1.Safeguards to winding hoists from overwinding and overrelaxation;缠绕式提升机的过卷和过放安全保护
2.Application of overwinding buffer and supporting cage device used in vertical mine;立井提升过卷缓冲托罐装置的应用

1.form a cylinder by rolling.通过卷起形成一个圆筒。
2.Current situation and development of the overwinding and overfalling buffers in a hoist提升机过卷过放缓冲器的现状及发展
3.Enough excess to create an uneven stacking while winding the coil on the rewind.卷取机卷取带卷时,过量冷却液造成卷料不齐平。
4."It looks as if a tornado swept through your room.“好像有龙卷风席卷过你的房间。”
5.Effects of Rolling Process on Rolled Efficiency;卷曲过程控制对卷曲效果影响的探讨
6.During a thunderstorm, a tornado,雷暴雨过程中,龙卷风
7.This film has passed its expiry date.这个胶卷已过了有效期。
8.This film has already been exposed.这胶卷已经拍过了。
9.She has curled her hair.她已卷曲过自己的头发。
10.the act of exposing film to too much light or for too long a time.胶卷曝光的时间过长。
11.Thus physically wrapping the yarn around the package during winding should be avoided. The yarn is wound on the package by only rotating the package.因此,在卷绕过程中不应使纱线围绕卷装回转,而是通过回转卷装将纱线卷绕上去。
12.To straighten(hair) by a chemical process; conk.使卷发变直通过化学程序把(卷发)弄直;把卷曲的头发弄直
13.Adjustment in Rolling Conical Shell with Three Roller Machine and Improvement of Rolling Process三辊卷板机卷制任意锥筒的调整计算及卷制过程的改进
14.No one was injured when a twister hit here on Friday.星期五没有人在龙卷风席卷过的地方受伤。
15.Change of Filtration Efficiency of Filter During Cigarette Smoking卷烟抽吸过程中滤嘴过滤效率的变化
16.The flames licked at our feet.火苗朝我们脚下卷了过来
17.Unbalanced yarns have sufficient twist to kink.卷缩的纱线捻度过高会产生扭结。
18.the action of taking up as by tightening or absorption or reeling in.通过抓紧、吸住或卷紧来占有的动作。

1.Problems on overwind prevention of hoisting equipment;提升设备过卷保护的几个问题
2.The improvement of overwind and automatic speed reducting gear for mine hoist;矿用提升绞车过卷及自动减速装置改进
3.Application of very-short-distance overwind buffer and falling prevention system;超短距离过卷缓冲与防坠系统的应用
1.By the quantitative analysis of over-wind fault, the importance of buffer in winding system is demonstrated.通过对一起过卷事故的定量分析,论证缓冲装置在提升系统中的重要作用。
4)overwinding and overrelaxation过卷过放
5)coiling process卷取过程
1.Finite element analysis for scroll pressure for tension-coiling process;张力卷取过程卷筒压力的有限元分析
2.In order to analyze the distribution of internal frictional force and determine the least layer number for expansion of coiler,the coiling process was studied with FEM.为了分析热轧带钢在卷取过程中层间摩擦力分布和确定卷筒胀径时最小带卷层数,利用有限元的手段再现了热轧带钢卷取的全过程。
6)cushioning in reeling过卷缓冲
1.Variously compared the principles and performances of the equipments for impact-resistance,cushioning in reeling and bracketing cage protection between BS+FHT-Type and HZHN-Type vertical elevating systems,clarified the superiority of the metal-strip reverse-stoppage cushioning equipment and proved its favorable safety,reliability and the prospect for its popularization and application.多方面比较了BS+FHT型和HZHN型立井提升系统防撞、过卷缓冲、托罐保护装置的原理和性能,阐明了钢带逆止缓冲装置的优越性,用现场实例证明其良好的安全可靠性和推广应用前景。

孙过庭《书谱卷上》卷  中国唐代书法家孙过庭的书法名迹、著名书法理论著述。孙过庭(7世纪 ),字虔礼,吴郡(今江苏苏州)人,一作富阳(今浙江富阳)人。官至率府录事参军,博雅有文章。此卷为纸本,草书,纵26.5厘米,横 900.8厘米。《书谱》原为2卷6篇,现存其草书真迹一卷,题为《书谱卷上》。其内容论述正、草二体书的章法及学习和创作的经验,议论精辟,文章宏美,是一部书文并茂的书法理论著作。书法继承二王(羲之、献之),笔墨流畅,墨色清润。后署"垂拱三年 (687)写记"。    前黄绢隔水上嵌宋徽宗赵佶书"唐孙过庭书谱序"7 字标签,钤双龙玉玺及"宣和"、"政和"印和清孙承泽、梁清标、安岐、乾隆、嘉庆诸藏印。又数方古印不辨。《米氏书史》、《宣和书谱》、《云烟过眼录》、《志雅堂杂抄》、《王恽书画目》、《钤山堂书画记》、《清秘藏》、《清河书画舫》、《南阳法书表》、《庚子销夏记》、《平生壮观》、《墨缘汇观》、《石渠宝笈·初编》、《大观录》著录。现藏台北故宫博物院。