蘑菇体,mushroom body
1)mushroom body蘑菇体
1.The mushroom body represents the main sensory integrative center of an insect s brain and plays a major role in the adaptation of behavioral responses to the environment.蘑菇体是昆虫脑内重要的感觉整合中枢,在调节行为适应环境的变化中起着重要作用。
2)fruit-body of mushrooms蘑菇子实体
1.Used different concentrations of edible organic acid admixture or common salt and organic acid admixture or common salt alone, to infuse the fruit-body of mushrooms.分别用不同浓度的混合食用有机酸、食盐加混合食用有机酸、食盐等的溶液作为汤汁,浸渍双孢蘑菇子实体,结果表明用2。

1.Effects of Exogenous Selenium on Topography and Quantitative Characters of Agaricus brasiliensis S. Wasser Fruit Bodies外源硒对巴西蘑菇子实体数量和形态特征的影响
2.Nutritional assessment of proteins from liquid cultivated mycelium and fruiting body of Agaricus blazei Murrill.巴西蘑菇液体发酵菌丝体与子实体蛋白质的营养评价
3.Fructification A seed-or spore-bearing structure. The term is used especially for the aerial fruiting bodies of fungi, e.g. mushrooms.子实体,果实:产生种子或孢子的结构,该术语尤其适用于真菌的气生结实体(子实体),如蘑菇。
4.A mushroom, a mushroom. It's a mushroom.蘑菇,蘑菇,这是一只蘑菇。
5.An edible mushroom, especially the much cultivated species Agaricus bisporus.洋蘑菇一种可食用的蘑菇,尤指大量培植的品种双孢子蘑菇
6.The child pestered his mother for money.孩子蘑菇着向母亲要钱。
7.Genetic Relationships Between Agaricus campestris Fruit Bodies from Fairy Rings Based on ISSR Markers蘑菇圈上四孢蘑菇个体间遗传差异的ISSR分析
8.A membranous covering or part, as that on the developing fruiting body of certain mushrooms;a velum.菌幕,缘膜一种膜性覆盖层或其中的部分,如在特定蘑菇的正在发展中的子实体上;菌幕
9.Il est courant de dire que la truffe est un champignon souterrain, elle est plus exactement le fruit du mycélium.都说松露是地下的蘑菇,其实她是菌丝体类植物果实。
10.The umbrellalike fruiting structure forming the top of a stalked, fleshy fungus, such as a mushroom; the cap.菌盖伞头子实结构,构成有柄肉质真菌的顶部,如蘑菇;菌盖
11.White chunky Alaska king crab meat baked in a buttery and earthy mushroom sauce.丰满厚实的阿拉斯加王蟹配蘑菇黄油汁,让您体验地道的美国风情。
12.Studies on Tricholoma Mongolicam Imai and Agaricus Bisporus Sing Protoplast Fusion Breeding;蒙古口蘑与双孢蘑菇原生质体融合育种研究
13.The mushroom omelet was eating himself with chopsticks.*蘑菇煎蛋卷正在用筷子吃他自己。
14.The mushroom omelet was eating itself with chopsticks.*蘑菇煎蛋卷正在用筷子吃它自己。
15.Studies on the Technics of Liquid Spawn of Agaricus Bisporus Strain 2796;双孢蘑菇2796菌株液体菌种的工艺研究
16.Study on antimicrobial activity of the extracts of Macrocybe gigantean巨大口蘑子实体抽提物抑菌活性研究
17.Look at this mushroom, Lucy.看这个蘑菇,露西。
18.MUSHROOMS $2.00 a box蘑菇每盒2.00美元

fruit-body of mushrooms蘑菇子实体
1.Used different concentrations of edible organic acid admixture or common salt and organic acid admixture or common salt alone, to infuse the fruit-body of mushrooms.分别用不同浓度的混合食用有机酸、食盐加混合食用有机酸、食盐等的溶液作为汤汁,浸渍双孢蘑菇子实体,结果表明用2。
3)a mushroom, a mushroom,蘑菇,蘑菇,
1.Analysis of Prochloraz Residue in Mushroom with Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry;液相色谱-质谱法测定蘑菇中咪鲜安残留
2.Development of low-calorie kelp-mushroom beverage;蘑菇-海带低热能复合饮料的研制
3.The Application of HACCP in Mushroom Made by Freeze-dry Technique;HACCP在冷冻干燥蘑菇生产中的应用
5)Agaricus bisporus蘑菇
1.Cultivation Technigue of Agaricus bisporus at the Northwest High Plateau of China;中国西北高海拔地区蘑菇栽培技术
2.Physical and chemical properties of three industrial or agricultural wastes and their influence on growth of the mushroom(Agaricus bisporus) as casing soil;三种工农业废料的理化性状及作为蘑菇覆土材料的研究
3.Occurrence and integrated control of the Agaricus bisporus wet bull caused by Mycogone perniciosa magn;蘑菇疣孢霉病发生及综合防治研究
1.DNA Fingerprinting Identifi Cation of Isolate in Mushrooms;蘑菇分离物的DNA指纹鉴别
2.This paper introduces the technological processing of the quick freezing of mushrooms, and makes an analytically study of the principle of brown staining by enzyme catalysis and the method of preserving the nataral Colour of mushrooms.速冻蘑菇由于能最有限度地保持新鲜蘑菇的原有状态、色泽风味和营养成分,而倍受国内外消费者青睐。
3.04mm thickness) for mushrooms.04mmPE膜对蘑菇进行气调包装,以空气包装作对照,对贮藏期间在5℃条件下,袋内O2、CO2浓度的动态变化及其对蘑菇呼吸速率、成熟度(开伞率)、表面颜色、失重率、硬度、pH值、维生素C等品质特性的影响进行研究。
