1.Applying the method of malfunction tree analysis in reliability design,the cause of rope-breaking in vertical mine skip hoisting system is analyzed,and measure preventing from rope-breaking is bring forward,which will help improving the security in vertical mine skip hoisting system.矿井提升钢丝绳是矿井提升系统最重要的组成部分,钢丝绳断绳,不但影响矿井生产,还危及矿井安全。

1.after cutting at the rope, the prisoner escaped犯人割断绳索后逃跑了。
2.cut a rope, cable, thread, etc割断绳子、 缆索、 线等
3.Don't cut the string, untie the knots.别剪断绳子, 把结解开.
4.The cat was caught in the rope, and Bill cut it free.猫被绳子缠住了,比尔割断绳子,将它放开。
5.The tension was so great that the rope broke.绳子拉得太紧绷断了。
6.The rope broke and he fell to the ground.绳子断了,他跌掉在地上。
7.hook rope knife切断井中钢丝绳的割刀
8.breaking tensile test of rope钢丝绳破断拉伸试验
9.rope breaking strength tester钢丝绳断裂强度试验计
10.Little strokes fall great oaks .绳锯木断,水滴石穿。
11.Constant dripping wears away a stone水滴石穿,绳锯木断
12.He hung on until the rope broke.他抓紧着,直到绳子断了。
13.The rope began to separate under the heavy load.绳子受重负开始断裂。
14.testing method for breaking strength and elongation of webbing,tape and braided绳、带子、编绳的断裂强力和断裂伸长率的测定法
15.Introduction of the Cast Method to Examine Aggregate Breaking Force浇铸法测试钢丝绳整绳破断拉力试验方法
16.Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat, and let her fall off.于是兵丁砍断小船的绳子,由他飘去。
17.This well rope is worn; get a new one, please.这根井绳快磨断了, 换根新的吧。
18.The prisoners cut themselves free from ropes with which they have been bound犯人们将束缚自己的绳索割断。

Steel wire break-off security断绳保护
3)rope-broken accident断绳事故
1.This paper introduces the characteristics of steel wire ropes used in the inclined-tunnel's lifting conveyance,analyzes on the main reasons of the rope-broken accident of hydraulic support in fully mechanized coal mining face,and advances some measures for preventing the accident.介绍了斜巷提升运输中钢丝绳的特性,分析了综采液压支架断绳事故的主要原因,提出了预防事故发生的措施。
4)broken cord rope芯绳断裂
1.This paper discusses a new detection method for broken cord rope of steel cord belt by electromagnetic detection principle and computer quantitative treatment technique.本文利用电磁探伤原理和计算机定量处理技术,研究了钢绳芯输送带芯绳断裂的一种新的检测方法,为及时准确地掌握钢绳芯输送的剩余强度,确保强力带式输送机的安全可靠运行提供了新的途径。
5)suspension lines fracturing伞绳断裂
6)wire rope breakage钢绳断裂
