长足大竹象,Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Guer
1)Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Guer长足大竹象
1.Study on Cypermethrin Mixing with Penetrating Agent against Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Guer;氯氰菊酯与渗透剂混配防治长足大竹象试验
2.Study on Deltamethrin Mixing with Penetrating Agent against Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Guer;溴氰菊酯与渗透剂混配防治慈竹长足大竹象研究
3.Morphological Anatomy of Reproductive System of Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Guer长足大竹象生殖系统的形态解剖研究

1.Morphological Anatomy of Reproductive System of Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Guer长足大竹象生殖系统的形态解剖研究
2.Relationships among Cyrtotrachelus buqueti larval density and wormhole number and bamboo shoot damage degree长足大竹象虫口密度与虫孔数、竹笋受害率的关系
3.He stood full six feet in height, with noble shoulders and a chest like a coffer-dam.他身长足足有六英尺,双肩宽大。胸部象个潜水箱。
4.A bamboo(Arundinaria gigantea) native to the southeast United States, having long stiff stems and often forming canebrakes.大子青篱竹一种竹子(青篱竹青篱竹属),原产于美国东南部,茎干长而坚挺,常形成甘蔗丛
5.I may not grow any bigger, but I'm big enough to lick any man ever born.我可能不会再长个子,但象我这般大小足以痛打地球上任何一个人。
6.new shoots of bamboo will come up from around the roots of the old ones.新笋总会从竹根的四周发芽长大。
7.Bamboo is a giant grass that grows in warm climates.竹子是生长在温暖气候中的一种大草。
8.Studies on the Distribution and Biomass of the Bamboo of the Fargesia as the Main Food of Giant Panda in Foping and Changqing Reserve;佛坪、长青保护区箭竹属大熊猫主食竹的分布及生物量研究
9.In addition, investment and consumption, the two stimulants for economic growth, revealed the signs of insufficient reserve force and difficulties in continuous development in the first six months.此外,上半年拉动经济增长的两大支柱投资和消费,也出现了后劲不足和增长困难的迹象。
10.Elephant has a long nose.大象有长长的鼻子。
11.considerable progress长足的进步,重大的进步
12.Because it's hollow, it weighs very little, thereby creating that sine qua non of the building world: something strong but light.因为竹子是空心的,它重量轻,因此竹子满足了是建筑世界的必要条件,强度大,但重量轻。
13.The nature reserves will be bigger and the bamboo will grow better.自然保护区将会变大,竹子也会长的更好。
14.A Study of Relationship among Aboveground Factors of Dendrocalamopsis beecheyana var. pubescens (P. F. Li) Keng f大头典竹地上部分生长指标与生物量关系研究
15.Bamboo is not a tree, remember, so the long straight stems of bamboo are not like tree wood.别忘记, 竹子不是树, 因而它那又长又直的躯干不象树木。
16.Today, by most measures, Hong Kong is in great shape, but its outward appearance masks a collective angst今天,从绝大多数方面看来,香港都有了长足的发展,但其外在形象掩盖了深层次的群体忧虑。
17.A proboscis, especially the long prehensile proboscis of an elephant.长嘴象鼻或长虫的喙,尤指大象的可缠卷的长鼻
18.Investigation on Species and Damage of Bamboo Shoot Weevil on Phyllostachys pubescens in Fujian Province福建省毛竹林竹笋象种类及危害调查

Cyrtotrachelus buqueti长足大竹象
1.Control experiment against Cyrtotrachelus buqueti with Dimethoate plus Fenvalerate EC;乐氰乳油对长足大竹象的防治试验
2.Cyrtotrachelus buqueti in Shanghai;上海地区长足大竹象初报
3.Relationships among Cyrtotrachelus buqueti larval density and wormhole number and bamboo shoot damage degree长足大竹象虫口密度与虫孔数、竹笋受害率的关系
3)Mecysolobus erro长足象
1.Biological and ecological studies of longleg weevil, Mecysolobus erro (Coleoptera: Cueculionidae);长足象Mecysolobus erro(鞘翅目:象虫科)的生物学与生态学研究
4)cyrtotrachelus longimanus大竹象
5)Alcidodes juglans Chao核桃长足象
1.A Preliminary Study on the Biology and Control of Alcidodes juglans Chao in Guizhou;贵州地区核桃长足象生物学特性及防治初报

甘薯长足象甲甘薯长足象甲sweetpotato gall weevil 冬薯的虫瘦或冬薯藤内越冬。福建北部越冬成虫4月上旬开始活动,5月中下旬产卵,6月上旬至7月下旬为幼虫期。2代幼虫出现在7月下旬至9月中旬,8月下旬至9月中旬化蛹。羽化后成虫在虫瘦内停留一两天后外出,善爬,不善飞,具假死性。交配后即产卵,人多产在薯蔓近节处。幼虫孵化后蛀入茎部取食,被害部受刺激后形成虫澳,影响水分和养料输送,成长幼虫即在瘦内化蛹。凡冬春温暖,夜晚气温多数在OOC以上的地区,越冬成虫存活率高,如发生期中少雨干旱,更有利其滋生繁殖、猖撅为害。春季清除遗株、残薯及野牵牛、砂藤等野生植物,可消灭大量越冬虫源;5一6月间可在新插薯田或苗床捕杀成虫。成虫盛发期可喷施敌敌畏、敌百虫等。(陈其瑚)甘薯长足象甲(sweet potato gall Wee-vil)南方甘薯成瘦害虫。又名甘薯大象甲。学名Alci了od亡5 walto儿i(Boheman)。鞘翅目,象虫科。分布日本、越南、斯里兰卡、缅甸及中国长江以南。为害甘薯、摧菜、大豆、向日葵、桑、柑橘、马铃薯等作物,但幼虫仅能取食甘薯、摧菜等旋花科植物。成虫嗜食甘薯嫩茎、嫩梢、叶柄,常致折断枯死,幼虫常在薯藤基部钻蛀并藏身其中,被害茎秆膨大成虫蜜,以致蜜上部分生长不良,主茎受害则明显影响结薯。成虫体长9.5一11毫米,黑或黑褐色。体表被有灰褐、灰土黄或红棕色鳞毛。头小、管状嚎微弯曲;触角膝形,索节共2节,最长,末端4节膨大,前胸背板表面密生圆形粒状突起,中间有一鳞片组成的纵纹。每鞘翅上有纵沟10条,沟内刻点大而明显。腿节各有一弯齿,其前端无小齿。雄虫腹末节腹板近后缘有一凹陷,上密生长毛,后缘鳞片长而密;雌虫腹末节无凹陷,后缘鳞毛短而稀。卵圆形,淡黄色,卵壳略软而光滑。初龄时幼虫胸、腹部淡紫褐色,2、3龄以后变为乳白,末龄体长1.5一1.8毫米,肥壮多皱折,头红褐色有光泽。蛹长7.8一10.9毫米,淡黄或淡黄褐色。头顶具褐色乳状突一对,腹部第一至七节的背面后缘具一列小瘤突,末节端部具刺突一对(见图)。 甘薯长足象甲 福建北部年生2代为主,南部3代或2年5代。以成虫在岩石、土缝、树皮隙缝或在越冬薯及薯田附近的野牵牛等植物上越冬,少数末龄幼虫,也可以在