铺道蚁,Tetramorium caespitum
1)Tetramorium caespitum铺道蚁
1.Analyses of karyotype of Tetramorium caespitum铺道蚁的染色体核型分析
2.Homing behaviour in the ant, Tetramorium caespitum, with food was quantitatively studied.定量研究了铺道蚁Tetramoriumcaespitum的载物返巢行为。

1.Taxonomic Study of the Ant Genus Tetramorium Mayr from Guangxi(Hymenoptera:Formicidae)广西铺道蚁属昆虫研究(膜翅目:蚁科)
2.Systematic Study on the Ant Genera Tetramorium Mayr and Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from China;中国铺道蚁属红蚁属昆虫系统学研究(膜翅目:蚁科:切叶蚁亚科)
3.Super Excellent Ant Colony Optimization Strategy for Long-span Steel Bridges Deck Pavement Design大跨径钢桥面铺装结构精英蚂蚁寻优策略
4.When talking about the white ants, Lu Li says,在谈到白蚁时,书中写道:
5.Get out,@ said one of the ants.“出去,”一只蚂蚁说道。
6.The road was metalled, then asphalt was laid.道路被铺上碎石子,然后再铺以沥青。
7.unimproved airstrip未铺筑道面的简易机场
8.skirting heater沿踢脚板铺设的管道
9.road resurfacing works道路开掘或重铺工程
10.Plank a muddy pathway.在泥泞的道路上铺木板
11.natural road, partly metalled天然道路,一部分铺碎石
12.canal slope concrete paver渠道边坡混凝土铺机
13.a racetrack paved with fine cinders.铺有精细煤渣的赛道。
14.The streets were planked.建筑工人在街道上铺板。
15.the paved surface of a thoroughfare.大道上铺了石块的路面。
16.lay a carpet, cable, pipe铺地毯、 架电缆、 敷管道
17.shopping bridge设有商铺的高架信道
18.The street is tarred.街道铺上了沥青路面。

1.Five Species of the Ant Genera Tetramorium,Kartidris and Lophomyrmex Newly Recorded in China(Hymenoptera:Formicidae);中国铺道蚁属无刺蚁属和冠胸蚁属5个新记录种(膜翅目 蚁科)
2.Systematic Study on the Ant Genera Tetramorium Mayr and Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from China;中国铺道蚁属红蚁属昆虫系统学研究(膜翅目:蚁科:切叶蚁亚科)
3.The insects of ant genus Tetramorium in Northwest China was studied.本文对中国西北地区的铺道蚁属昆虫进行了系统的分类研究 ,共记述 6种 ,其中 5新种 ,黄色铺道蚁T 。
3)ants-nest passageway蚁穴通道
1.Grouting and grout formula of ants-nest passageway in dams;堤坝蚁穴通道的可灌性及浆液配比
4)the ants main way主蚁道
1.Dissection and analysis of the ants main way at middle and through dam in the Lianshan reservoir;连山水库穿坝居中主蚁道解剖分析
5)termitarium and termitic passage白蚁巢道
6)termite gut白蚁肠道
1.Recent research outcomes of microorganisms in termite gut were summarized in this paper.对近年来白蚁肠道微生物方面的研究成果作一综述,主要强调白蚁肠道中存在的原生动物、发酵性细菌、固氮菌、螺旋体、同型产乙酸细菌、产甲烷细菌和硫酸盐还原菌对白蚁消化木质纤维素类食物有着重要的作用。

道-道间寻道时间道-道间寻道时间(single track seek):指磁头从一磁道移动至另一磁道的时间,单位为毫秒(ms)。