菜粉蝶,Pieris rapae
1)Pieris rapae菜粉蝶
1.Bioactivities of Extraction of 53 Kind of Wild Plants Against Pieris rapae;53种野生植物提取物对菜粉蝶幼虫的生物活性测定
2.Insecticidal activities of metabolites from two Paecilomyces spp. to the small cabbage white, Pieris rapae.;拟青霉菌代谢产物对菜粉蝶幼虫的生物活性
3.Forecasting Model of Over-wintering Generation Adult Emergence of Pieris rapae;越冬代菜粉蝶成虫发生的预测模型

1.small widely distributed form.广泛分布的小菜粉蝶
2.common North American form.常见于南美洲的菜粉蝶
3.The Control Effect of 2.1% Cypermethrin-Abamectin EC on Cabbage Butterfly(Pieris rapae L.)2.1%氯·阿乳油防治菜粉蝶试验研究
4.RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of five populations of Pieris rapae(L.) in Sanxi Province,China山西不同地域菜粉蝶RAPD遗传多样性
5.Antifeedant Activity of Catunaregam Pinosa (Thunb.) Tirveng Fruit Against Plutella Xylostella L. and Pieris Rapae (L.);山石榴果实对小菜蛾、菜粉蝶的拒食活性研究
6.Effects of Parasitization by the Endoparasitic Wasp Pteromalus Puparum (Hymenoptera: Ptermalidae) on Host Cellular Immune Responses and Physiological Metabolism蝶蛹金小蜂寄生对菜粉蝶蛹细胞免疫与生理代谢的影响
7.Effects of Pieris rapae pupa mass on offspring number,sex ratio,and body size of gregarious parasitoid Pteromalus puparum(Hymenoptera:Pteromalidae).菜粉蝶蛹体型大小对蝶蛹金小蜂后代数量、性比及体型大小的影响
9.Insecticidal activities of Daphne tangutica extracts on Pieris rapae larvae唐古特瑞香提取物对菜粉蝶幼虫的毒杀作用
10.Research on Prevention and Cure of the Pieris rapae Larva by A Bacillus thurengiensis Berliner fungus Strain一株苏云金芽孢杆菌防治菜粉蝶幼虫的研究
11.Cloning and Sequence Analysis of lef-3 Gene from Pieris rapae Granulovirus小菜粉蝶颗粒体病毒lef-3基因的克隆与分析
12.Studies on Threshold Temperature and Effective Accumulate Temperature of Pieris rapae L.菜粉蝶发育起点温度和有效积温的研究
13.Antifeedant Bioactivity of Extract from Macleya cordata against the Larvae of Pieris rapae博落回提取物对菜粉蝶幼虫的拒食活性
14.Pathogenicity of microsporidium isolated from Pieris rapae L. on silkworm in Guangxi广西菜粉蝶微孢子虫对家蚕的病原性研究
15.Studies on the Application of the Extract from Azadirachta Indica A.Juss for the Control of the Plutella Xylostella L.& Pieris Rapae L. and Its Mechanism;印楝提取物对小菜蛾和菜粉蝶幼虫的防治效果及作用机制研究
16.Induced Resistance and Mechanism of Cucumber to Anthracnose by Pieris Rapae Extract;菜粉蝶提取物诱导黄瓜对炭疽病的抗性及其机理研究
17.Preliminary Study on the Behavioral Regulation of Plant Volatile Semi-chemicals to Pieris Rapae L.;异源植物挥发性次生物质对菜粉蝶行为调控的初步研究
18.Studies on the Activity Effect and Mechanism for Bioactive Compound from Stellera Chamaejasme L. Against Larvae of Pieris Rapae L.;瑞香狼毒素对菜粉蝶幼虫的生物活性及其作用机制初步研究

Pieris rapae L菜粉蝶
1.Bioactivity of Extracts and Fractions from Stem of Mirabilis jalapa L. to Pieris rapae L.;紫茉莉茎提取物及其萃取物对菜粉蝶幼虫的生物活性
2.Control effect determination research of nanometer 18% avermectin·H_2SO_4-nicotine AS to Pieris rapae Linnaeus;纳米18%阿维·烟碱AS对菜粉蝶效力测定的研究
3.The Effect of PLPT on Two Kinds of Enzyme Activities in Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and Pieris rapae L.;PLPT对棉铃虫和菜粉蝶2种酶活性的影响
3)Big common cabbage worm大菜粉蝶
4)cabbage butterfly larva菜粉蝶幼虫
1.extract against cabbage butterfly larva were studied.研究了樟树和黄花蒿的乙醇、氯仿、石油醚浸提物对菜粉蝶幼虫的拒食作用、触杀作用。
5)larvae of Pieris rapae小菜粉蝶幼虫
6)Apanteles glomeratus菜粉蝶绒茧蜂
1.The population fluctuation of Apanteles glomeratus were investigated in Hangzhou suburbs during the period of 1995-1997, and eleven insecticides were evaluated in the laboratory for their toxicity to A.自1995~1997年在杭州市郊对菜粉蝶绒茧蜂的田间种群消长动态进行了调查,并在室内测定了7类11种常用杀虫剂对该蜂的毒性。

菜粉蝶  昆虫纲鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)粉蝶科(Pieridae)。俗称菜青虫、白蝴蝶。蔬菜害虫。成虫体长12~20毫米,翅展45~55毫米。体黑色,翅粉白色。前翅顶角处有三角形黑斑1个。雌成虫前翅基部灰黑色约占翅面之半,正面近中部处具黑斑2个;雄成虫前翅基部黑色部分较小,其黑斑仅前面一个明显。卵直径约0.4毫米,瓶状,橙黄色。老熟幼虫体长28~35毫米,青绿色,体上密布黑色细小毛疣。腹节各有4~5条横皱纹。蛹长18~21毫米,纺锤形,色灰黄、灰绿,头部前端中央有一粗短的管状突起。分布遍及世界各大洲,但以欧洲和亚洲发生较普遍。中国各地均有分布,除新疆和西藏外,其他地区为害均较严重。      菜粉蝶属寡食性害虫。已知寄主30余种,但偏嗜十字花科植物,其中又以甘蓝类的结球甘蓝、球茎甘蓝和花椰菜等受害最烈,其次为白菜、萝卜、油菜等。以幼虫食害叶片,2龄前啃食叶肉残留表皮,3龄后食叶成孔。为害严重时可将叶片吃光仅余叶脉和叶柄,排出的虫粪污染叶面和菜心。幼虫为害的创口还有利于软腐病菌的侵入。 1年发生3~9代。在冬季温暖的地区如广州可周年为害,无越冬现象。其他地区以蛹在墙壁、篱笆、树干、枯枝、落叶、土缝、杂草等处越冬。由于越冬场所复杂,越冬代成虫羽化不整齐。成虫白天活动,尤以晴天中午活动最盛,喜在开花植物上吸食花蜜;卵产于叶片上。幼虫5龄,食量随龄期增加而增大。虫口数量常随季节变动,春季气温上升,食料条件好,虫口逐渐增多;夏季气温增高,食料条件恶化,加上雨季和天敌增多等因素,发生为害就轻。秋季虫口又升高。天敌主要有黄绒茧蜂、微红绒茧蜂、凤蝶金小蜂和菜青虫颗粒病毒等。    防治措施除保护和利用天敌外,主要是在3~4龄幼虫盛期施用敌百虫、敌敌畏、乐果、乙酰甲胺磷和拟除虫菊酯类等农药。细菌性农药杀螟杆菌对人畜、作物和天敌均安全。菌、药混用有增效作用。