垂叶榕,Ficus benjamina
1)Ficus benjamina垂叶榕
1.Secondary seed dispersal of Ficus benjamina:New evidence for ant-nonmyrmecochorous mutualism;垂叶榕种子的二次散布:蚂蚁和非蚁传植物互惠关系的新证据
2.According to this, Ficus benjamina subgenera Urostigma was investigated at different flower phase.研究针对雌雄同株的子房分层现象,对榕亚属的垂叶榕F。
3.Ficus benjamina is a monoecious popular cultivated tree for ornamental purpose worldwide.垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)是一种常见的绿化树种。

1.The Sative Control Technigues and Biology Behavior of Bejmin Fig;垂叶榕的生物学习性及栽培管理技术
2.Wasp Community Structure Inside Syconia of Ficus Benjamina L. and Effect of Gall Midge on Fig-Fig Wasp Symbiotic System;垂叶榕隐头果内小蜂的群落结构及瘿蚊对榕—蜂共生体系的影响
3.Identification of Two Walkerella Species and Their Male Morphs from Ficus Benjamina Based on Morphological and Molecular Evidences;垂叶榕非传粉小蜂Walkerella属两个种及其雄性类型的形态和分子学鉴别
4.Oviposition timing and community structure of Ficus curtipes fig wasps钝叶榕榕果内榕小蜂的产卵顺序及其群落结构
5.Studies on the Bioactive Constituents and Quality Control of Folium Fici Microcarpae;小叶榕叶的活性成分及质量标准研究
6.The Reproductive Ecology of Two Dioecious Fig Species in the Tropical Rainforest Understory of Xishuangbanna, China;西双版纳热带雨林下歪叶榕和假斜叶榕的传粉机制研究
7.latex from trees (especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus).树的乳液(尤指三叶胶和榕属树木)。
8.Main pharmacodynamics study on the different extracts of Ficus microcarpa leaves小叶榕不同提取物的主要药效学研究
9.The Occurence and Control of Diseases and Insect Pests On Ficus microcarpa in Puer普洱小叶榕主要病虫害的发生及防治
10.Studies on Adsorption and Separation Characteriotics of Flavonoids from Ficus microcarpa L. f with Macroporous Resin大孔树脂对小叶榕叶的总黄酮吸附分离特性
11.neurohypophyseal hormone神经垂体,垂体后叶
12.Study on the Defoliation Cause and Improvement Measures of Ficus Microcarpa L. f. during Storage and Transportation;人参榕贮运过程中落叶的原因及改善措施研究
13.Some Thoughts of Liu Zongyuan′s Liuzhou Er Yue Rong Ye Luo Jin Ou Ti;关于柳宗元《柳州二月榕叶落尽偶题》的几个问题
14.Effects of Postharvest Temperature on Defoliation and Stress-Resistant Physiology of Potted Ficus ginseng贮运温度对盆栽榕树落叶及抗性生理的影响
15.The comparison of three fig wasp pollinators and their pollination efficiency on Ficus curtipes比较钝叶榕的三种传粉者及其传粉效率
16.Thermodynamic and Kinetics for Synergistic Aeration Adsorption Uranium(Ⅵ) on Banyan Leaves-Activated Sludge榕树叶-活性污泥协同曝气吸附铀的热动力学
17.Effects of High Temperature Stress on Photosynthesis in Ficus concinna var. subsessilis高温胁迫对无柄小叶榕光合作用的影响
18.Gene Cloning, Evolution and Specific Expression Pattern of the Non-conventional Olfactory Receptors in Four Fig Wasp Species Associated with Ficus Hispida;对叶榕四种榕小蜂的非常规嗅觉受体基因的克隆、进化和特异性表达

Ficus benjamina L. var. nuda丛毛垂叶榕
1.In this paper, Ficus benjamina L.本文以丛毛垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina L。
3)Ficus benjamina var.nuda seeds丛毛垂叶榕种子
4)Ficus hispida叶榕
1.Pollination Biology of Ficus hispida in the Tropical Rainforests of Xishuangbanna, China;西双版纳热带雨林对叶榕传粉生物学(英)
5)Folium Fici Microcarpae小叶榕叶
1.Isolation and Identification of the Chemical Constituents of Folium Fici Microcarpae;小叶榕叶水提物化学成分的分离和鉴定
2.HPLC fingerprints of the extracts of Folium fici microcarpae;小叶榕叶水提物浸膏的HPLC指纹图谱初步研究
3.Studies on the Bioactive Constituents and Quality Control of Folium Fici Microcarpae;小叶榕叶的活性成分及质量标准研究
6)Zero fild splitting星光垂榕

垂叶榕垂叶榕介绍 垂叶榕 (Ficus benjamina)科属: 桑科 榕属别名: 垂榕、白榕、垂枝榕形态特征: 为常绿乔木,高可达6米,盆栽市场呈灌木状,幼枝淡绿色,后呈灰白色或棕褐色,树干易生气生根,小枝柔软下垂,叶互生,椭圆形或倒卵形,顶端长尾尖,长5-10厘米,宽3-5厘米,革质,光亮,全缘,叶柄长0.7-2厘米,托叶披针形,全株具乳汁。分布与习性:印度、马来西亚。喜高温湿润褐光亮的环境,忌低温干燥,耐阴性强,安全越冬温度5℃。繁殖与栽培:用扦插法繁殖,扦插宜于春末夏除温度较高时进行,减去10-15厘米长的枝条作插穗。尾放置乳汁了流出,可将缄口浸于水中或蘸上草木灰,插入介质后,保持湿润并在25-30℃及半阴条件下,一个月左右可生根,由于斑叶品种的生长较慢,从扦插倒长大成型需要较长,所以常见的大株一般都用榕树作战幕高位切接培育而成。应用:图片: