精确值,accurate value
1)accurate value精确值
1.This paper researched the error origin of solving the system of linear equations,avoiding the error during the division of coefficients between each other without using the division,improving Gauss elimination method,raising greatly the accurate value of solutions of a system of linear equations.研究了线性方程组解的误差起源 ,在Gauss消元过程中避开除法 ,切断由于消元过程中系数相除所产生的舍入误差 ,用改进的Gauss消去法求解线性方程组 ,大大提高了线性方程组解的精确

1.The New Exact Value of (k,r)-arcs and Acceleration of the Decoding Procedure of BCH Code;(k,r)-arcs新精确值和BCH码解码的加速
2.correct(ed) average value准确平均值,精确平均值
4.A rather elaborate analysis was required to determine the cross-over values.要求相当精确地分析才能确定其交换值。
5.Great Prophet Shrines valued a little more accurately.大预言家的圣地的价值变得更精确了。
6.An inexact result adequate for a given purpose.近似值适用于给定目标的不精确结论
7.you can use these for accurate monetary calculations, for example.例如,可用它进行精确的币值计算。
8.The method is generally less precise than refined methods of numerical analysis.这种方法不如精细的数值分析法来的精确。
9.The Chinese did not in any way remain satisfied with this rough value π.中国人对这个不精确的π值决没有感到满足。
10.And its reliability is based on accurate measuring of the specimen low electrical resistance.电阻法的可靠性在于试样低值电阻的精确测量
11.Calculation on deformation of spur gear teeth based on precise model of teeth profile基于精确齿廓模型的直齿轮轮齿变形数值计算
12.The selection of threshold will affect the quality of the reconstruction image.其中阈值选取关系到图像重建的精确度。
13.Study of measurement accuracy of magneto optical current transducer磁光式光电电流互感器幅值精确度的研究
14.Accurate Measurement for the Amplitude and Phase and the Research on Rotor Dynamic Balancing;幅值和相位的精确测量及转子动平衡方法研究
15.Inexact Newton Method for Solving Large Symmetric Sparse Eigenvalue Problems;求解大型对称稀疏特征值问题的不精确Newton法
16.Inexact Methods for Nonlinear Equations and Inverse Eigenvalue Problems求解非线性方程的非精确方法及逆特征值问题
17.Inaccurate and Non-quantity Information for Qualitative Digital Prototyping面向不精确与非量值信息的定性数字样机
18.Precise asymptotics in the BAUM-KATE law of large numbers for sums of NA random matrix sequencesNA阵列行和最大值的BAUM-KATZ大数律的精确渐近性

exact value精确值
1.According to the checking computations,the rm value calculated from this improved model was more closely to the exact value than that of calculated from the un-improved model.经rm的精确值估计模型的验算,证明新模型比原模型在估计rm值时,更加接近精确值
3)precise value method精确值法
1.It combines the neural network and fuzzy control,and is essentially a fuzzy control system in which the fuzzy control rule was expressed by neural network,the control inference is based on the precise value method of fuzzy inference and the back- propagation algorithm was used for the neural network.这种神经模糊控制器将神经网络和模糊控制紧密结合,是一种以神经网络表示模糊控制规则的模糊控制系统,控制推理基于模糊推理的精确值法,神经网络采用后向传播(BP)学习算法。
4)exact numeric value精确数值
5)accurate numerical solutions数值精确解
1.The accurate numerical solutions of the angular displacement,the length and its rate,and the path are given with the numerical method.采用微分方程高精度数值解法得到了随时间变化的摆角、摆长、摆长变化率以及运动轨迹的数值精确解。
6)clipping precision裁剪精确值

力学量的可能值和期待值  在量子力学中,力学量F用作用于波函数上的算符弲表示。在数学上,对于一个算符,满足       的函数 ui(r)称为弲的本征函数,式中Fi是与r无关的数,称为本征值。如果ui(r)描写微观粒子的状态,则它必须满足单值、连续和有限的标准条件。在这种限制之下,上式中的本征值可以取一系列分立值,或取一定范围内的连续数值。    在测量力学量F时,观察到的只能是它的本征值。若一个力学量的本征值具有分立谱,我们说这个力学量是量子化的。    量子力学中假定力学量的全部本征函数组成一个完全系;这意思是说:描写体系的任一状态的波函数ψ都可以用力学量的本征函数ui展开:       在ψ和ui都是归一化的情况下,上式中的展开系数сi具有如下的物理意义:在ψ态中测量力学量时,得到结果为Fi的几率是|сi|2。    因此,若微观粒子的定态波函数是某力学量算符的本征函数ui(r),则在这一状态中,力学量F取确定值Fi。    在ψ态中对力学量进行多次测量,把所得结果加以平均,就得出力学量在ψ态中的期待值,以〈F〉表示:       上式称为力学量的期待值公式。如果ψ不是归一化的,那么期待值公式应写为