中华蚱蜢,Acrida cinerea
1)Acrida cinerea中华蚱蜢
1.Distribution and Changes of PNA-binding Glycoconjugates during Spermatogenesis of Acrida cinerea;中华蚱蜢精子发生过程中花生凝集素受体的分布与变化
2.Influence of Acrida cinerea Replacing Peru Fish Meal on Growth Performance of Broiler Chickens;中华蚱蜢替代肉鸡饲料鱼粉的研究
3.A comparison of the gastric cecum of Atractomorpha sinensis and Acrida cinerea(Orthoptera:Acridoidea)短额负蝗与中华蚱蜢胃盲囊形态结构的比较(直翅目:蝗总科)

1.Studies on microstructure and ultrastructure of Acrida chinesis oogenesis;中华蚱蜢卵子发生的显微与超微结构研究
2.Analysis of Protein and Fatty Acids in Locusta Migratoria Manilensis and Acrida Cinera;东亚飞蝗和中华蚱蜢的蛋白质与脂肪酸分析
3.A comparison of the gastric cecum of Atractomorpha sinensis and Acrida cinerea(Orthoptera:Acridoidea)短额负蝗与中华蚱蜢胃盲囊形态结构的比较(直翅目:蝗总科)
4.Changes in Distribution of PNA-binding Glycoconjugates and Investigation on the Special Expression of c-kit in Gametogenesis of Acrida Cinerea Thunberg;中华蚱蜢配子发生中凝集素受体的分布变化与原癌基因的表达定位
5.Such as all the different sorts of locust.其中有蝗虫,蚂蚱,蟋蟀与其类,蚱蜢与其类,这些你们都可以吃。
6.Of these you may eat any kind of locust, katydid, cricket or grasshopper.22其中有蝗虫,蚂蚱,蟋蟀与其类,蚱蜢与其类,这些你们都可以吃。
7.The grasshopper turned to the jury.那只蚱蜢转向了陪审团。
8.Grasshoppers invade fields and eat the crops.蚱蜢侵入田野,吃掉庄稼。
9.The grasshopper bounded up to her.那只蚱蜢走到她面前。
10.There are usually a lot of grasshoppers in the rice fields.稻田里通常有许多蚱蜢。
11.There be usually a lot of grasshopper In the rice field稻田里通常有许多蚱蜢
12.careless of the consequences; the proverbial grasshopper--thoughtless of tomorrow; crushing the blooms with regardless tread.对结果不重视;谚语中的蚱蜢——毫不顾及将来;脚步粗心的踩碎了花朵。
13.Take the case of the ant and the grass hopper: The grasshopper played all summer, while the ant worked and saved.以蚂蚁和蚱蜢为例:蚱蜢整个夏天都在嬉戏,蚂蚁则工作并储存食物。
14.It's all right,@ comforted the grasshopper.“节哀顺便吧,”那只蚱蜢安慰道。
15.He thought he had made an end of the little grasshopper.他以为把那个小蚱蜢干掉了。
16.Insects of the jury,@ chirped the grasshopper,“昆虫陪审团,”蚱蜢尖声说道,
17.The grasshopper was right. You really are a horrible little boy.“蚱蜢说的对。你确实是个讨厌的小孩。”
18.A grasshopper, dressed in a black robe and wig,一只蚱蜢,穿着黑色的长袍,戴着假发,

Acria cinerea中华蚱蜢
1.Compositions, extracting technology and classification of Acria cinerea protein;中华蚱蜢蛋白质的组成、分类及提取研究
3)Acrida cinerea Supplying with Calcium and Phosphorus中华蚱蜢粉加钙磷
1.Influence of Acrida cinerea Supplying with Calcium and Phosphorus Replacing Peru Fish Dietary on Laying Performance and Egg Quality of Hens;中华蚱蜢粉加钙磷替代鱼粉对蛋鸡生产性能和蛋品质的影响
5)Acrida cinerea Thunber中华昨蜢
6)Melanoplus sanguinipes迁徙蚱蜢
1.Lethal time and dosal effects attributing to ingestion of Beauveria bassiana conidia by the migratory grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes;迁徙蚱蜢经口器摄入感染球孢白僵菌的时间与剂量效应

蚱蜢【通用名称】蚱蜢【其他名称】蚱蜢 (《纲目》) 【异名】直螽(《诗经》),蠜(《尔雅》)。 【来源】为蝗科昆虫稻蝗等的干燥全虫。 【动物形态】稻蝗 体长圆形,黄绿色。雌虫头至翅端长3.6~4.4厘米;雄虫长3~3.3厘米。头部略成方形,在复眼后方各有一条褐色纵带,由头部侧面伸至前胸背板的侧面。复眼椭圆形,位于头顶两侧,单眼3个,在复眼中间的头顶部。触角丝状,有多数小节组成;口器咀嚼式。前胸背板较大,中、后胸背板较小。翅2对,前翅狭长,灰褐色,后翅阔,半透明,翅长超过腹部的末端。足3对,灰褐色,跗节8节,具2爪,后肢的腿节特大,善于跳跃。腹部可见11节,第1节两侧有听器,雌虫腹部的末端有产卵管。 多生活于水稻、玉米、高梁、甘蔗等田中,以及潮湿近水的草滩和田埂上,食害稻谷、玉米等禾本科作物。分布几遍全国。 【采集】秋季捕捉,晒干或风干。 【性味】辛甘,温。 ①《本草拾遗》:"有毒。" ②《纲目》:"辛,有毒。" ③《随息居饮食谱》:"辛甘,温。" 【功用主治】治小儿急慢惊风,百日咳。 ①《纲目拾遗》:"治咳嗽,惊风,破伤(风),疗折损,冻疮,斑疹不出。" ②《随息居饮食谱》:"暖胃助阳,健脾运食。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,5~10只;或煅存性研末。外用:研末撒或调敷。 【选方】①治小儿惊风:蚱蜢不拘多少,煅存性,砂糖和服。(《纲目拾遗》) ②治急慢惊风:霜降后取蚱蜢风干,用十个或七个,加钩藤、薄荷叶各一撮,煎汤灌下,渣再煎服。(《百草镜》) ③治破伤风:霜降后蚱蜢,晒干,用十数个,瓦上煅存性,酒下。(《救生苦海》) ④治鸬鹚瘟(其症咳嗽不已,连作数十声,类哮非哮,似喘非喘,小儿多患此):蚱蜢十个。煎汤服。(《纲目拾遗》) ⑤治鸬鹚郁(小儿有之,其症如物哽咽,欲吐难出之状,久之出痰少许,日久必死):干蚱蜢煎汤服。(《百草镜》) ⑥治冻疮:蚱蜢,风干,煅研,香油和搽,撒亦可。(《养素园传信方》) ⑦治痧胀:蚱蜢五、六个。煎汤温服。(《养素园传信方》) ⑧治三日疟:盘螽,阴干为末,临发日,于五更时酒服方寸匕。(姚可成《食物本草》)