1.The paper details the actualities and questions in longwall coal face headgate of Shenhua Group Co.分析了目前神华集团神东矿区综采工作面回风巷超前支护的现状及存在的问题,借鉴综采工作面液压支架支护理论研发了ZFDC6000/26。
1.Research and Implementation on Oblique Crossed Boreholes in Air Return Gateway of Coal Mining Face回采工作面回风巷斜交钻孔的研究与实施
2.Research on Distribution Regularity of Deposited Dust in Return-air Way of Coal Face采煤工作面回风巷沉积煤尘分布规律的研究
3.The Research of Reform Layout to KongZhuang Coal Mining Area Dedicated to Specialized Wind Lane孔庄煤矿采区专用回风巷改造方案研究
4.Optimization of Ventilation System in Protection of Pillar on Recovery Roadway回收大巷保护煤柱时通风系统的优化
5.Technology of Anchored Bolt Supporting for Main Return-air Roadway at+450m Level in Gaohe Mine高河矿井+450m水平总回风大巷锚杆支护技术
6.New Type Support Design on Repair of South Wing Return Air Roadway in Guobei Coal Mine涡北煤矿南翼回风大巷修复新型支护设计
7.Practices on Bolt/Steel Mesh/Shotcreting Support of Down-Dip Seam Gateway in Qianjiaying Mine钱家营矿回风下山煤巷锚网喷支护实践
8.Study on Rule of Gas Emission from Drifting Face of East Main Return Airway in Shigang Coal Mine石港矿东回风大巷掘进面瓦斯涌出规律研究
9.On Combined Exploitation Working Face Wind Tunnel Reserving Tunnel along Blank Field;综采工作面风巷沿空留巷技术的探讨
10.and turn down through the lane and come back.然后从那巷子再绕回来。
11.The cold wind searched the streets.寒风吹遍了大街小巷。
12.The Technology and Experience about Gas Discharge in Construction of Return AirRoadway Through 3+4 #,5 # Thick Coal Seam in the Northern Wing of HuaJin Coking Coal Co.,Ltd.Shaqumine沙曲矿北翼回风大巷过3+4#、5#突出厚煤层瓦斯抽放设计技术和体会
13.I heard your laughter running down a million streets.我听见你的笑声在千街万巷中回响。
14.The Application about Recoverable Bolt in Short Walling Drift可回收锚杆在短壁开采巷道中的应用
15.Research on Stability of Gateway under the Condition of Complex Constitution复杂构造条件下回采巷道稳定性研究
16.Study on Gateway Top Caving Technology for Steep-inclined Coal Seam急倾斜煤层巷道放顶煤回采工艺研究
17.The Research and Application of Huge cross-sectional Road metal Mesh timbering大断面回采巷道锚网支护分析及应用
18.Xiao Wang stood on guard and we felt our way into the lane.小王望风我们摸着黑走进那条小巷。
Ventilation roadway回风巷道
1.Strengthening Ventilation roadway Management to Promoting Mine Safety production;加强回风巷道管理促进煤矿安全生产
3)the 22121 wind alley22121回风巷
1.Through the analysis for the 22121 wind alley coal and gas power phenomenon,have summarized the cause of this time power phenomenon.通过对22121回风巷煤与瓦斯动力现象分析,总结了这次动力现象的成因。
6)wind lane专用回风巷
1.Through research on status of ventilation system of KongZhuang coal mine of Shanghai Datun Energy Company Limited According to "Coal Mine Safety Regulation", This paper pointed out the lack of the current mining area to the specialized wind lane in layout side.经技术和经济比较,确定了将该矿目前的采区回风巷改造为专用回风巷的最优实施方案。