发育历期,developmental duration
1)developmental duration发育历期
1.Effects of methidathion resistance obtaining on developmental duration and reproductive capacity of the predacious mite Amblyseius womersleyi Schicha (Acari:Phytoseiidae);杀扑磷抗性获得对奥氏钝绥螨发育历期与繁殖能力的影响
2.Under constant temperature and humidity conditions,fecundity,developmental duration and survival rate were compared between Trichogramma dendrolimi infected and uninfected with Wolbachia using the staining method by Safranin in egg of Antheraea pernyi.在恒温恒湿条件下,比较研究了感染沃尔巴克氏体的产雌孤雌生殖品系和未感染正常两性生殖品系松毛虫赤眼蜂的单雌产卵量、发育历期、存活率。
3.The female developmental duration of Tianjin population was significantly greater than other populations,and there were not .六个地理种群各龄若虫发育历期并不随龄期增长而延长。

1.Effects of Illumination on the Diapause Pupae Developmental Period of Papilio xuthus光照对柑橘凤蝶滞育蛹发育历期的影响
2.The Effect of the Temperature of 24℃ on Developmental Periods and the Hatching Rate of Honeybee Eggs;低温24℃对蜜蜂卵孵化率及发育历期的影响
3.A study and presuming death time by accumulated temperature and insect growth Period;利用积温和昆虫发育历期推测死亡时间的研究
4.Observation on the Development Period and Adult Longevity of Corythucha ciliata (Say)(Hemiptera:Tingidae)悬铃木方翅网蝽发育历期和成虫寿命观察
5.9 species of them were observed in all developmental stages, a life cycle was 4.25-8.55 days.以其中9种花粉作发育历期观察,一个生活周期4.25~8.55天。
6.Influences of Different Foods on the Development Period and Impregnated Egg Number of Leptocybe invasa不同食料对桉树枝瘿姬小蜂雌成虫发育历期和怀卵量的影响
7.The Textual Research on the Earlier Stage of Qilu University Reveals that Modern Education of Shandong Province Originated from Qingzhou--The Textual Research on the History of Early Days of Modern Education in Shandong Province;齐鲁大学前期考证近 代教育发祥青州——山东近代教育早期历史概述
8.Historical Review on the Developmental Model of Elite Sports in the Early Stage of Establishment of China;建国初期我国竞技体育发展模式的历史回眸
9.Historic Researc on Ethinc Educational Development inGuizhou during the War of Resistance against Japan;抗日战争时期贵州发展民族教育之历史考察
10.A Review on the Development of Sports Science and Technology in the Initial Period of People s Republic of China;建国初期我国体育科技发展的历史回眸
11.The historical development of guiding ideology of school P.E. at different historical stages in China;我国不同历史发展时期学校体育教学指导思想的历史变迁
12.The new era of educational technology and distance education development: review and projection of distance education around the world(6);教育技术和远程教育发展的新时期——世界远程教育发展历史追溯和展望(6)
13.A young person who has undergone puberty but who has not reached full maturity; a teenager.青少年已经历青春发育期但未完全成熟的年轻人;十几岁的青少年
14.A Study on the Development Course of Rural Vocational Education, the Key Problems at Present and Some Proposals in the New Period in China;我国新时期农村职业教育的发展历程、现存问题及对策研究
15.The Development and Historical Introspection of School Education in Western Ethnic Regions during the Period of Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期西部民族地区学校教育的发展及其历史反思
16.An Analysis of the Historical Motive Force of the American Female Higher Education Development during the Latter Half of 19th Century;19世纪后半期美国女子高等教育发展的历史动因分析
17.The history,present situation and developing trend of researches on Chinese P.E. core periodicals;中文体育类核心期刊研制工作的历史、现状和发展趋势
