1.This paper explores the dilemma these writers faced in reference to their representative works, and goes on to expound further what it sees as a dual character of the Harlem Renaissance as a whole.本文通过对几位主要作家及其作品的具体评析 ,指出他们的两难抉择 ,并阐明哈莱姆文艺复兴的二重性。

1.The Dilemma in Common Testament and Its Legal Measures;共同遗嘱上的两难抉择及其立法应对
2.“Equity or Efficiency”--A Dilemma of Higher Education;“公平与效率”——高等教育面临的两难抉择
3.The Dilemmatic Decision and the Developmental Trace of the Theory and Practice of Cycle Economy;循环经济理念与实践的两难抉择与发展路径
4.The Torment of Uncertain Choice--A Discussion about Schiller s "Humanity Division" Theory;两难抉择的苦恼——论席勒美学思想中的“人性分裂”
5.The Difficult Choice of Enlightenment Thought in Ming and Qing Dynasty --Taking Tang Xian-zu as an Example;明清思想启蒙的两难抉择——以汤显祖为研究个案
6.The Heavy Expense and Nonplus of Township-business Development in Guizhou Province;贵州省乡镇企业发展的沉重代价及其两难抉择
7.On Determinations Between “Predestination” and “Life Occurrence” in the Novel “Romance of The Three Kingdoms”;试论《三国演义》在“天命”和“人事”之间的两难抉择
8.To stress the dilemmas of the issues so as to arouse people's careful pondering.突出问题的两难性,启发人们思考,帮助人们超越两难抉择
9.Li Yi' s case, mentioned in Chapter 7, presents such a dilemma.比如说书中所提到的李易的例子就是一种两难抉择
10.Adifficult choice between city and countryside-- Perception of the separate nuclear family of Zhaicheng village;面对城市与农村的两难抉择——对河北翟城村分离的核心家庭的考察
11.To Be or Not to Be: WU Jingzi s Dilemmatic Choice--On the Dilemma of Being Officials or Not in “Unofficial History of Confucians";入世与出世:吴敬梓的两难抉择——论《儒林外史》中仕与隐的矛盾
12.The Dilemma Facing the "New Negro" Writers and the Dual Character of the Harlem Renaissance;“新黑人”作家的两难抉择和“哈莱姆文艺复兴”的二重性
13.In Return: Equality or Efficiency;平等与收益的两难抉择——助学贷款政策的国际比较研究
14.A Difficult Choice Between Ideal and Reality --Viewing Love Affairs Described in the Tang Tales from an Angle of the Marriage System of the Tang Dynasty;理想与现实的两难抉择——从唐代户婚制度看唐传奇的婚恋现象
15.Dilemma in "Localization" and "Take-up"--Conspectus on the Translation of Western Literature Theory Since 1980 s;“本土化”与“全盘西化”的两难抉择——20世纪80年代中期以来西方文论译介概论
16.Dilemma and Way Out in the Decision of Curriculum Knowledge;课程知识抉择中的“两难”困境与出路
17.On Predicament of Value of Social Work;试析社会工作价值选择的两难困境及抉择
18.The road map your one truck has to travel across presents you with a dilemma.你卡车运货路线的地图给了你一个两难的抉择。

hard choice二难抉择
3)Difficult Choices艰难抉择
1.Difficult Choices of Where to Go——Comments on Gao Jialin's Tragic Fate in the Novel Life何去何从的艰难抉择——《人生》高加林悲剧命运评析
4)be faced with two alternatives面临两种抉择
1.It is necessary to maintain stable and rapid economic development while the control of too fast price rise is required,and the key of this dilemma is how to find the balance point.既要保持经济平稳较快发展,又要控制物价过快上涨,是两难选择,关键在于如何寻找两者的平衡点。
2.She made attempts to find a perfect solution while she was put in a dilemma by the ethical codes and reality,thus her image is more vivid and lifelike.礼教与现实将她置于两难选择境地当中,她却试图找到一个完美的结合点,从而也使她的形象更为丰富、逼真。
3.The dilemma of China s geopolitical strategy first led to Ming Dynasty s retreat from the sea,then influenced and restricted the vicissitude and development direction of modern China.中国地缘战略之两难选择首先导致郑和远航的悲壮结局,继而影响和制约中国近代社会的变迁和发展方向。
6)Open Economy Tri-lemma三元悖论(三难抉择)
