经济昆虫,Economic Insect
1)Economic Insect经济昆虫
1.To solve the inconvenience of buying economic insects caused by the area difference, aonline insect store is realized by Jbuilder8.文章针对经济昆虫实现网上导购的项目要求,利用petstore框架构建了经济昆虫在线导购系统,实现了商品动态更新、查询、购买,身份验证、在线支付、系统管理等功能,其中目录树的间接生成策略为需要频繁读取数据库的数据显示提供了一种高效可行的方法,具有较高的实用价值。
2.Antheraea yamamai is like neither Antheraea pernyi nor Bombyx mori , it is a rare race, which is a univoltine economic insect with complete metamorphosis.天蚕既不同于柞蚕,也不同于桑蚕,而具其独特性质,丝质光泽有色的经济昆虫,属一化性完全变态,每个变态阶段均有其独特形态。

1.The Implement-Based J2EE and Security Research of Economic Insect E-Business System;基于J2EE的经济昆虫电子商务系统的实现与安全研究
2."Bugs as Catalysts." The Economist. Print edition. 13 March 2003.昆虫催化剂.〉,《经济学人》,打印版本。2003年3月13日.
3.The insects have become resistant to the pesticide.这些昆虫已经对杀虫剂有抗药性了。
4.The neuter caste in social insects.群居昆虫中的无性昆虫
5.(of an insect) undergoing complete metamorphosis.(关于昆虫)经历完全蜕变期的。
6.Establishment of Genetic Transformation System of Special Economic Plant Sauropus Androgynus and Pelargonium Graveolens and Analysis of Characteristics of the Transgenic Plants with Insect Antifreeze Protein(AFP) Gene;特种经济植物天绿香和驱蚊香草遗传转化体系的建立及转昆虫抗冻蛋白基因的研究
7.An aphid, especially one of the genus Aphis.蚜属昆虫蚜虫,尤指蚜虫属昆虫
8.The Nutritive Evaluation, Development and Utilization of the Grylloidea Insect Resource in Jinan Area;济南蟋蟀类昆虫资源的营养评价及开发利用
9.The Orthoptera Insect Resource , Its Development and Utilization in Jinan Area;济南地区直翅目昆虫资源及其开发利用
10.It eats frogs, insects, and larvae, which are the eggs insects' lay.它吃青蛙、昆虫和昆虫卵生成的幼虫。
11.mbryonic diapause in Bombyx is induced by diapause hormone(DH),which isproduced in the suboesophageal ganglion from a precursor protein.滞育激素是由食道下神经节分泌的重要昆虫神经肽,诱导昆虫的滞育。
12.`She's an entomologist.' `Come again?' `An entomologist she studies insects.'`她是昆虫学家.'`请再说一遍.'`昆虫学家--她研究昆虫.',
13.Spider venoms are exquisitely refined to interfere with the nervous systems of insects.蜘蛛的毒液非常微妙,专门损坏昆虫的神经系统。
14.Be careful. The insect has stings.当心,这昆虫有刺。
15.large soft-bodied insect having long slender mandibles in the male; aquatic larvae often used as bait.大型的软体昆虫,雄性有细长的下颚;其水栖幼虫经常被用作鱼饵。
16.most insects are metamorphic as witness the stages as a butterfly develops from a caterpillar.大多数昆虫都会经历一个有如蝴蝶从毛虫变化而来的变形期。
17.Feeding on insects.食虫的以昆虫为食的
18.insect hormone as insecticides作为杀虫剂的昆虫激素

Kunming economy昆明经济
3)Insect Neuropeptide昆虫神经肽
4)Hong He economic belt昆河经济带
5)The Nanning_Kunming Economic zone南昆经济带
6)Economic Circle around Kunming环昆经济圈
1.Study on Accelerating Advancing the Construction of Economic Circle around Kunming加快推进环昆经济圈建设的研究

昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学