标记辅助选择,marker-assisted selection
1)marker-assisted selection标记辅助选择
1.CAPs marker-assisted selection for cold tolerance gene at the booting stage in rice;水稻孕穗期耐冷基因的CAPs标记辅助选择
2.Screening of microsatellite markers for resistance to bacterial leaf streak and their application to marker-assisted selection in rice;水稻细菌性条斑病抗性微卫星(SSR)标记的筛选及其在标记辅助选择中的应用
3.Simulation studies were conducted to investigate the effects of GE interaction on genetic response to marker-assisted selection (MAS).采用Monte Carlo模拟方法研究了基 因型×环境互作对标记辅助选择(Marker-assisted selection,简称MAS)响应的影响,揭示了育种上利用QTL(Quantitative trait locus,简称QTL)应当同时考虑其环境互作效应。

1.Improvement of Grain Quality of G46B by Molecular Marker-assisted Selection;分子标记辅助选择改良G46米质的研究
2.Study of Marker Assisted-selection(MAS) on the Selective Breeding of Tan Sheep in Gansu;标记辅助选择(MAS)在甘肃滩羊选育中的应用研究
3.Studies on Biochemical Marker Auxiliary Selective Indexes of the Noodle Wheat;面条小麦品种生化标记辅助选择指标的研究
4.Improvement of Ogu CMS Restore Lines in Brassica Napus by Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection;分子标记辅助选择培育甘蓝型油菜Ogu CMS恢复系
5.Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection of Pyramiding R-genes to Serious Dieases and Insect Pests into Rice;聚合水稻抗病虫基因的分子标记辅助选择
6.Establishment of SSR Primer-Based Marker Assisted Selection Procedure in QPM Breeding Efforts;优质蛋白玉米标记辅助选择技术体系的建立
7.Simulation Studies on the Marker-assisted Selection of Quantitative Traits;数量性状标记辅助选择的计算机模拟研究
8.Molecular Marker-assisted Breeding for Resistance to Rice Stripe Disease;水稻抗条纹叶枯病分子标记辅助选择育种研究
9.Molecular Marker Assisted Selection for Improving Japonica Resistance to Rice Stripe Disease;分子标记辅助选择改良粳稻条纹叶枯病抗性
10.Mapping of Blast Resistance Genes in Latisail and Marker-Assisted Selection Breeding;Latisail抗稻瘟病基因定位及分子标记辅助选择育种
11.Markers Assisted Selection of Potato Virus Y Resistance in Pepper;辣椒抗马铃薯Y病毒的分子标记辅助选择
12.Marker-Assisted Selection for Fertility Restoration in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)水稻育性恢复基因的分子标记辅助选择
13.The Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection of Two Sets of Near Isogenic Lines of Maize for Disease Resistance两套玉米抗病近等基因系的分子标记辅助选择
14.Study on Improving of Bacterial Leaf Streak in Rice by Marker-assisted Selection水稻细菌性条斑病抗性标记辅助选择研究
15.Research on the Efficiency of Marker-assisted Selection in Pig Breeding System标记辅助选择在猪育种中应用效果的研究
16.Pyramiding Xa21 and fgr in Rice by Marker-assisted Selection利用分子标记辅助选择双基因Xa21和fgr水稻植株
17.Comparison of Marker-assisted Selection and Phenotype Selection for Resistant to Sheath Blight in Maize;玉米抗纹枯病分子标记辅助选择与表型选择的比较
18.Marker-assisted Selection on the Length of Fiber of Cotton and the Exploitation of New Markers;棉花纤维长度的分子标记辅助选择及新标记的开发

