雌性成虫,female insect
1)female insect雌性成虫
1.Objective To study female insect s palpus and spermathecae of Leptoconops kerteszi complex and provide the scientific evidence for diagnosis among species.目的研究古塞细蠓复合组雌性成虫触须及受精囊,为种间鉴别提供科学依据。

1.Name Changes for Some Forest Sawflies and Description of the Female of Trichiocampus rufus Verzhutskii几种叶蜂总科林业害虫的名称变动及黄腹简栉叶蜂的雌性成虫记述
2.the luminous larva or wingless grub-like female of a firefly.发光的幼虫或者缺翅的幼虫样雌性飞虫。
3.A female bee, wasp, or other insect that produces fertile eggs without copulating.单性生殖雌虫雌性蜂、黄蜂或其它不用交配即能产卵的昆虫
4.The female adult overwinters in the crack of willows` bark.该虫以受精的雌成虫在柳树的树皮裂缝中越冬。
5.a red dyestuff consisting of dried bodies of female cochineal insects.由雌胭脂虫虫体干燥后制成的一种红色染料。
6.Adult stage: the life-span of male moths averages 7.96±0.66 days, and 9.17±0.73 days for female.成虫期:雌9.17±0.73天,雄7.96±0.66天。
7.Any of various luminous female beetles or beetle larvae of the families Phengodidae and Lampyridae, especially the larva or wingless grublike female of a firefly.萤火虫一种发光的萤科雌性甲虫或幼虫,尤指退化或缺翅的蛆状的雌性的发光飞虫
8.insect having a firm covering of wax esp. in the female.有坚硬蜡壳的昆虫,尤其是雌性。
10.adult fema hog which has been bred配过种的成年雌性猪
11.They consist either male and female, or of female and her maphroditic (gynodioecious) individuals.他们或者由雄株和雌株组成,或者由雌株和两性个体(雌金异株)组成。
12.Methods for sexing live adults of Pissodes punctatus and P.yunnanensis(Coleoptera:Curculio-nidae)粗刻点木蠹象与云南木蠹象雌雄成虫区分方法
13.A preliminary study on the spatial distribution pattern of Dysmicoccus neobrevipes(Beardsley)新菠萝灰粉蚧雌成虫空间分布型的初步研究
14.Spatial distribution pattern of the entrance holes excavated by the adult females,Xylosandrus germanus光滑足距小蠹雌成虫侵入孔的空间分布
15.Studies on the Screening of a Phage Display cDNA Library from Schistosoma Japonicum Adult Worm with Gynecophoral Canal Protein抱雌沟蛋白筛选日本血吸虫成虫噬菌体展示cDNA文库的研究
16.EAG responses of the male cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) and the male oriental tobacco budworm (H.assulta) to female sex pheromones雄性棉铃虫和烟青虫对雌性信息素的触角电生理反应
17.fertile female insect(eg ant,bee or wasp) that produces eggs for the whole group(为群体产卵的雌性昆虫,如蚂蚁、蜜蜂、黄蜂等的)
18.Studies on the Structure and Secretory Activity of the Salivary Gland of Female Haemaphysalis Longicornis Neumann (Acari: Ixodidae);长角血蜱雌虫唾液腺结构与分泌活性的研究

Female adult雌成虫
1.Influence of feeding experience on the longevity and fecundity of Liriomyza sativae female adults;取食经历对美洲斑潜蝇雌成虫寿命及生殖力的影响
3)young adult female青年雌成虫
4)the female adult period雌成虫历期
5)Hormonia axyricis female imagoes异色飘虫雌成虫
6)Schistosoma japonicum雌、雄成虫cDNA文库
1.Construction of cDNA Libraries from Mature Female and Male Worm of Schistosoma japonicum Chinese Main Land Strain;日本血吸虫中国大陆株雌、雄成虫cDNA文库的构建

成虫盘成虫盘 又称器官芽。全变态昆虫蛹期的外表皮内陷所形成的组织块,其中包含中胚层细胞。这些组织块以后发育成为成虫的各种器官,而幼虫的大部分器官则崩坏消失。