历史生物地理学,Historical biogeography
1)Historical biogeography历史生物地理学
1.The theory of historical biogeography mainly consists of vicariance and dispersion.历史生物地理学的理论主要是扩散和隔离分化的理论。
2)Historical Geography历史地理学
1.Some ideals related to the development of Chinese historical geography in the 21st century;21世纪中国历史地理学发展的思考
2.The discussion of the application of new geographical technology in the historical geography;地学新技术在历史地理学中的应用探讨
3.The Environmental Thought in Hou Ren-zhi s Historical Geography;论侯仁之历史地理学的“环境变迁”思想

1.The Application of History and Geography Knowledge of History Teaching in Janior Middle School;历史地理学知识在中学历史教学中的应用
2.On The Use of Historical Maps in Teaching Chinese Historical Geography;试论《中国历史地理学》课程中历史地图的利用
3.On infiltrating historical geography into geography lesson in secondary school论历史地理学在中学地理课中的渗透
4.The history,present situation and trend of development of study on Chinese historical geography;中国历史地理学的历史、现状和发展趋势
5.Research Introduction to the Domestic Historical Geography Theory over 20 Years;20年来国内历史地理学理论研究概述
6.The Academic Discussion of the Historical Geography Research in 1978~20081978~2008:历史地理学研究的学术评论
7.The Indissoluble Bond between the Historical Geography and My Research我与中国历史地理学的不解之缘(上)
8.I'm also going to study History and Geography.我也学历史和地理。
9.I am learning history and geography我正在学习历史和地理。
10.Did she study history or geography?她学习历史还是地理?
11.Pan-American Institute of Geography and History泛美地理历史学会(泛美史地学会)
12.Geo-history and the Geological Base of Chinese History;地理历史学与中国历史进程的地理基础
13.Comment on the Application of Historical Geography Knowledge in Middle School History Education;论历史地理知识在中学历史教学中的运用
14.Several Problems in the History and Geography Field of Historical Teaching at the Middle School;中学历史教学中有关历史地理方面的几个问题
15.Use Knowledge of History and Geography to Enhance the Quality of History Teaching in Secondary Schools to Explore运用历史地理知识提升中学历史教学质量探究
16.For example geography, meteorology, physics and history.例如地理学,气象学,物理(学)和历史。
17.Meager Studies on Historical Xueshu Geography:Base on Studies on Historical Xueshu Geography Since 1980s;历史学术地理刍议——以20世纪80年代以来的历史学术地理研究为例
18.International Committee of French-Speaking Historians and Geographers国际法语历史学家和地理学家委员会

Historical Geography历史地理学
1.Some ideals related to the development of Chinese historical geography in the 21st century;21世纪中国历史地理学发展的思考
2.The discussion of the application of new geographical technology in the historical geography;地学新技术在历史地理学中的应用探讨
3.The Environmental Thought in Hou Ren-zhi s Historical Geography;论侯仁之历史地理学的“环境变迁”思想
1.The integration and combination of history and geography may produce a new sub-discipline,that is,the science of geo-history.历史学和地理学可能交叉整合出一门新的分支学科———地理历史学。
5)historical region geography历史地区地理学
6)historical geography theory历史地理学理论
1.Since 1984, with the rise of historical geography, works of research on historical geography theory are growing.1984年以来,伴随着历史地理学的兴起,历史地理学理论研究的论著也日渐增多,虽然与历史地理学的其它部分相比,历史地理学的理论研究仍相对薄弱,但与其自身相比,无论在广度上还是深度上都有了相当大的发展。

部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)sectorial or thematic military geography bumen huo zhuanti lunshi diliXue部门或专题军事地理学(sec‘orial orthematie military geography)见军事地理学。