1.The stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of Pinus koraiensis tree ring cellulose was measured to study climate changes in the Antu area.测定了安图红松树轮稳定碳、氧同位素组成。

1.On Lv Dafang s Map of Chang an City in the Song Dynasty and the Restored Map;宋吕大防《长安图》及后世复原图研究
2.One, a complete set of blueprints for installation purpose.首先,成套的机器安装图。
3.Andrew's Fourier-type plot安德鲁的傅立叶型点图
4.These picture books are for you, Ann.安,这本图画书是给你的。
6.In the library silence reigned, ie it was totally silent.图书馆内十分安静.
7.When men are easy in their circumstances, they are naturally enemy to innovation.贪图安逸,不思革新。
8.He tried to fit a new lock on the door.他试图给门安个新锁。
9.EVALUATION OF THE 1:250,000 MAP OF ANHUI PROVINCE1∶250,000《安徽省地图》评介
10.check whether it has been secured properly as shown in Fig.1如图1所示检查是否已安实/安牢/牢固
11.security devices, recording equipment, security schematics安全设备, 记录设备, 安全示意图
12.security system design, wiring diagrams, external security安全系统设计, 接线图, 外部安全
13.Knowledgeable of library management software and library security systems.掌握图书管理和图书安全系统软件的操作。
14.FIG.1 is a perspective view of a warning marker assembly mounted on a suspended cable;图1为安装在悬挂式电缆上警示器的透视图。
15.Discussion on feasibility of application of satellite aerial photography to the public security work;卫星航拍图与平面图在公安工作中应用的比较
16.“Jian an Engraving”--Popular Way of Reading Pictures by Ancient Folks;无书不图的“建安版画”——古代民间大众的读图方式
17.A security initialization error occurred while trying to verify secure receipt.在试图校验安全收条时出现安全初始化错误。
18.Shanghai's Public Security Bureau (PSB) is attempting to silence the city's motorists.上海市公安局正在试图让该市的司机保持安静。

GA General Arrangement安装图.总图
3)detail drawing of installation安装详图
4)view security视图安全
1.To study the problem of information disclosure in the publishing process and guarantee the security of views,the paper firstly summarizes the previous researches on view security from research methods, security precautions and security level.首先从研究方法、安全措施和安全级别等方面总结了现有的视图安全研究进展,然后给出了视图安全的研究意义及发展趋势。
5)Security view安全视图
1.Research of XML Access Control Model Based on Security View;基于安全视图的XML访问控制模型的研究
2.Research on the Problems of XML Query and Updatting Based on Security View;基于安全视图的XML查询及更新问题的研究
3.To generate a security update view,the annotations of updating constrains were added to Document Type Definition (DTD) elements of a security view,such as Insert,Delete and Replace,to instruct the updating process.通过在安全视图的基础上引入Insert、Delete和Replace等更新标记,形成安全更新视图,并提供给用户。
6)Ming Antu明安图
1.Ming Antu and Catalan Numbers;明安图与Catalan数
2.Ming Antu(1692?—1763?) was an outstanding Mongolian mathematician and astronomer in the Qing Dynasty.明安图是清代一位杰出的蒙古族数学家和天文学家,他去世后他的遗著《割圆密率捷法》,由他的学生在1774年完成,并且在1839年出版了这部著作。

安图人  中国东北地区旧石器时代晚期的人类化石。属晚期智人。1964年发现于吉林省安图县明月镇附近的一个洞穴中。从残存堆积和伴出的动物化石判断,地质时代为晚更新世。放射性碳素断代为距今35370±1850~26560±550年。 1964年吉林省地质局区测大队、东北地理研究所和吉林省博物馆联合组织发掘。    安图人化石只有一颗保存完整的右下第一前臼齿。颊尖和舌尖的形状与现代人相似。嚼面的釉质磨损较重,齿质暴露,估计为中年人,曾患龋齿病和牙周萎缩症。在发现安图人的洞穴及其西9米处的另一小型洞穴中,共出土19种哺乳动物化石。重要的有虎、最后斑鬣狗、真猛犸象、披毛犀、普氏野马、东北野牛和东北狍等,均属东北地区常见的猛犸象-披毛犀动物群,代表寒冷的气候(见中国旧石器时代考古)。植物孢粉分析也表明,当时的气温至少比现在低5℃。