1.The results indicated that the compound eye with a shape of half sphere,located on the lateral upsides of its head,was composed of 3 600 ommatidia in both sexes.结果发现:(1)其复眼呈半球形,位于头部两侧,略成"八"字形排列,单个复眼约由3600个小眼组成,最前和最后小眼之间的夹角约为180°,最上和最下小眼之间的夹角约200°;(2)小眼主要由角膜、晶锥和6~8个小网膜细胞、基膜组成,外围环绕有2个初级虹膜色素细胞和6个次级虹膜色素细胞,基膜处有色素颗粒分布;(3)暗适应时,晶锥开裂程度较大,远端5~7个网膜细胞核向远端移动,与晶锥近端相接或接近,次级虹膜色素颗粒亦向远端移动包围晶锥;明适应时,晶锥开裂程度小或闭合,远端网膜细胞核向近端移动,透明带显现,大部分次级虹膜色素颗粒亦向近端移动分布在小网膜细胞柱周围,包被透明带;(4)在相同的明、暗适应下,雌、雄成虫复眼的显微结构无明显差异。
2.3-Eps oblong phase:the Eps lengthened to be brown oblong,the dividing lines of ommatidia appeared.刚孵出幼体的复眼呈黑色半球形,着生在粗短的眼柄原基上,小眼表面观呈六边形。
3.The compound eyes of insects are the most important photoreceptors,that is composed by some independent ommatidia.昆虫的复眼是昆虫最重要的光感受器,复眼是由一个个独立的小眼构成的,每个小眼主要是由角膜、晶锥、感杆束、色素细胞、基膜等组成。

1.Zhang Fei threading a needle/subtle in one's rough ways张飞穿针,大眼瞪小眼
2.Treatment on congenital microphthalmia and eye socket deformity先天性小眼球及隐眼的眼窝畸形矫治
3.Wearing glasses may prevent small insects from flying into your eyes戴上眼睛能防止小昆虫飞入你的眼睛。
4.The little girl winked back her tears.小女孩眨眨眼忍住了眼泪。
5.Miss Pao flushed crimson and her big eyes seemed about to pop out of their sockets.鲍小姐脸飞红,大眼睛像要撑破眼眶。
6.A small cup with a rim contoured to fit the socket of the eye, used for applying a liquid medicine or wash to the eye.洗眼杯一个带边的小杯,轮廓与眼窝相符,用来装洗眼的药液或洗眼
7.a tall Blond sprout of a Boy一个金发碧眼的小伙子
8.Tears washed the child's cheeks.眼泪浸湿了小孩的脸颊
9.The pupils of the patient's eyes contracted.病人眼睛的瞳孔缩小了
10.petty and childish behaviour小心眼和孩子气的行为
11.Small print tries the eyes.印刷字体太小伤眼睛.
12.Little Tom blinked his eyes in surprise.小汤姆惊奇地眨着眼睛。
13.Small print tries our eyes.看小号字体很费眼。
14.Microbes are too small to be seen by the naked eye.微生物很小, 肉眼看不见.
15.Microbes be too small to be see by the naked eye微生物很小, 肉眼看不见
16.Microbes is too small to is see by the naked eye.微生物很小, 肉眼看不见。
17.Your left eye,@ answered the elf.小仙人回答说:“你的左眼。”
18.9.Show small courtesies.9.小事着眼,礼让他人。

1.An ommatidium is composed of transparency area and photonasty area;the transparency area is made up of cuticular cone and aperture,but photonasty area includes retinular cells and a lot of pigment cells.结果表明,中国鲎复眼表面覆盖角膜层,外形呈半球形,由800~1 200个小眼组成,组成复眼的小眼面均为椭圆形。
1.Economic evaluation of slim-hole technology based on fuzzy and cluster analysis;基于模糊聚类分析的小井眼技术经济评价
2.Study on Slim-hole Drilling Hydraulic Parameters Design;小井眼钻井水力参数设计
3.Hade 4-11 well is a typical drill pipe sticking well of slim-hole and super long interval caused by damaged case to leak in Hade operation district of Tarim oilfield.哈得4-11水平井属于塔里木油田哈得作业区典型的因上部套管破损漏失造成的小井眼超长井段沉砂卡钻井。
4)little square eye小方眼
1.In this paper,the reasons of cotton poplins little square eye were analysed and discussed.从力学的角度分析了坯绸织疵小方眼的产生原因和控制小方眼产生的具体办法 ,用于指导生产 ,提高产品质量。
5)slim hole小眼井
1.The slim hole technology and problems in re-entry in Zhongyuan Oilfield;老井重钻小眼井技术特点及问题分析
2.Since 1995,sidetracking operations have been conducted in Zhongyuan Oilfield,and a set of perfect slim hole sidetracking technology has been formed.中原油田自1995年以来开始进行了老井开窗侧钻小眼井技术,数年的努力形成了一套完善工艺。
3.This paper expounds key techniques during the operation process which include 139 7 casing window technique, slim hole trajectory control, accidental refilling, open hole sidetracking and slim hole fishing technique, etc.本文详述了该井施工过程中的重点工艺技术,包括1397套管开窗技术、小眼井轨迹控制技术、小眼井事故填井裸眼侧钻技术及小眼井落鱼打捞技术等。
6)caving popshot放煤小眼

小眼1.小格子;细孔。 2.围棋术语。