图)