咖啡豆象,Araecerus fasciculatus
1)Araecerus fasciculatus咖啡豆象
1.Influence of temperature on development and reproduction of experimental populations of Araecerus fasciculatus (Coleoptera:Anthribidae)温度对咖啡豆象实验种群发育和繁殖的影响
2.Studies on Selection of Insecticides against Araecerus fasciculatus Degeer from Ko-ji酒曲害虫咖啡豆象防治药剂筛选研究

1.Studies on Selection of Insecticides against Araecerus fasciculatus Degeer from Ko-ji酒曲害虫咖啡豆象防治药剂筛选研究
2.Influence of temperature on development and reproduction of experimental populations of Araecerus fasciculatus (Coleoptera:Anthribidae)温度对咖啡豆象实验种群发育和繁殖的影响
3.Gourmet coffee comes from the best coffee beans of coffea arabica.极品咖啡源于最好的阿拉比卡咖啡豆。
4.Blended mocha and java coffee Beans;混合摩卡咖啡和爪哇咖啡豆;
5.tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso.捣实咖啡豆使生成浓咖啡。
6.cup ,of glass, for coffee mill咖啡豆磨具用玻璃杯
7.The aroma of roasting coffee beans.烘焙咖啡豆的香味。
8.Or are you like the coffee bean?或者你像是咖啡豆吗?
9.roast coffee beans, peanuts, chestnuts烘焙咖啡豆、 花生、 栗子.
10.hulling machine, industrial, for coffee咖啡豆脱壳机,工业用
11.Coffee beans must be ground to (into) flour咖啡豆须磨成粉状。
12.Organic coffee refers to coffee that has been made using coffee beans that have been shade grown.有机咖啡采用的是在树荫下种植出的咖啡豆。
13.brewed by forcing steam through powdered coffee beans.弄成粉的咖啡豆通过蒸汽加压煮出的咖啡。
14.superior dark coffee made from beans from Arabia.上等的黑咖啡,由阿拉伯半岛的咖啡豆制成。
15.husking machine for cocoa beans or coffee beans for industrial use咖啡豆或可可豆去皮机,工业用
16.A strong coffee brewed by forcing steam under pressure through darkly roasted, powdered coffee beans.浓咖啡,爱斯普利索咖啡把粉末状的咖啡豆用蒸汽加压煮出来的浓咖啡
17.All our coffees are available by the pound, whole bean, or ground to your specifications.我们的咖啡豆有磅装的全豆,或可依您的需求磨成咖啡粉。
18.You can store coffee beans away in the freezer to keep them fresh.你可以把咖啡豆存放在冰箱里保鲜。

coffee bean咖啡豆
1.Minerals , acids and fatty acids in chicory are better than those in coffee beans.奇可力所含矿物质、氨基酸 和脂肪酸等营养成分均优于咖啡豆。
2.In this paper,we report the water soluble antioxidant abstract from useless coffee bean.本文研究了从等外品咖啡豆提取水溶性食品抗氧化剂。
3)Catimor coffee beanCatimor咖啡豆
1.Its cDNA cloned by RT PCR from green (unroasted) Catimor coffee beans collected in Hainan Province (China),was constructed into the vector pPIC9K designed for secretion expression in P.利用反转录 PCR方法从中国海南 Catimor咖啡豆中克隆α-半乳糖苷酶 c DNA,插入嗜甲基酵母 P。
5)coffee bean; seed of the coffee tree咖啡豆.
6)coffee beans tincture咖啡豆酊

咖啡豆象  长角象科的 1种(见图)。原产印度。主要分布于热带、亚热带地区。中国福建、广东、广西、云南很普遍,江苏、安徽、湖北、江西、湖南、四川、贵州、山东、河南均有分布。此虫是可可、咖啡的重要害虫。在野外和仓库内都能为害。在中国,此虫还严重危害玉米、薯干、植物性药材和酒曲等。    体长2.5~4.5毫米,椭圆形,暗褐或灰黑色。触角细长,棒黑色,3节,两侧不对称,连接松散。前胸背板梯形,宽大于长,前端略成圆形,后端内侧略凹。小盾片圆形。鞘翅两侧平行,末端圆形;刻点行间3、5、7、9略凸,各有5~7个略呈方形的灰色斑点,行间1基部有一灰色短纹。跗节第1节长约等于胫节的1/2。雄虫臀板直立,末端圆,腹板末节的长等于前一节;胫节无斑点。雌虫臀板较长,三角形,末端边缘向上弯;腹板末节比前一节长得多,胫节有4个黑或褐色斑。    成虫很活跃,能跳善飞。27℃时雄虫羽化后 3天成熟,雌虫6天成熟。雌虫羽化6天后开始交配,交配后半小时开始产卵。每雌产卵多至140粒。温度27℃,相对湿度60%时,在玉米内57天完成1代。