18.The effect of Alexandrium minutum on development of eggs and larvae of the fish Sparus macrocephalus微小亚历山大藻对黑鲷早期生长发育的毒性效应

Development duration发育历期
1.Development duration of the entire generation were 47.研究结果表明,温室花卉瓜叶菊上饲养的美洲斑潜蝇在15、20、25、30、35℃时全世代的发育历期为47。
2.The development duration and survival of palm leaf beetle [Brontispa longissima (Gestro)] were observed in laboratory, and its life table was constructed.结果表明取食不同棕榈科植物的椰心叶甲各龄幼虫发育历期有明显差异。
3.In this paper, the influence of temperature to development duration of the citrus leafm-iner (Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton) had been studied in field conditions.研究了自然条件下温度因子对柑桔潜叶蛾发育历期的影响,建立了发育历期与温度相互关系的数学模型,并分别求出了柑桔潜叶蛾卵期、幼虫期、预蛹期和蛹期的田间最适发育平均温度分别为26。
3)development period发育历期
1.This paper deals with the development period of the sealed pupaes of Apis cerana cerana.本文在37℃、35℃、33℃和31℃,相对湿度为40%~50%的条件下,对不同温度对中华蜜蜂工蜂封盖子的发育历期、发育起点温度及有效积温进行研究。
2.Development period of the cotton aphid,Aphis gossypii Glover was observed in different cotton varieties with resistance to insect pests by inoculating the insect pest on cotton leave in laboratory.结果表明在不同抗虫棉花品种上,棉蚜发育历期存在明显的差异。
3.The development periods of Naranga aenescens Moore for eggs, larvae and pupae, were tested under six constant temperatures ranging from 18℃ to 34℃.在 18~ 34℃范围内设置 6个温度处理对卵、幼虫和蛹的发育历期进行了测定 ,结果表明卵、幼虫和蛹在 18~ 32℃之间的发育历期与温度均呈直线关系。
4)developmental period发育历期
1.The results showed that the developmental periods and survival rates of L.结果表明,不同寄主植物对南美斑潜蝇各虫态发育历期和存活率有显著的影响。
2.This paper gave an introduction to developmental periods of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)in egg, larve, pupa stage at 18℃,22℃,25℃,28℃,30℃and the adult bionomics of eclosion, feeding, copulation, oviposition on the condition of indoors.通过对橘小实蝇Bactroceradorsalis(Hendel)在18℃、22℃、25℃、28℃、30℃下卵、幼虫、蛹的发育历期及室内条件下成虫羽化、取食、交配、产卵等生物学特性的研究,结果表明,橘小实蝇卵、幼虫、蛹的发育历期随温度的降低而延长,其发育最适温度为25~30℃。
3.In order to break the negative impact of diapause on butterfly industry,investigation was carried out on the influences of photoperiod and light pulse on the diapause pupae developmental period of Papilio xuthus at 20℃ and 25℃,in anartificial climate-chest.为消除滞育对蝴蝶产业的不利影响,利用人工气候箱,对光周期与光脉冲对柑橘凤蝶(Papilio xuthus)滞育蛹发育历期的影响进行了研究。
1.Body size, development, longevity, fecundity and survivorship of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.(佳粉十号)上各虫态大小、存活率、发育历期、成虫寿命、平均产卵量等生物学参数。
2.The development zero temperature of egg was 7.发育历期、成蜂寿命均随温度的升高而缩短,在10%蜜水饲喂的情况下,成蜂的寿命有显著延长。
3.Body size,development,longevity,fecundity and survivorship of 5 B.同一原始种群B型烟粉虱[Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)],分别在甘蓝、一品红、棉花、番茄和黄瓜连续隔离饲养大约20代后形成5种对应的烟粉虱种群,研究其在甘蓝上各虫态大小、存活率、发育历期、成虫寿命和平均产卵量等生物学参数。
6)post-diapause development duration滞育后发育历期
1.Under 26 C and 16 hours photoperiod conditions, the post-diapause development duration (PDDD) of overwintering generation Asian corn borer (ACB) Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenee) of univoltine ecotype in Gongzhuling and Dunhua and bivoltine eco-type in Gongzhuling and Baicheng, Jilin Province were 48.在26℃、16h光照条件下,一化性的公主岭和敦化越冬代玉米螟的滞育后发育历期为48。
