1.Tuvia liupanensis sp.记述了采自中国西北部宁夏省六盘山自然保护区的图属1新种,六盘山图Tuvia liupanensis sp。
2)signals assigned谱图归属
3)graphic attribute图形属性

1.The Application of "inquiring drawing properties" of AutoCAD;AutoCAD中“查询图形属性”功能的应用
2.Designating a property of a geometric figure that does not vary when the figure undergoes projection.射影的指定几何图形属性的,以便当这个图形经受影射时不发生变化
3.Modifying the Attribute of AutoCAD Drawing Using the VBA Programming;利用VBA编程修改Auto CAD图形的属性
4.Shape protection and/or layer properties prevent complete execution of this command.形状保护和/或图层属性阻止完成此命令的执行。
5.As the view of the object enlarges, attributes (often textual) appear superimposed over its graphical representation.随着对象视图的增大,属性(经常是文本)出现在其图形表达上。
6.Based Physics and Computer Graphics Simulation of Deformation and Fracture;基于物理属性和计算机图形学的形变、断裂虚拟感仿真
7.Drawings for metal hull of ships--Graphical symbolsGB/T4476.2-1984金属船体制图图形符号
8.Study on Image-based Modeling Techniques for Reconstruction of Shape and Reflectance Properties of Specular Objects基于图像的带高光物体的形状和反射属性建模技术研究
9.picture attribute with string data串式数据的图像属性
10.Taper type hanger and straight type hanger are available for tubing head.油管挂的密封形式有非金属密封(图一)金属密封(图二)种形式。
11.No shapes are selected in the drawing. Select shapes to apply the custom property sets to, and try again.未在绘图中选择任何形状。请选择自定义属性集所要应用于的形状,然后重试。
12.plastic analysis of metal forming金属成形的塑性分析
13.Remote Bus Graph and Image Monitoring System for the Monorail Transport at Metal Mines金属矿山单轨运输远程总线图形图像监控系统
14.Soil-Landform Relationships and Their Modeling within Single Mapping Unit;单一制图单元内土壤属性的空间变异性及其与地形的关系和建模研究
15.The imaginary elements pertain to a condition or state of a figure.虚元素属于一个图形的某一种情形或状态。
16.This shape is not currently part of a Gantt Chart. Drop a Gantt Chart frame shape to create a new chart, or add this shape to an existing chart.此形状当前不属于甘特图。拖放甘特图框形状以创建新的图表,或将此形状添加到现有图表。
17.An error occurred while attempting to load the content type property names. Verify that the software is installed property and that system resources are available.试图加载内容类形属性名称时出现错误。请确认软件安装正确且系统资源可用。
18."Choose the columns (fields) from your data file that you want to add to organization chart shapes as custom property fields.""从数据文件中选择要作为自定义属性字段添加到组织结构图形状中的列(字段)。"

signals assigned谱图归属
3)graphic attribute图形属性
4)attributed graph属性图
1.First,the sub-part,which is to be retrieved,of a 3D CAD model is selected interactively by users and its attributed graph is automatically generated.由用户交互式地选择欲检索的模型局部结构,并自动生成该局部结构的属性图;然后取出三维CAD模型库中每个待检索模型,根据模型的B-rep表示过滤出其中与欲检索局部结构组成面相似的面,通过删除不相关面,有效地将可能相似的局部结构从待检索模型中分离出来;最后利用图论中二分图最优匹配算法计算出模型中分离出的结构和欲检索局部结构的相似系数,并将该相似系数作为实现模型局部相似性检索的依据。
2.An electrical symbol is represented by the attributed graph with two-level attributes.该方法先根据电气符号的几何特征将其从图纸中提取出来并使用含两级属性的属性图表示,然后采用过滤图模式库和Ullman算法相结合的方法识别电气符号,最后提取图纸中各种文字标注和电气符号的连接关系。
5)Drawings block with attribute属性图块
6)map attribute地图属性

图的减缩图(或称图子式)图的减缩图(或称图子式)minor of a graph 图的减缩图(或称图子式)【.皿以ofa脚户;MHHoPrpa中a」【补注】设G是一个图(graph)(可以有环及多重边).G的一个减缩图(nullor)是从G中接连进行下述运算而得的任何一个图: i)删去一条边; 五)收缩一条边; 说)去掉一个孤立顶点. NRobe由on与P.D.Se脚aour的图减缩定理(脚Ph nl的。r theon习11)如下所述:已知有限图的无穷序列G,,GZ,…,则存在指标i