豫东平原,Eastern Henan plain
1)Eastern Henan plain豫东平原
1.Ant community structure and species diversity in Eastern Henan Plain豫东平原蚂蚁群落结构及物种多样性
2.Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon In the Agro-forestry Systems of Eastern Henan Plain豫东平原农林复合系统土壤有机碳时空特征
3.The relationship between the yield of relaying cotton in wheat and the cultivate measure on the Eastern Henan plain was studied by means of the design of quadratic rotation regression on the basis of five factors,and established responsive model and optimum cultivate scheme on the middle leveled land.采用五因素二次正交旋转回归设计 ,研究了豫东平原麦套棉主要栽培措施与产量的关系。

1.Study on Soil Series Classification in Kaifeng Plot Area in the East of Henan Province豫东平原开封样区土壤基层分类研究
2.Ant community structure and species diversity in Eastern Henan Plain豫东平原蚂蚁群落结构及物种多样性
3.Biomass Production and Carbon Sequestration in Poplar-Crop Agroforestry Ecosystems in Eastern Henan Plain豫东平原杨农复合系统物质生产与碳截存
4.The Research of the High Production Applies Fertilizer Technical Pattern of Summer Peanut on Yudong Plain豫东平原夏花生高产施肥技术模式研究
5.Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon In the Agro-forestry Systems of Eastern Henan Plain豫东平原农林复合系统土壤有机碳时空特征
6.The Study of the Pattern Dynamics of Agricultural Landscape Ecosystem of the Eastern Henan Province Plain from 1980 to 2000豫东平原1980-2000年农业景观生态系统格局动态
7.How to Solve "the Phenomena of the Plain Agricultural Region" --A study on Yudong agricultural development zone;如何破解“平原农区现象”——豫东平原农区连片扶贫开发带的实证研究
8.On the East Henan Plains is a city that can boast a singularly long history. This is Kaifeng, a city of immense cultural interest.河南省豫东平原上,有一座历史非常悠久的文化古城--开封。
9.Analysis the effect on yield stability of main quantity characters of summer sesame in Yudong plain;豫东平原夏芝麻品种主要数量性状对产量稳定性的影响分析
10.An Analysis of Growth Institution and Path Choice in Farmer Income after the Reform of Taxes and Administrative Charges--Taking Yudong Plain as an example;税费改革后农民收入增长机制与路径选择辨析——以豫东平原为例
11.An analysis of the factors for the yield and the ways for the yield increase of summer peanut in Yudong plain;豫东平原夏花生生产量构成因素分析及增产途径探讨
12.A Recycle Economy Type of the New Industrialization in the Underdeveloped Area of East Plain of Henan Province;豫东平原欠发达地区新型工业化的循环经济模式
13.Existing Problems in Utilization of Wheat Cultivars and Their Improving Suggestions in the Eastern Henan Plains豫东平原区当前小麦品种选用中存在的突出问题及改进建议
14.Amount,composition and seasonal dynamics of litterfall in Poplar-Crop agroforestry ecosystems in Henan Eastern Plain豫东平原杨-农复合系统凋落物的数量、组成及其动态
16.The Analysis of wheat Economic Fertilizer Quantities in the Middle Fertility Zone of the North plain of Henan Province豫北平原中肥区小麦高产经济用肥分析
17.Studies on the Carbon Flux of Typical Farmland Ecosystem of Winter Wheet Double Cropped with Summer Maize in the North Henan Plain;豫北平原冬小麦—夏玉米典型农田生态系统碳通量的研究
18.Astudy of the Singing Art and the Transmission of One of the Henan Opera豫剧豫东唐派唱腔艺术及其传承研究

east Henan plain豫东平原区
1.Based on the comprehensive analysis of all kinds of geophysical data, the characteristics of geophysical fields are expounded about east Henan plain, including gravity field, magnetic field and seismic reflective waves, et al.豫东平原区勘探手段多样,地质资料丰富。
3)the plain area in the east of Henan Province豫东平原地区
4)Northern Henan Plain豫北平原
1.A study of the development and water quality evolution of groundwater in the Northern Henan Plain;豫北平原地下水开发利用与水质演化规律
5)Southern Henan plain豫南平原
6)East Henan豫东

《豫皖苏边两年来平原游击战总结》《豫皖苏边两年来平原游击战总结》Summary of Two Years' Gurerrilla War in the Plain of the Henan-Anhui-Jiangsu Border Region,A Yu-WQn—SubiQn LiQn9 NiQn LQiPinqvuan Youiizlaan ZonQiie((豫皖苏边两年来平原游击战总结》婿ummary剪TW‘)Years!Guer—lln War tn thcPlnin(,fthe Henan一。4nhui一。liangsu Border’Re—gt’on,A) 彭眚讽荚于。F原游击战争作战经验的军事著作。是彭雪枫往新四军第6支队-r部战术研究班I:的讲授提纲,以《两年术平原游山战总结》为名ru载于霍攀熏鬟黧刊载于1940年8月25日《八路军军政杂志*第2卷第8期上的《两年来平原游击战总结》1940年8月25日Ⅸ八路军军政杂志》第2卷第8期。全文约l万字,以现名收入解放军Ⅲ版社1987年5月出版的《彭宙枫论抗日游击战争》。 从1938年9月到1940年7月的近两fF时间里,彭雪枫任新四军游击支队司令员,后改任第6支队司令员兼政治委员,率邾挺进豫东敌后,在日、伪、顽军犬牙交错的夹击中,广泛发动群众,开展游击战,领导创建r豫皖苏边区抗日民主根据地。该义总结支队东进敌后两年来游击战的经验,从战略上阐明了平原游击战的经验,从战术上阐明了平原游击战的指导法则。该文分三个部分:关于敌人的动作方而;我军(新四军第6支队)作战方针;游击战争的指挥。该文以大量战例论述r以小的牺牲换取大的胜利;出其不意,攻其不备;外线的(内线中的外线)、速决的、突然的战役作战;争取主动,脱离被动;集中主力,打击敌人一点等五个方面游击战术的基本原则。指出,认为平原地小能打埋伏的观点是错误的,平原游击战的经验小断证明,伏击战不但可以打,而且是最能以小的牺牲换得大胜利的战术原则之一。游击战争的战略指挥是集中的,战役战斗指挥是#廖鼎静g穆《弭;!”戥营一碌分散的;指挥方式应给予下级以充分的杠动;指挥员和各级干部对游击动作的研多整理以及对l’’级的教育训练,应成为经伸的工作;要发展和创造新的游击战术原则 《豫皖苏边两年来平原游击战总结》债出的游击战术指导法则,贯彻了毛泽东男干抗日游击战争的战略战术思想,对推习所部干部讨论和研究游击战术起了重要竹用,并在随后新四军第4师创建和发展淮期抗日根据地的斗争中得到了广泛运用。 (姚仁隽)