1.In this research program,inheritance of the EP,exploitation of molecular markers for the gene,marker-assisted selection(MAS) for the trait in the hybrid progenies and the comparison of the characters between erect and bended panicle breeding lines were studied.通过对直立穗型的性状遗传、籼稻直立穗型与弯穗型品系的性状比较、基因的分子标记开发和杂交后代的标记辅助选择进行分析研究,结果表明,直立穗无论在粳稻还是在籼稻遗传背景中均表现为单基因不完全显性遗传,显性度达到73。
2.13 inbred lines derived from (CML270×478)×CML270 BCF6:7 were selected for validating the resistant to maize sheath blight by marker-assisted selection (MAS).玉米纹枯病已成为我国玉米产区的主要病害之一,为解决玉米纹枯病抗病育种工作中人工接种鉴定困难、选择效率低等问题,利用第7和第1染色体上与抗病QTL紧密连锁的两个标记phi116和umc1044对(CML270×478)×CML270回交后代13份BCF6:7选系进行了抗性分子标记辅助选择
3.The purpose of this paper is to describe available markers types and examine factors and MAS.遗传标记是育种者对变异群体进行选择的重要依据,这种标记辅助选择可以大大地提高果树育种效率。
3)marker assisted selection标记辅助选择
1.The effects of trait heritability and QTL variance on genetic response,change of favorable QTL allele frequency and inbreeding coefficient from marker assisted selection (MAS) were analyzed.在采用动物模型标记辅助最佳线性无偏预测方法对个体育种值进行估计的基础上 ,模拟了在一个闭锁群体内连续对单个性状选择 1 0个世代的情形 ,并系统地比较了性状遗传力和QTL方差对标记辅助选择所获得的遗传进展、QTL增效基因频率和群体近交系数变化的影响。
2.The specialized dam line with high farrowing rate of Shanxi White pig is a synthetic line produced by crossing Mashen pig,Taihu pig(female parents) with Landrace(male parent) and selecting by means of combining the marker assisted selection with systematic breeding from generation to generation for seven years.以马身猪、太湖猪(二花脸类群)和长白猪为育种素材,采用标记辅助选择技术结合群体继代选育法,经7年6个世代育成山西白猪高产仔母系。
4)Marker-assisted selection标记辅助选择(MAS)
1.It also can be used for analysis of linkage between RAPD markers and quantitative trait loci(QTL) and Markers Assisted Selection (MAS).本文概述了RAPD反应的原理、特点 ,总结了其在遗传多样性检测、亲缘关系鉴定、遗传连锁分析和数量性状的辅助标记选择等方面的应用 ,并肯定了RAPD在动物遗传育种领域的应用前景。
6)marker-assisted selection分子标记辅助选择
1.The affecting factors and developing prospect of marker-assisted selection;分子标记辅助选择的影响因素和发展前景
2.This project used the strategy of discarding susceptible individual Plants and keeping resistance ones by resistance identification in breeding populations and Planted resistant plants next in earlier generations (F1 - F3), and performing marker-assisted selection combining resistance identification in later generation (F4 generation) for pyramiding powdery mildew resistance.采用了在早代进行抗性鉴定、淘汰感病株、保留抗病株继续种植、较晚世代(F4代)进行抗性鉴定结合分子标记辅助选择的策略,提高了选到聚合抗性植株的效率。
3.In order to improve the precision of marker-assisted selection for fragrance gene in rice, a functional marker GRFM04 has been developed based on the deletion of 8 bp in DNA sequence of BAD2 gene, namely the fragrance gene, in the fragrant rice varieties.为了提高水稻香味基因的分子标记辅助选择的准确性,根据水稻隐性香型品种与非香型品种的BAD2基因(即香味基因)序列之间存在8bp碱基缺失,设计出香味基因fgr的InDel功能标记GRFM04。

舰艇辅助装置和辅助机械  舰艇上用于保证舰艇操纵、损害管制和舰员生活的辅助性装置和机械的统称。一般战斗舰艇的辅助装置和辅助机械有:    操舵装置  亦称舵机装置。用于保持和改变舰艇航向;潜艇升降舵用于保持和改变潜艇深度。它包括操纵机构、原动机、传动机构和舵。操纵机构有人工操纵和自动控制两种。舵机的原动机一般为两套电动机,安装在舵机舱内。传动机构有机械传动和液压传动两种。    锚机和绞盘机  用于起、抛锚和系缆的机械。一般安装在前、后甲板上。原动机一般为电动机,传动机构有机械传动和液压传动两种。    空气压缩机  用于为操作系统、自动控制系统、发射系统及起动柴油机等提供压缩空气。主要有电动往复式和自由活塞式内燃压缩机。    减摇装置  用以减少舰艇横向摇摆,提高武器的命中率,改善舰员工作和生活条件。由检测、放大、液压传动和减摇鳍四部分组成。可使舰艇在航行中的横摇角稳定在6度以内。    造水装置  亦称制淡装置。用于将海水提制成合乎要求的淡水,以保证锅炉蒸馏水、舰员饮用水、机械冷却水等的供应。多数为蒸发式,也有电渗析式。蒸发式造水装置以蒸汽、废热或电力为热源。以蒸汽为热源的造水量大,装备在蒸汽轮机动力的水面舰艇和核动力潜艇上;以废热或电力为热源的造水量小,一般装备在柴油机动力的舰艇上。    冷藏和空调装置  用于冷藏食物和调节舱室内的温度、湿度,以保证舰员生活和电子设备、精密仪器正常工作。其主要部分是制冷装置,多数为压缩制冷,也有吸收式制冷或半导体制冷。    辅助锅炉  用以为暖机和舰员生活提供蒸汽,有的还可向汽轮发电机供汽,以保证停泊用电。分为水管式和火管式,新型的多为水管式,且已发展为自动控制。有的辅助锅炉利用主机废气的余热产生蒸汽,亦称废气锅炉。    泵  按用途区分,有消防泵、排水泵、平衡泵、输油泵、卫生泵等。按工作原理区分,有叶片泵(离心泵、轴流泵等)、容变式泵(齿轮泵、螺杆泵、往复泵等)、喷射泵等。一般都是固定式的,有的小型消防泵和排水泵是移动式的。其原动机多数为电动机,少数为蒸汽轮机、汽油机或燃气轮机。    通风机  用以保证舱室内的空气新鲜和保持适当温度。多数为离心式,其原动机一般为电动机。有的通风机与通风管组成通风系统。