1.It is beyond question that Copyright Law endows the press with the right of reprint and excerpt.著作权法赋予报刊转载、摘编权是毋庸置疑的。
2.This paper analyzed the Language and Literature articles carried in Xinhua Abstracts,China Social Sciences Digest,and China University Academic Abstracts between 2000 and 2005 reprinted from liberal arts journals,and found some characteristics of proportions,units and contents of reprinting articles,which is helpful of finding the questions and improving the work of university journal.通过对2000年-2005年间《新华文摘》、《中国社会科学文摘》、《高等学校文科学术文摘》三大文摘转载学报中文学语言类文章情况的分析,可以发现三大文摘在转载文章比例、转载学报单位和转载文章内容等方面的一些特点。

1.The article was first published in Ming Pao Daily News.本文转载自《明报》
2.automatic turntable transfer vehicle设有转盘的自动转载
3.Alas, I have read no more of him!(本文未经许可不得转载)
4.The customer shall not reproduce other's information for resale and reloading.有擅自复制他人信息转售、转载情事者。
5.Analysis on Secondary Document and Rates of Web-downloaded of Psychology Periodicals from 2004 to 2006--Based on CSSCI;心理学期刊二次文献转载及W eb下载率分析
6.The social property of the academic reprint was its socillogic foundation, its significance on the sociology and science was its functional token.学术转载的社会属性是学术转载的社会学基础,其社会学和科学学意义是学术转载功能的表征。
7.Feel free to extend and quote this description, please note its origin in your extension/ reference, thanks.本描述允许自由扩展及转载,扩展及转载请注明出处,谢谢.
8.The requirement of the sociology and science on academic reprint constituted its standard.社会学和科学学对学术转载的要求又构成了学术转载的标准。
9.Your article is reproduced in another magazine.你的文章由另一家杂志转载
10.jib type tractor loader转臂式拖拉机装载器
11.one arm swinging front loader单臂旋转式前置装载机
12.Typical droop is two cycles in frequency from no load to full load.从空载到满载转速降一般为两赫兹。
13.To transfer(data)to a peripheral device.下载把(数据)转移到外转设备
14.rotational moment of steering gear转向器空载转动力矩特性
15.Built-in electric load can make the instrument conveniently perform idling/ load conversion.内置电子负载能方便的进行空、载转换测试。
16.Built-in electric load can make the instrument conveniently perform idling/load conversion.内置电子负载能方便的进行空、负载转换测试。
17.The Effect of Support on Two-Step Conversion of Methane Over Supported Platinum Catalysts;甲烷两步转化反应中负载Pt催化剂的载体效应
18.Wind Load Configure Coefficients of Dome in Load Code;对荷载规范中旋转壳顶的风载体型系数的研究

