森林覆盖率,forest coverage
1)forest coverage森林覆盖率
1.Grey evaluation and forecasting of the forest coverage of Heilongjiang province;黑龙江省森林覆盖率的灰色评价和模型预测
2.RS statistics and analysis for forest coverage of Beijing.;北京市森林覆盖率遥感统计及其分析
3.Optimal protective effect of forest coverage on soil and water loss in Gansu Province;甘肃水土流失区防护效益森林覆盖率研究

1.The covering of forestry in our town is 60 percent.我们镇的森林覆盖率是百分之六十。
2.Primary Study on Rational Structure of Forest Category and Forest Coverage in Three Gorges Reservoir Area;三峡库区合理林种结构与森林覆盖率初步研究
3.The forest coverage is 16.55%, with 10.45% lower than the average level in the world.森林覆盖率为16.55%,比世界平均水平低10.45个百分点;
4.Beijing Forest Coverage RS Statistic and 3-D Display;北京市森林覆盖率遥感统计及三维表达
5.Economic Backwardness in the Areas Rich in Forest;森林覆盖率较高地区经济落后现象研究
6.An Analysis on the Factors Affecting Forest Coverage(1978-1998);1978—1998年我国森林覆盖率变动的影响因素分析
7.Forest cover in China now stands at 13 .92 percent, laggi ng far behind the world average level of 25 percent.中国森林覆盖率为13.92%,与世界平均水平25%的差距还很大。
8.Although forest coverage rose and fell,it generally remained at a level of 76.8%.森林覆盖率虽有起伏,但基本稳定在76.8%的较高水平上;
9.Variable Selection Based on Schmidt Process and its Application in Forestry Coverage Analysis基于施密特过程的变量筛选及其在森林覆盖率分析中的应用
10.The Impact of Criterion Changes in Calculation of Forest Coverage Rate on Yunnan Objectives for Macro-Planning森林覆盖率计算标准的变化对云南省宏观规划目标的影响
11.The Advantage of Project: Muchuan is rich in the forest resource with the cover rate63.2% as the leader in Sichuan Province, which supplies the enough material.项目优势:沐川县森林资源丰富,森林覆盖率达63.2%,全省第一,生产原料有保障。
12.Six experts in forestry science and economics say forest growth is on the rise in some countries and the number is increasing.其中六位森林科学与经济专家的研究表明,越来越多的国家森林覆盖率都在提高。
13.Though China has made remarkable achievement in artificial forest creation, such forests have not substantially protected the biodiversity, because of the monotony of the kind of such forests.加之人工林林种单一,虽然部分地区森林覆盖率较高,但生物多样性却没有得到很好的保护。
14.The people's government at various levels shall formulate afforestation plans and, according to local conditions, determine their targets for the increase in the forest coverage of their respective regions.各级人民政府应当制定植树造林规划,因地制宜地确定本地区提高森林覆盖率的奋斗目标
15.Persistent efforts in the next 20-30 years are expected to raise the forest coverage rate in these areas by more than 100 percent. Grassland vegetation should be expanded and resumed.通过20到30年坚持不懈的努力,使长江,黄河上中游的森林覆盖率提高一倍以上。
16.It is shown that forest coverage rate, crop replanting index and unit labor input have significant effects on soil erosion.研究发现,森林覆盖率、作物复种指数以及单位劳动投入等因素对土壤侵蚀作用显著。
17.This is due to an increase in forest cover in the rich world.这归功于发达地区森林植被覆盖率的增长。
18.forest cover and watershed protection;森林覆盖和流域保护;

forest coverage rate森林覆盖率
1.Afforestation could raise the forest coverage rate,which has positive effect on wind breaking and sand fixation as well as improving the eco-environment of Kangping.利用康平县1959—2008年气象观测资料,分析了康平县近50a气候变化规律特征,论述了增大森林覆盖率对未来气候可能产生的调节作用。
2.Based on the comprehensiveness of forest coverage rate,total standing forest stock,average forest volume,a new indicator called \'Forest Thickness\'(FT) is put forward in this paper.本文在综合森林覆盖率、活立木蓄积量、单位面积森林蓄积量等传统林业评价指标的基础上,研究提出了一项新的指标——森林厚度。
3)percentage of forest cover森林覆盖率
1.As a country rich in forest resources in early history, according to the textual researches, China had a high percentage of forest cover over 60% before the Xia Dynasty established 4 000 years ago.中国历史上曾经是一个多林的国家 ,经考证分析在 40 0 0年前的远古时代 ,森林覆盖率高达 6 0 %以上 。
4)forestry vegetation bestrewing rate森林植被覆盖率
1.This paper analyzes the offect of forestry vegetation bestrewing rate change to inner drainage area runoff in the upper reach of Huma River in Daxinganling Area.分析了大兴安岭地区呼玛河上游森林植被覆盖率变化对流域径流的影响。
5)average percentage of afforestation森林平均覆盖率
6)urban forest cover rate城市森林覆盖率
1.This article summarizes and compares the related quantitative standards of urban forests at home and abroad,such as urban forest cover rate,forest area.文章总结并对比了国内外城市森林建设的相关量化指标,如城市森林覆盖率,森林面积等,为城市森林建设提供了一定的参考依据。

森林覆盖率  亦称森林覆被率。反映一个国家或地区森林面积的指标,说明一个国家林业发展程度的重要标志。以森林覆盖面积占全国土地面积的百分数表示,或以林地面积与国土面积的比例表示。在中国,森林面积包括郁闭度(森林中树冠对林地的覆盖程度) 0.3以上的乔木林地,郁闭度 0.4以上的灌木林地,以及农田林网和路旁、河旁、宅旁、村旁植树所占地面积。由于森林具有调节气候、涵养水源、保持水土、防风固沙等作用,保持合理的森林覆盖率具有重要意义。一般认为,一个国家森林覆盖率达到30%以上,而且分布合理,就可以保持气候、水分循环正常,形成良好的生态环境。但也有人认为此一论断根据不足。80年代初,世界平均森林覆盖率为22%。在芬兰森林覆盖率为74%,国土基本没有水土流失,生态环境稳定;日本为68%,虽然山地占国土面积70%,也基本没有水土流失;苏联为36%,由于森林分布不均匀,生态环境不良。中国森林覆盖率为12%,而且分布不均匀,中国政府要求,到20世纪末中国森林覆盖率力争达到20%。中国林业界人士普遍认为,中国合理森林覆盖率占国土面积 1/3左右为宜。大力造林育林、扩大森林面积,是提高森林覆盖率的重要途径。