中华豆芫菁,Epicauta chinensis
1)Epicauta chinensis中华豆芫菁
1.Determination and Analysis of Adult Nourishment Component of Epicauta chinensis中华豆芫菁成体的营养成分测定与分析
2.Antennal Morphology and Distribution of Sensilia Types of Epicauta chinensis Laporte中华豆芫菁的触角感器与类型分布

1.Determination and Analysis of Adult Nourishment Component of Epicauta chinensis中华豆芫菁成体的营养成分测定与分析
2.Studies on Biology and Artificial Feeding of Epicauta Gorhami Marseul and Epicauta Tibialis Waterhouse;锯角豆芫菁与毛胫豆芫菁的生物学及人工饲养研究
3.Study of Epicauta Aptera Kaszab Efficacious Ingredient and Medicament Activity;短翅豆芫菁有效成分分析及药物活性研究
4.Isolation and identification of a new dicoumarin from the roots of Daphne genkwa芫花根中新双香豆素的分离与鉴定(英文)
5.Induction, Maintenance, and Termination of Diapause in Mylabris Phalerata Pallas大斑芫菁的滞育诱导、滞育发育及滞育解除
6.Biological Characteristic of Meloidae and Its Artificial Feeding芫菁科昆虫的生物学特性及人工养殖研究概况
7.Protein expression profile in blister beetle Mylabris calida Palla at the stage of cantharidin synthesis斑蝥素合成期的芫菁蛋白质表达差异分析
8.Inhibitory effect of cantharidin from meloids on laryngeal carcinoma cell lines and gastric carcinoma cell lines芫菁斑蝥素对喉癌细胞和胃癌细胞的抑制作用
9.Steam the tofu and drain excess moisture, mash it up. Chop up the coriander and mix some of it in the tofu.将蒸煮滑豆腐先蒸热,去掉多馀水分后压碎;芫茜切碎,部分拌入豆腐中。
10.Extraction of effective component as insecticide from Daphne genkwa Sieb.et Zucc.芫花中芫花素的提取工艺与杀虫试验
11.Study on extract technology of total extractions and hydroxygenkwanin in the leaves of Daphne genkwa芫花叶中总提物和羟基芫花素的提取工艺
12.If you don't have potatoes, you eat turnips.如果你没有了土豆,你吃芜菁甘蓝。
13.Zinc, found in root vegetables including potatoes, carrots and swedes and also in sesame seeds, is needed for hair growth.在块根类蔬菜如土豆,胡萝卜和瑞典芜菁,另外芝麻中也含有的锌元素,是头发生长所必需的。
14.Aim: To investigate the extract technology of total extractions and hydroxygenkwanin in the leaves of Daphne genkwa with orthogonal test.目的:考察芫花叶中总提物和羟基芫花素的提取工艺。
15.Comprehensive Evaluation And Practical Confirmation on Processing Technology of Daphne genkwa Sieb. et Zucc.芫花炮制工艺的综合评价及中试验证
16.On Academic Value of Extract to Historical Records;论姚苎田《史记菁华录》的学术价值
17.Breeding of A Male Silkworm Variety "Lujing × Huayang" for Spring Rearing春用多丝量雄蚕品种“鲁菁×华阳”的育成
18.The importance of the teacher --On primary status of teaching in the university;菁菁者莪 教师为本——兼论大学中教学的基础地位

Epicauta chinensis中华豆芫箐
1.Study on the Medical Value of Epicauta chinensis Lap.;中华豆芫箐成虫的药用资源价值研究
1.A New Species of the Genus Epicauta from Yunnan(Coleoptera:Meloidae);云南豆芫菁属一新种(鞘翅目:芫菁科)
2.This paper reports a new species of Epicauta Dejean, namely E.记述云南豆芫菁属1新种,即缘毛豆芫菁,新种Epicauta seriata sp。
4)Epicauta gorhami豆芫菁
1.This paper introduces the harmful state of Epicauta gorhami in Pianguan County,expounds the physical characteristics and the occurrence/development regularities of Epicauta gorhami,and puts forward some measures for the comprehensive treatments of Epicauta gorhami.介绍了偏关县豆芫菁的危害状况,阐述了豆芫菁的体形特征和发生发展规律,提出了综合治理豆芫菁的措施。
5)Epicauta aptera Kaszab短翅豆芫菁
1.In order to get cantharidin content of every insect s hemolymph,using HPLC method detected cantharidin in Epicauta aptera Kaszab s hemolymph.用高效液相色谱法测定短翅豆芫菁体液中斑蝥素,采用HPLC法,色谱柱为C18柱,流动相为:甲醇:水(30:70),检测波长:227nm。
2.Epicauta aptera Kaszab’Hemolymph or powder is by spread at verruca vulgaris with Miao Ethnic Minority Group Medical in GuiZhou, after a time, verruca vulgaris tumour atrophied, disappeared and infected skin grew into normal.贵州民间苗药用短翅豆芫菁体液或虫粉治疗寻常疣后,寻常疣瘤体萎缩、消失,感染部位皮肤变为正常。
6)Epicauta impressicornis凹角豆芫菁
1.Biological Characteristics of Epicauta impressicornis and Its Control Effect to Oxya chinensis;凹角豆芫菁的特征特性及对稻蝗的捕食作用

中华1.古代华夏族多建都于黄河南北,以其在四方之中,因称之为中华。后各朝疆土渐广,凡所统辖,皆称中华,亦称中国。 2.指中原。 3.古时对华夏族﹑汉族的称谓。