1.Direct to loading coal at transpersite can increase amount of dust density,and cause serious influence to the workers' health and safety of factory,expounds the mechanism of dust separating out and the harm of the dust,and combined with the present dust controlling technology in coal preparation plant at home and abroad,makes some comprehensive discussion of effective administration of the dust.针对选煤厂转载转载煤流时会造成相当大的扬尘,导致转载点粉尘浓度增大,对生产作业人员自身健康和工厂安全生产造成严重影响的状况,着重论述了转载点粉尘的析出机理和粉尘的危害性,结合目前国内外选煤厂粉尘治理技术,对粉尘的有效治理进行了综合性探讨。
2.Because of having certain drop height, a mass of fugitive dust is created in the transpersite, re.皮带输煤系统的转载点是选煤厂最主要的产尘环节。
1.Fully mechanized coal caving face in the recovery process,the forward Loader problem becomes particularly prominent,with coal mining how loader direction and velocity accurately,as a need to move quickly to solve the problems that in this paper,the problem,the design an.随着综采放顶煤技术的发展,综采放顶煤设备的体积和自重日益增加,使综采放顶煤设备的安装、拆除、运输和移动都变得十分困难,因此在综采放顶煤工作面的回采过程中,转载机的前移问题就变得尤为突出,如何使转载机随着工作面回采方向和速度准确、快速的前移成为一个急需解决的问题,针对这个问题,提出了设计与改造方案,并在综采放顶煤工作面进行了配套与使用,取得了良好的使用效果。
5)load torque负载转矩
1.This article introduces the tension function in cold rolling process, the reasonable unit tension while coiler running, illustrates how to realize accurate tension calculation in continuous cold rolling line,also analyzes the motor load torque and tension performance curve according to coiler working characteristics.介绍了带钢冷轧工艺张力的作用、卷取机工作时单位张力的合理值和现代冷连轧连续生产线张力的计算,并根据卷取机工作特点分析了电机负载转矩和张力的特性曲线。
2.The state observer observes the precise load torque, rotor position and speed with only a low accuracy position sensor.状态观测器可以利用较低精度的位置传感器来准确观测负载转矩、转子位置和转速。
3.Considering the uncertainty of rotor resistance and load torque, adjusted parameters corresponding to uncertain ones were introduced.针对感应电机转子电阻与负载转矩的不确定性,在设计控制器时,引入与不确定性参数相对应的可调参数。
6)convey-turn loss转载降损
1.The practice of technological improvement on convey-turn loss and second briquetting in briquet factory;型煤厂转载降损及二次成型改造实践

破碎转载站破碎转载站crushing-and-transfering plant  拓运输系统布线的要求作最后确定。POsui zhUanza一z陌n破碎转载站(erushing一and一transfering plant) 将工作面运送来的矿岩破碎到一定块度以下并向带式榆送机转载的场所。它是露天矿采用带式输送机运输时的必要设施。 组成按工艺流程和设备特征分三种组成形式:(1)料仓一破碎机一给料机。这种工艺设备形式较简单,要求的场地较小,全部来料均通过破碎机,要求破碎机的生产能力要大于破碎转载站的通过能力,容易出现向破碎机供料不均的现象。(2)料仓一给料机一破碎机一给料机(闸门)。这种工艺设备形式避免了向破碎机供料不均的问题。(3)筛分机一料仓一给料机一破碎机一给料机(闸门)。这种工艺设备形式在第(2)种形式的基础上又增添了筛分,对来料进行预筛,仅筛上物经给料机给人破碎机,改善了破碎机的有效利用情况和减少了岩石的过度破碎,而筛下物与经破碎机破碎后的成品一起给到带式输送机上,从而可提高整个破碎转载站的通过能力。 分类按其可否移动分为三种:(1)固定式破碎转载站。多设置在开采境界外的附近、地下酮室或开采境界内的非工作台阶,不再移设;(2)半固定式破碎转载站。常设在最终边坡线分期开采境界上,随开采工程的发展而向采场下部分段迁移;(3)移动式破碎转载站。有履带自行式、液压迈步式及辅助设备拖拽式三种移动方式,其设置尽可能靠近开采工作面,以减少汽车的运距。采用移动式破碎转载站可提高露天矿边坡角,减少剥离量,从而可大幅度降低开采成本,是发展和应用的方向。 破碎转载站平台尺寸汽车翻卸时,破碎转载站平台尺寸的确定见图。 垂直矿槽(或破碎机室)调车翻卸时: B,)f、+21十b:+b3十几 顺向矿槽调车翻卸时:刃二匹口二卫巴城_ 一下一,开下二卫二二万二 卫二二二二匹口,仁口口二萝斗 ab 习 C 破碎转载站平台尺寸图 “一垂直矿槽调车;b一顺向矿棺调车, c一两侧倒调两个方向卸车1一汽车;2一矿棺 BZ)f3+bZ+R+l+b3+几 L一BZ 两侧倒调,两个方向卸车时: L=2(人+R)31+b4式中丑1、丑2、B:为平台宽度,m;l为汽车长度,m,b;为两车之间的距离,m;bs为矿槽(或破碎机室)宽度,m;R为曲线半径,m;b:为车行道中心线间距,可取双车道宽度之半,m;b。