采集行为,Foraging behavior
1)Foraging behavior采集行为
1.Regulatory mechanism of pollen foraging behavior in honeybees蜜蜂花粉采集行为的调控机制

1.Reduction of foraging activity by A.cerana colonies attacked by Vespa Velutina胡蜂对蜜蜂采集行为影响的实验研究
2.Studies on Sensilla Placodea Distribution on the Antenna of Apis Mellifera and A. Cerana as Well as Their Gathering Behavior意蜂和中蜂触角板形感受器分布观察及其采集行为
3.Study on the effect of toxic honey on dancing behavior of honeybees(Apis cerana)东方蜜蜂采集有毒蜜的舞蹈行为研究
4.Thinking the Humanistic Spirists of Medical Record and Physical Examination;病史采集和体格检查医学行为的人文思考
5.A Meaner of Collectting User Behavior on Client;一种基于客户端的用户浏览行为的采集方法
6.Current Status of Research in Network Learning Behavior Acquisition Based on Web-based Services基于Web服务的网络学习行为采集研究现状
7.Preliminary Design and Implementation of E-Learning Behavior Collection and Integration Based on Web Services;基于Web服务的网络学习行为采集与集成初步设计与实现
8.theory of collective behavior集体行为论 集体行为论
9.To make a preliminary inspection of, especially in order to gather military information.侦察;勘察对……作事先的探察,尤指为收集军事信息而采取的此种行为
10.We cannot act collectively.我们不能采取集体行动。
11.The quality of preservation is almost unmatched and quarry operations have been carried out carefully with an awareness of the value of the fossils.因为其保存质量几乎举世无双,采集工作的进行一直是一丝不苟的。
12.The Study of Enterprises Adoption Behavior and Model of Technology Innovation Diffusion in Cluster;集群环境下企业采用行为及技术创新扩散模型研究
13.Analysis of the Prevention Mechanism of Collective Corruption and Collusive Behaviors in the Government Procurement in Game Theory;对政府采购集体腐败与串谋行为防范机制的博弈分析
14.Henceforth the editors were to be news gatherers and the newspaper staked its future on its ability to gather, print, and circulate news.此后,编辑们要成为新闻编集者,而报纸的前途也将视其对新闻的采集、印刷和发行的能力而定。
15.obtain specimens of(sth)as a hobby or for study搜集(某物)的样品(作为爱好或为了研究);采集标本
16.the act of meeting for social purposes.为社会目的聚集的行为。
17.The act of one that picks.采摘,挑选,挖掘,撬开某人采摘的行为
18.data acquisition and control executive数据采集和控制执行程序

Learning Behavior Collection学习行为采集
3)mining acttivities开采行为
4)Picking behavior采摘行为
5)adoption behavior采纳行为
1.Analysis on adoption behavior in environmental innovation;环境创新的采纳行为分析
6)feeding behavior采食行为
1.Feeding behaviors of golden takins were observed in Foping National Nature Reserve from 1995 to 1996 Most takins fed in the daytime and they were casually found to feed in the night.从集群、迁移、时间、方式、饮水和舔盐 6个方面报道了秦岭羚牛的采食行为。
2.Feeding behaviors of thirteen South China tigers(seven males and six females) in a natural habitat captivity in Meihua Mountain nature reserve in Fujian province was studied with scan sampling method.在人工围栏的自然生境中,采用扫描取样法和焦点取样法对梅花山自然保护区"中国虎园"内13只华南虎(其中雌虎7只,雄虎6只)的采食行为进行了初步研究。
