植被类型,vegetation type
1)vegetation type植被类型
1.Soil carbon storage and CO_2 flux under different vegetation types in Qilian Mountains;祁连山不同植被类型土壤碳贮量和碳通量
2.Analysis of species composition and vegetation types of natural vegetation in coastal rural area of Qionghai in Hainan Province;海南琼海沿海农村自然植被的物种组成及植被类型分析
3.Soil respiration characteristics of different vegetation types in the mountain areas of north China;华北山地不同植被类型土壤呼吸特征研究

1.Study on the Vegetation Type and Floristic Characteristics of Beiji Island;北麂列岛的植被类型和植物区系研究
2.The heath series includes poor vegetation types.石楠系列包含的是贫乏植被类型
4.Characteristics of soil nutrients of different vegetation types in the Three Gorges reservoir area三峡库区不同植被类型土壤养分特征
5.An Investigation to Types of Spermatophyte Vegetation and Community Characteristics in Xiao Tianchi;小天池种子植物植被类型及群落特征的调查
6.Characteristics of Ground Covers under Main Vegetation Types in Zhanggutai Sandy Area at Zhangwu,Liaoning Province章古台沙地主要植被类型下地被物特征研究
7.Effect of Different Vegetation Zone on Soil Quality in Plant Restoration of Loess Hilly Region黄土丘陵植被恢复区不同植被类型对土壤物理性质的影响
8.Study on the Designing of Forest Development Types for Typical Vegetation Types in Xi'shan Region, Beijing, China北京西山地区典型植被类型森林发展类型设计研究
9.A surveny of vegetation types on this planet indicates that forests are not ubiquitous.环视地球上的植被类型表明,森林并非到处存在。
10.A Preliminary Study on the Main Vegetation Types and their Distribution in Shanxi Province山西主要植被类型及其分布的初步研究
11.Studies on Soil Organic Carbon under Main Forest Vegetation Types in the Three-Gorges Reservior Area;三峡库区主要森林植被类型土壤有机碳研究
12.Function on Soil and Water Conservation of the Main Forest Types in Anji County;浙江安吉主要植被类型土壤水土保持功能研究
13.Study on Different Vegetation Types Biomass and Productivity in Three Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区不同植被类型生物量与生产力研究
14.Study on Hydrological Effects and Evaluation of Different Vegetation in Western Sichuan, China川西亚高山不同植被类型林地水文效应及评价
15.Study on Change of NDVI for Different Vegetation Types Based on Spot Vegetation in Hainan基于Spot Vegetation的海南岛植被类型NDVI变化特征研究
16.The Emission of N_2O from the Chongming Dongtan Wetland under Different Plants崇明东滩湿地不同植被类型下N_2O排放通量研究
17.Research on Diurnal Dynamics Characteristic of Microclimate Under Different Vegetation in Beach滩地不同植被类型小气候日动态特征研究
18.The Study on Soil Microbial Characteristic under Different Types of Vegetation in Liaohe Delta辽河三角洲不同植被类型土壤微生物特征研究

vegetation types植被类型
1.Temporal heterogeneity of soil moisture under different vegetation types in Qilian Mountain;祁连山浅山区不同植被类型土壤水分时间异质性
2.Topographic differences for vegetation types in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve,Fujian Province;武夷山国家级自然保护区植被类型的地形分异
3.Effect of the vegetation types on runoff generation on slope land in Simian Mountain of Chongqing;重庆四面山植被类型对坡面产流的影响
1.A comparative study on biological production of major vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau;青藏高原主要植被类型生物生产量的比较研究
2.The water contents in 1m soil layer of eight vegetation types in Yuanmou dry and hot valley in rainy season(August 2 to September 2) were measured and analyzed.通过对元谋干热河谷区加勒比松人工林、加勒比松+车桑子人工混交林、山合欢天然更新林、车桑子+山毛豆人工混交林、桉树人工林、草地、荒坡、膨胀土8种植被类型林地1 m土层内不同层次雨季(8月2日~9月2日)土壤水分含量的分析研究得出:在雨季8种植被类型林地土壤的水分含量均较低,因其土壤的物理性能较差,故蓄水保水能力也较差;各植被类型林地土壤的有机质、养分含量均极低,按照土壤养分含量分级标准,各植被类型林地土壤的养分含量均在6级以下。
3.Different vegetation types were established in a catchment due to soil loss control in the hilly-gully region of the Loess Plateau.以黄土丘陵沟壑区燕沟流域为基础,分析了主要植被类型的SOC,TSN变化及其分布特征。
4)vegetation form植被类型
1.Survey and research on vegetation forms were studied by combining sample lines,sample plots and observation sites in Baima Mountain Nature Reserve of Songxi County based on the distribution rules of Chinese Vegetation.研究表明:松溪白马山省级自然保护区植被类型丰富,植被保存较完整,共具有8个植被型20个群系62个群丛;植被分布水平规律变化界限不明显,在垂直分布上,随着海拔高度的不同形成垂直地带谱。
5)vegetation type map植被类型图
1.Based on the field survey and GIS technology, the vegetation classification system, the vegetation type map(1∶5 000) and the areas of the vegetation formations of MufushanYanziji Mountain in Nanjing are established, made and calculated.在大量野外工作的基础上,借助GIS技术,建立了幕燕山地植被分类系统,研制了幕燕山地1∶5000植被类型图,计算了幕燕山地各群系的面积。
6)Climax type植被归类型

血液有形成分各种类型的血细胞虚线指示中间类型的细胞。 李瑞端绘[图]