1.The species and faunas of Parnassius in Gansu province;甘肃省绢蝶属的种类及区系
2.The Phylogeny of 5 Chinese Peculiar Parnassius Butterflies Using Noninvasive Sampling mtDNA Sequences;中国5种珍稀绢蝶非损伤性取样的mtDNA序列及系统进化

1.A Study of Parnassiidae(Lepidoptera) in Gansu Province;甘肃省绢蝶科Parnassiidae(Lepidoptera)的研究
2.Description of Papilionidae and Parnassiidae in Forest Region of the Greater Xing'an Mountains,Inner Mongolia内蒙古大兴安岭林区蝶类种的记述(一)——凤蝶科和绢蝶
3.Screening of control agent on Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.and optimum control period蝴蝶兰白绢病防治药剂筛选及防治适期研究
4.Analysis of Content of Amino Acid to Three Kinds of Spun SilkWang桑蚕绢、木薯绢及柞蚕绢氨基酸含量对比分析
5.A small blue butterfly of the family Lycaenidae.蓝蝶灰蝶科的小蓝蝴蝶
6.Here, take my handkerchief.喏,拿去我的手绢。
7.Well, I'll take the silk fan.嗯,我要这把绢扇。
8.From the Coexistence of Silver and the Silk as Currency to the Dismissal of the Silk--The Relations between Silver and the Silk in the North Song Dynasty;从银绢并用到银绢分离——北宋时期的银绢关系试探
9.Any of various brightly colored butterflies of the genera Limenitis and Vanessa.彩蝶,花蝶,纹白蝶,纹红蝶多种蝶属和胥属的色彩绚丽的蝴蝶
10.Woven fabrics of silk, nes其他丝或绢丝机织物
11.He mounted the picture upon silken cloth.他把那幅画裱在绢上。
12.ottoman tissue faille frock土耳其式薄线绢长外衣
13.film screen printing筛网印花,绢网印花
14.This silk drapes beautifully.这块丝绢有美丽的褶皱。
15.The old man fished in his pocket for his handkerchief.老人在口袋里掏手绢。
16.He had rolled a handkerchief round his head.他头上扎着一块手绢。
17.Study on Knitting Technology and Wearing Properties of Floret Silk/flax and Floret Silk/cotton Fabrics;绢/麻、绢/棉针织产品加工工艺及服用性能研究
18.transsphenoidal surgery of pituitary fossa tumors经蝶窦蝶鞍内肿瘤手术;经蝶窦蝶鞍内肿瘤手术

Aporia crataegi(L .)绢粉蝶
1.The genus Parantica is represented in China by four species:Parantica aglea(Stoll),P.对中国绢斑蝶属Parantica Moore,1880进行了系统分类。
1.In this paper, we comparatively studied Zerynthiini, Parnassiini and related tribes in the subfamily Papilioninae, with respect to their larval morphological characters, venations, wing streaks, scales, female sphragis, male genitalia, geographical distributional patterns, historical changes, and phylogenetic relationships.本文对锯凤蝶族Zerynthiini、绢蝶族Parnassiini及凤蝶亚科Papilioninae中相关族的幼虫形态、翅脉、翅面斑纹、鳞片、雌性交配栓、雄性外生殖器、地理分布与历史变迁,进行了比较研究,对这些类群的亲缘关系进行了初步探讨。

红珠绢蝶(图) 红珠绢蝶  红珠绢蝶属鳞翅目,绢蝶科。红珠绢蝶翅白色,半透明。前翅翅基及前缘布有一层黑色鳞片。中室中部及横脉处各有1黑色斑。后翅外缘有淡黑色断续带纹。它翅展58~88mm。主要分布于北京、河北、河南、青海、陕西、新疆、甘肃等地。