1.It includes three motives, such as omen, women’s revenges and the tragic heroes.作为一部中世纪中古高地德语史诗——《尼伯龙根之歌》的研究虽然得到了足够的重视,但是从主题学角度研究该部史诗的文章,在国内外都还未曾出现,本文将母题学理论与史诗相结合,从预兆、女性复仇、悲剧英雄三个母题研究《尼伯龙根之歌》,一定程度上填补了这方面的空白。

1.An omen or foreboding, especially of evil.预示,预兆,凶兆预兆或凶兆,尤指不幸的
2."boding:an omen or foreboding, especially of evil."预示,预兆,凶兆:预兆或凶兆,尤指不幸的。
3.Of or being an omen, especially an evil one.预示的预兆的或成为预兆的,特别是坏的预兆
4.It was an omen among omens, pointing a path for him to tread.这是预兆中的预兆,指引着他走一条路。
5.without any warning,在毫无预兆的情况下,
6.Palpitation is a warming of heart trouble.心悸是心脏病的预兆
7.a steadily escalating sense of foreboding; the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case.这是一种不祥的预兆
8.The crocus is a herald of spring.报春花是春天的预兆
9.Dark clouds denote rain.乌云是下雨的预兆
10.This sign presages rains.这种迹象是下雨的预兆
11.A gloomy prognosis for economic recovery.经济复苏的黯淡预兆
12.rebuffed (by a lover) without warning.(被爱人)毫无预兆的回绝。
13.An indication of something important or calamitous about to occur;an omen.预告,为…的征兆预示着重大事情或灾难性事情即将发生的预兆;预告
14.To be or give a sign or portent of.预示做或给出记号或预兆
15.betoken:To be or give a sign or portent of.预示:做或给出记号或预兆
16.A sense that something is about to occur;a premonition.预感感到什么事将要发生的感觉;预先警告,预兆
17.I could see the handwriting on the wall when they called me in.他们叫我进去时,我感到了不祥的预兆
18.happening or coming quickly and without warning.迅速、没有预兆的发生或者到来。

An advance sign; a warning.预兆;征兆
4)sign of water pouring透水预兆
5)outburst premonition突出预兆
1.9%, the compressive and tensile strengths, fracture energy and bending toughness of concrete have been significantly improved, so that its fail- ure is premonitory, and a superior strain toughening is exhibited when a crack is initiated as an indication of the hybrid effect of steel and polypropylene fibers.9%),混杂纤维混凝土的抗压、抗拉强度、断裂性能和抗弯韧性得到了较显著的提高,使混凝土的破坏具有预征兆性,并在混凝土材料初裂后呈现优越的应变硬化行为,体现了两者的混杂效应。

预兆预兆 预先显露出来的疾病征象。如癫痫病人发作前的上腹部不适、眩晕、心悸、幻觉和身体局部抽动的先兆症状。