聚果榕,Ficus racemosa
1)Ficus racemosa聚果榕
1.Distribution Patterns of Galls with Different Fig Wasps in Syconium of Monoecious Ficus racemosa;聚果榕雄花前期隐头果内小蜂瘿花分布格局的初步研究
2.Relationship between Activity of Ceratosolen fusciceps and Seasonal Changes of the Seed Number of Ficus racemosa;聚果榕果内种子季节变化与聚果榕小蜂活动的关系
3.Comparison of habitats and seasonally differentiated distribution patterns of fig wasp populations associated with Ficus racemosa in Xishuangbanna.;聚果榕榕果小蜂种群分布格局及其生境和季节差异比较

1.Relation between two non-pollinating wasps oviposition and the fruit abscission on Ficus racemosa聚果榕两种非传粉小蜂产卵与果实脱落的关系
2.Oviposition timing and community structure of Ficus curtipes fig wasps钝叶榕榕果内榕小蜂的产卵顺序及其群落结构
3.Behavior and the time of being active of internal ovipositing fig wasps in female floral phase雌花期榕小蜂进入榕果的行为及其活动时间
4.Any of numerous tropical trees, shrubs, or climbers of the genus Ficus, having pearlike multiple fruits.榕属植物一种榕属的热带树木、灌木或攀缘植物,有许多梨状复果
5.Wasp Community Structure Inside Syconia of Ficus Benjamina L. and Effect of Gall Midge on Fig-Fig Wasp Symbiotic System;垂叶榕隐头果内小蜂的群落结构及瘿蚊对榕—蜂共生体系的影响
6.The Impact on Fig-fig Wasp Mutualism of Galls Distribution of Differcnt Fig Wasps Inside Fig Syconia;榕树隐头果内小蜂寄生所致瘿花分布格局对榕蜂共生体系的影响
7.Antennal sensilla of female fig pollinator Ceratosolen sp. and its ecological implication苹果榕传粉小蜂雌性触角感器及其生态学意义
8.Potted plant for patios, flower boxes, and entry ways such as ficus, palm, white butterfly, elephant ears, etc.用于装饰天井 、花坛和入口的盆栽植物,如榕属类植物、棕榈、白蝴蝶、象耳果等。
9.Drag onto the page to add a potted plant for patios or flower boxes, such as ficus, palm, or elephant ears.拖到绘图页后,可以添加用于装饰天井或花坛的盆栽植物,如榕属类植物、棕榈或象耳果等。
10.fig tree of India noted for great size and longevity; lacks the prop roots of the banyan.印度的一种无花果树,以其巨大和长寿而著称,;缺少印度榕树的支柱根。
11.However, the parasites and super parasites group can dwindle the pollinator population to weaken the pollinating efficiency, so they have an indirectly negative impact on fig syconium.传粉昆虫功能群、捕食昆虫功能群对榕树隐头果的生长发育起着促进的作用,而?
12.Phylogeny of Ficus Section (Moraceae) and the Adaptation to Phylogenetic Test of Fruit Trait Evolution;桑科榕属植物的系统发育学及其在果实性状进化系统学检验中的应用
13.Preliminary study on phylogeny of Ficus subg. Urostigma(Moraceae) in China中国榕属榕亚属植物的系统发育初探
14.Study of Fructan Production from Cellulomonas sp. GJT07;Cellulomonas sp. GJT07产果聚糖的研究
15.The Reproductive Ecology of Two Dioecious Fig Species in the Tropical Rainforest Understory of Xishuangbanna, China;西双版纳热带雨林下歪叶榕和假斜叶榕的传粉机制研究
16.Reproductive strategy and impact on the fig–pollinator mutualism of one non-pollinating fig wasp species一种非传粉榕小蜂的繁殖策略及其对榕—蜂互利共生系统的影响
17.Lofty figs are tall evergreen trees, reaching35 metres in height.高山榕树为高大常绿乔木,可高达35米。
18.On one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Kapilavatthu at the Banyan Park.一时薄伽梵住于迦毗罗卫附近的榕园。

Ficus racemosa fruits聚果榕果实
3)Ceratosolen fusciceps聚果榕小蜂
1.Relationship between Activity of Ceratosolen fusciceps and Seasonal Changes of the Seed Number of Ficus racemosa;聚果榕果内种子季节变化与聚果榕小蜂活动的关系
2.Temporal and spatial distribution patterns of the foundress of Ceratosolen fusciceps .;聚果榕小蜂繁殖性雌蜂的时空分布格局
4)Ceratosolen sp聚果榕小蜂
1.The fig tree ( Ficus racemosa ) and fig pollination wasp ( Ceratosolen sp ) are highly coevolved species that depend completely on mutual benefit for continued reproduction.对聚果榕小蜂 (Ceratosolensp )传粉生态学进行了首次研究。
2.racemosa and fig pollination wasps ( Ceratosolen sp.聚果榕和它的传粉媒介昆虫聚果榕小蜂是一对高度协同进化、互相依赖才能繁殖各自后代、互惠共生的生物。
5)banyan fruit榕树果
1.Objective: In order to make use of the resources of flocculus banyan fruit,avoid wasting and approach the extraction of total flavanone of banyan fruit.目的:为充分利用榕树果植物资源,避免资源的浪费,探讨榕树果总黄酮的提取及鉴别方法。
6)Ficus semicordata鸡嗉果榕
1.Sex ratio adjustment of a non-pollinating fig wasp species on Ficus semicordata in Xishuangbanna;西双版纳鸡嗉果榕内一种非传粉小蜂的性比调节

枕果榕枕果榕名称: 枕果榕 类别: 乔木 别名: 科名: 桑科 拉丁名: Ficus drupacea Thunb.

中国 广东广西海南有野生和栽培。南亚东南亚各国也有。