1.A system study of the family Silphidae (Coleoptera) from Northeast China was conducted in the present paper.埋葬甲科昆虫多以动物尸体为食,也有捕食蜗牛、蝇蛆、蛾类幼虫或为害植物者。

1.The act or process of burying.埋葬埋葬的行为或过程
2.To place(a corpse) in a grave, a tomb, or the sea; inter.埋葬将(尸体)放入坟墓、墓穴或海里;埋葬
3.The act or ritual of interring or burying.安葬埋葬或掩埋的行为或仪式
4.They laid him away in the tomb.他们将他埋葬在坟墓里。
5.His ashes were buried.他的骨灰被埋葬了。
6.The place is the ground where a dead person is buried.这里是埋葬死者的地方。
7.doubt I will bury under faith.我要以真诚埋葬怀疑.
8.a burial chamber (usually underground).埋葬的场所(通常在地下)。
9.Where he is buried is a beautiful place .他被埋葬的地方很美。
10.Rebury hastily at dead of night.在深夜匆匆再予埋葬
11.The body was interred at the cemetery.遗体埋葬在公墓里。
12.Bury the old world and build a new one.埋葬旧世界, 建设新世界。
13.Bury a person with full military honours, ie with a special ceremony to honour the dead soldier以隆重的军葬礼埋葬死者
14.certificate of order authorizing burial/cremation of body授权埋葬/火葬尸体命令证明书
15.The corpse was laid out by the undertaker.承办殡葬者准备埋葬尸体。
16.The funeral is tomorrow and they will bury the body after the church service.葬礼明天举行, 他们会在教堂仪式后埋葬遗体。
17.The remains are then wrapped in a new shroud and reburied.然后,尸骨会用新麻布包起来重新埋葬
18.the grim task of burying the victims of the earthquake.埋葬地震受害者的令人恐怖的工作。

3)To bury or entomb;inter.埋葬埋葬或掩埋;埋葬
5)Burial Characteristics埋葬特征
6)Burial Customs埋葬习俗
1.The Burial Customs in Predynastic Period of Egypt;埃及前王朝时代的埋葬习俗
