1.his paper presents the recovery mechanism of a main memory database system, the ARTs-I, including the checkpoint algorithm, the reloading algorithm, and the committing algorithm of a transaction.讨论内存数据库管理系统ARTs-MMDBS的恢复机制,包括CHECKPOINT算法、重装算法和事务的提交处理算法。

1.A book that has been rebound.重装本重新装订后的书
2.On the Phenomenon of “Valuing Renovation While Belittling Decoration”in House;浅谈家装中“重装修轻装饰”之误区
3.mechanized lorry带起重装卸设备的卡车
4.Study of Transverse Shift on Railway Loading Transportation of Heavy Equipment重型装备铁路装载横向移位装置研究
5.Simulation of self-removable counterweight of crawler crane履带起重机配重自拆装装置仿真设计
6.To bind again, especially to put a new binding on(a book).重新装订再一次装订,尤指对(某书)重新装订
7.Deducting the tare weight from the gross weight, we get the net weight.毛重扣掉外包装重量便得到净重。
8.Reload the current page Reload this page from the server Reload重新装入当前页 从服务器重新装入当前页 重新装入
9.PACKING: In bulk in containers, of approximately18 mt nett per container.包装方式:用集装箱散装,每个集装箱所装载货物净重约为18公吨。
10.Select either the reinstall or repair option below.请选择“重新安装”或“修复”。
11.cloth area weighing device织物单位重量测定装置
12.device for resetting instruments or controls.重新启动或控制的装置。
13.crane with derricking jib装有人字铁臂的起重机
14.self loading truck自动装卸式载重汽车
15.map comparison unit地形图重合比较装置
16.oscillating device mechanism重锤摆动装置的机构
17.convertible crane可更换装备的起重机
18.floating crane for erection work建筑安装用浮式起重机

4)weight-fixed loading定重装载
1.Research on Main Shaft s Skip Weight-fixed Loading System of Coal Mine;矿用立井箕斗定重装载系统研究
2.The new system implements automatic and weight-fixed loading.针对原装载系统存在的问题,利用可编程控制器实现系统主控制,对井下装载系统的定重、定容、定时装载方式进行改造,实现了装载自动化和定重装载。
5)catalytic reformer重整装置
1.The plugging of flow paths in catalytic reformer hydrogen compressor is analyzed.对重整装置循环氢压缩机流道堵塞现象进行了分析,提出了调整水氯平衡降低循环气中Cl-含量,改进缓冲罐出口破沫网,压缩机定期解体大修等一系列预防措施,有效的消除了堵塞现象,保证装置安全、平稳运行。
6)reforming unit重整装置
1.Application of surface evaporative air cooled heat exchanger in reforming unit;表面蒸发式空冷器在重整装置中的应用
