摇摆舞,Rock and roll; rock
1)Rock and roll; rock摇摆舞

1.To play or dance to jive music.演奏摇摆乐,跳摇摆舞
2.-Sorry, I don't know how to dance big beat.对不起,我不会摇摆舞
3.It is not good to swing.跳摇摆舞没有好处。
4.A dance characterized by vigorous gyrations of the hips and arms.摇摆舞屁股和胳膊大幅扭动的舞蹈
5.A lively swing dance for couples.林德舞双人跳的活泼摇摆舞
6.Most young people like modern dances, such as rock and roll, the twist, and especially the break dance.年轻人大都喜欢跳现代舞,比如摇摆舞、摆舞,尤其喜欢霹雳舞。
7.I can not stand rock music because it's so loud.我受不了摇摆舞音乐,因为太响了。
8.The acid rock freaked them out.麻醉摇摆舞音乐使他们如痴如狂。
9.Their clients were rock stars.他们的主顾是些摇摆舞明星。
10.The group of young men were swinging.一伙年青人正在跳摇摆舞
11.Jango:(Contraction: Jive and tango) a dance style mixing elements from Modern Jive and tango.一种舞蹈风格,混合了摇摆舞和探戈的元素。
12.A performer or devotee of swing and jazz, especially during the1940's.爵士或摇摆舞的乐师或音乐迷尤指20世纪40年代的爵士或摇摆舞的尔师或音乐迷
13.Shanghai First Ever Swing Dance Contest!绝对史无前例的上海第一个摇摆舞比赛!
14.And Continental's motorcycle-riding rock and roller, Gordon Bethune.骑摩托车跳摇摆舞著名的欧洲人葛顿.白求恩;
15.Freak out over a light show陶醉于摇摆舞音乐伴奏的光影闪烁表演
16.We're gonna go rock out at the club.我们淮备去俱乐部里跳舞(注:指节奏强劲的迪斯科或摇摆舞)。
17.Become a party member of Ren Min Swing Online Forum!中国摇摆网上论坛北京、海、港的摇摆舞社团都有一个空间来发布最新的活动,交换意见。
18.The dancers swayed to the music.舞蹈者随着音乐摇摆着。

a rock freak摇摆舞迷
3)dance to jive music; dance the jive.随摇摆乐跳舞;跳摇摆舞。
4)rock and roll band摇摆舞乐队
5)swing music摇摆舞音乐
6)go-go dancer表演摇摆舞的人
