气味受体,Odorant receptors
1)Odorant receptors气味受体
1.This paper summarized the odorant binding protein, chemosensory proteins, odorant receptors, odor degrading enzymes and sensory neuron membrane proteins of insects,.作者针对近年来研究较多的气味结合蛋白、化学感受蛋白、气味受体、气味降解酶以及感觉神经元膜蛋白等,就其生化特性、表达部位、分子结构、生理功能等进行了综述。
2.The insect odorant receptors,as other odorant receptors from nematoid to human,have long been perceived to be G-protein-coupled receptors(GPCR).昆虫的气味受体长久以来被认为是一种G蛋白偶联受体,遵循从线虫到人类的通用模式。

1.Drosophua odor receptor complex research Or22a-Or836果蝇气味受体复合物Or22a-Or83b研究进展
2.Cloning and tissue-specific expression of olfactory receptors in Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)棉铃虫气味受体的克隆与组织特异性表达
3.Gene Cloning and Tissue-Specific Expression of an Olfactory Receptor in Microplitis Mediator(Hymenoptera:Braconidae)中红侧沟茧蜂非典型气味受体的克隆及组织特异性表达
4.She cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke.她受不了香烟的气味。
5.This gas gives out a bad smell.这种气体发生一种臭味。
6.This liquid doesn't smell.这种液体没有气味。
7.The odour of the human body is considered repul-sive.人体的气味很恶心。
8.Onions offend her sense of smell.洋葱的气味使她的嗅觉受不了。
9.This mix of perfumes is driving me crazy.这种混合香水的气味真让我受不了。
10.NF3 is a colorless gas. Trace quantities of impurities can impart a musty or pungent odor to the gas.)NF3是无色气体。痕量的杂质会使气体带有一种霉味或刺激性气味。
11.Advancement on Sweetness Theory and Model of Sweetener s Receptor;甜味化合物的甜味理论与受体模型研究进展
12.sensing an odor by inhaling through the nose.通过鼻子吸入气体来感知气味。
13.A gas is squeezed into a smaller volume.气体受挤压而体积减
14.a beery taste, smell啤酒的味道、 气味
15.With good Chinese tea you can enjoy three things: the taste, the fragrance and then the aftertaste.有了上好的中国茶,你可以有三种享受:味道、香气和余味。
16.You will taste herdsmen's life styles on grasslands.让您感受草原风情,体味游牧生活。
17.Study on Sweetness Recognition with Fullerenolos as an Artificial Chemoreceptor Model: An Isothermal Titration Calorimetry Study人工化学受体甜味识别的ITC实验研究
18.In this study,we investigated the evolutionary pathways of bitter,sweet and umami receptors using bioinformatic and phylogenetic analyses.通过生物信息学和系统发育学分析,研究了苦味受体和甜味 /鲜味受体的进化途径。

odorant receptor气味受体
1.The odorant receptors of the olfactory cell can detect the odorant molecules,then the spicific G-protein is activated and changes the odorant message into action potential via a series of information processing steps of the olfactory system.嗅细胞的气味受体捕捉气体分子,激活特异性的G蛋白,把气味信号转换成动作电位,沿嗅觉传导通路传输到嗅皮层,最后大脑完成对气味信号的整理和识别作用,形成对气味的感受。
3)olfactory receptor气味受体
1.How does the olfactory system work? To address this question, two American scientists began their research with genes coding olfactory receptor and found the receptors.嗅觉是如何产生的?为解开这个难题,美国两位科学家阿克塞尔和巴克从编码气味受体的基因入手,发现了识别气味分子的受体,并且证明了嗅觉系统的组织方式,从而告诉世界我们是如何感受气味的。
4)olfactory receptor gene气味受体基因
1.Relationship between olfactory receptor gene and variability of odor perception气味受体基因与嗅觉差异性
5)bitter taste receptor苦味受体
1.Molecular cloning and evolutionary analysis of hog badger bitter taste receptor T2R2 gene猪獾苦味受体T2R2基因的分子克隆与进化分析
6)sweet taste receptor甜味受体
1.The species discrepancy in the genes of sweet taste receptor results in the differences between pig and human in sweet perc.猪与人在甜味受体基因序列上存在种族差异,导致猪与人在味觉感觉上存在明显不同,对人很甜的一些人工甜味剂(如索马甜、甜蜜素、NHDC、阿斯巴甜等)不能被猪识别,其对猪不能起到甜味作用。

精液气味精液气味 生理名。精液气味难于确切描述,一般认 为有一种特殊的腥味,有人描写为稻豆味或核桃花味。