黄脸油葫芦,Teleogryllus emma
1)Teleogryllus emma黄脸油葫芦
1.Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Teleogryllus emma (Orthoptera:Gryllidae) with a New Gene Order in Orthoptera;黄脸油葫芦线粒体基因组:一种新的基因排列方式
2.Thermal Response of Diapause in the Egg of Teleogryllus emma;温度对黄脸油葫芦卵滞育解除的影响
3.Cricket song structure analysis and the behavior observation of Teleogryllus emma(Orthoptera:Grylloidea)黄脸油葫芦的鸣声结构及行为分析(直翅目:蟋蟀总科)

1.Comparative Studies of Chromosomes of Five Population of Teleogryllus emma黄脸油葫芦五种群染色体的比较研究
2.Thermal Response of Diapause in the Egg of Teleogryllus emma温度对黄脸油葫芦卵滞育解除的影响
3.Studies on the Location of Proto-oncogene during Gametogenesis in Cricket, Tekeigryllus Emma原癌基因在黄脸油葫芦配子发生中的定位研究
4.Central nervous system morphology of Teleogyllus emma黄脸油葫芦中枢神经系统的组织解剖学研究
5.The microstructure of alimentary canal and Malpighian tubules of Teleogyllus emma黄脸油葫芦消化道和马氏管的组织学观察
6.Comparison of Malpighian Tubules Tissue Structure between Teleogryllus emma and Atractomorpha sinensis黄脸油葫芦与短额负蝗马氏管组织结构比较
7.Cricket song structure analysis and the behavior observation of Teleogryllus emma(Orthoptera:Grylloidea)黄脸油葫芦的鸣声结构及行为分析(直翅目:蟋蟀总科)
8.Studies on the Artificial Diets of Teleogryllus Derelictus;黄褐油葫芦(Teleogryllus Derelictus)人工饲料的研究
9.A Study on the Nutritional Value of Teleogryllus Derelictus;黄褐油葫芦(Teleogryllus derelictus)虫体营养价值的研究
10.The inheritance of the bicolor summer squash (cucurbita pepo.L) and its some biochemical characters;黄皮西葫芦皮色遗传规律及生理生化研究
11.Extraction and Structure Identification of Flavonoid from the Leaves of Bottle Gourd Tea葫芦茶叶子黄酮的提取及结构的初步鉴定
12.Study on Flavonoid and lts Anti-oxidant activity of Cucurbitaceous Crops Leaves葫芦科植物叶黄酮成分分析及抗氧化能力研究
13.Changes of Cucurbitacin B in pumpkin induced by Aulcophora femoralis chinensis黄足黄守瓜取食南瓜诱导葫芦素B含量的变化规律
14."Fruit of certain varieties of Cucurbita pepo or C. moschata, of the gourd family."葫芦科西葫芦或番瓜某些品种的果实。
15.Aesthetic meaning of“copy mechanically ”&“ drawing the wooden dipper in accordance with the calabash ”;“依样画葫芦”与“依葫芦画瓢”的美学意味
16.any of various squash plants grown for their yellow fruits with somewhat elongated necks.任何为其黄色果实而种植的西葫芦植物,有的有较长的颈。
17.any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines including: muskmelons; watermelons; cantaloupes; cucumbers.任何葫芦科藤蔓植物结的果实;甜瓜;西瓜;罗马甜瓜;黄瓜。
18.Any of several trailing or climbing plants related to the pumpkin, squash, and cucumber and bearing fruits with a hard rind.葫芦任何一种蔓生攀援植物,如黄瓜,西瓜或南瓜,果实结在硬皮里

Teleogryllus derelictus黄褐油葫芦
1.The C-Banding Karyotype of Chromosome in Teleogryllus derelictus;黄褐油葫芦Teleogryllus derelictus染色体C-带核型研究
3)Teleoqzyllus derelictus Gorochov黄褐油葫芦
1.Analysis on the Content of Vitamin and Activity of Antioxidant Enzyme of Teleoqzyllus derelictus Gorochov in Different Growth Stage;黄褐油葫芦不同发育阶段维生素含量与抗氧化酶活性分析
2.Teleoqzyllus derelictus Gorochov is important with its dietary and medicine effect.对黄褐油葫芦不同发育阶段虫体蛋白质、脂肪和矿物质元素等营养成分进行了测定与分析。
4)Teleogryllus derelictus Gorochov黄褐油葫芦
1.and Teleogryllus derelictus Gorochov.)和黄褐油葫芦(Teleogryllus derelictus Gorochov)为试验材料,通过对其鲜虫及去脂干虫的蛋白质提取方法及主要工艺指标筛选的研究,以及昆虫蛋白质分离及其与传统蛋白源蛋白组份的比较,提出了黄粉虫和黄褐油葫芦作为资源昆虫,其蛋白质提取最佳方法和各种方法的主要工艺指标以及昆虫蛋白与传统蛋白的组分差异,为其有效开发和利用提供了确凿的科学依据。
2.Teleogryllus derelictus Gorochov belongs to Orthoper, Gryllidae, is a kind of insect of gradual metamorphosis.黄褐油葫芦隶属于直翅目、蟋蟀科。
1.RAPD Study of the Genus Teleogryllus(Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae) from China;中国油葫芦属昆虫的RAPD分析(直翅目:蟋蟀总科:蟋蟀科)
2.They are Teleogryllus occipitalis(Serville,1838),2n=27,XO(♂);T.4种蟋蟀各染色体均显示强的着丝粒带,多数染色体显强或中的端带,斗蟋属(Velarifictorus)1种部分染色体显示居间带,油葫芦属(Teleogryllus)2种和棺头蟋属(Loxoblemmus)1种无居间带,各物种表现出明显的种类特异性。
6)summer squash黄皮西葫芦
1.The inheritance of the bicolor summer squash (cucurbita pepo.L) and its some biochemical characters;黄皮西葫芦皮色遗传规律及生理生化研究

原料 猪板油300克、蜂蜜约200克、青、红丝各15克、鸡蛋2个。制作猪板油切成条,沾上干淀粉,搓成圆条,面粉用温水和成面团,放开水烫一下后倒出,搅拌成团。再放开水烫一下后倒出,如此反复3次后磕入鸡蛋调成糊。板油条蘸匀鸡蛋面糊入花生油锅中炸,呈葫芦状时捞出。蜂蜜熬至色深,放入“葫芦”,挂匀蜂蜜,装盘,撒上白糖和青、红丝即成。