1.Relation between Maxwell′s Theory and Relativity,and its Application in Electromagnetism;狭义相对论与麦克斯韦电磁理论的关系及其在电磁学中的应用
2.On the teaching of relativity in general physics;普通物理相对论教学的几点思考
3.Combination and incompatibility between quantum mechanics and relativity and their developments;量子力学和相对论的结合、不相容及发展

1.the general [ restricted, special ] theory of relativity广义[狭义]相对论
2.The phenomena of relativity in two mutually rotating coordinates;相对等速旋转参考系中的相对论效应
3.Einstein's theory of relativity.爱因斯坦的相对论
4."Relativity, Granvitation and World-Structure"相对论、引力和宇宙结构
5.relativistic dilation of time-scale时标的相对论性扩展
6.ativistic electron beam heating相对论性电子束加热
7.ativistic stabilized electron beam相对论性稳定电子束
8.relativistic rate of energy loss相对论性能量损失率
9.nonrelativistic quantum mechanics非相对论性量子力学
10.Einstein fathered relativity.爱因斯坦创立了相对论
11.Relativity violates common sense.相对论违背人们的常识。
12.relativistic velocity addition formula相对论性速度加法公式
13.relativistic synchrotron instability相对论性同步不稳定性
14.nonrelativistic classical mechanics非相对论性古典力学
15.relativistic increase of mass质量的相对论性增加
16.relativistic aerodynamics相对论性气体动力学
17.The equivalence principle,extensive general relativity and rest of general relativity;等价原理,泛广义相对论及广义相对论的检验
18.About the found of Relativity and the theory of Truth Relativity;关于“相对论”的建立与真理的相对论原理

theory of relativity相对论
1.The apparent phenomenon of an object motion in theory of relativity;相对论中物体运动的表观现象
2.On the Differences of Natural Philosophy in “Dissipative Structure”and “Theory of Relativity”: In Commemoration of the 50thAnniversary of the Death of Einstein;论“耗散结构”和“相对论”中自然哲学观点的差异——纪念爱因斯坦逝世50周年
3.A New Axiom System Can Eliminate the Difficulty of the Theory of Relativity;一种可以消除相对论困难的公理系统
3)the Theory of Relativity相对论
1.The form of Faradays law in the theory of relativity;Faraday定律的相对论形式
2.Discussing Einstein s Philosophy Thought from the Theory of Relativity;从相对论看爱因斯坦的哲学思想
3.By applying the Theory of Relativity and Maxwell s two assumptions, in this article we deduces and analyzes the physical nature of the changes of electromagnetic field in different reference systems and get the same results as varying equations of electromagnetic field and deepen the knowledge in characteristics in the electromagnetic field.应用相对论效应和麦克斯韦的两个假说,以及均匀电磁场的一些典型例子结论,对电磁场在不同参照系中变换的物理实质进行了推导和解释。
4)relativity theory相对论
1.An Analysis of the Basic Laws of Electromagnetism from the Angle of Relativity Theory;从相对论角度分析电磁学基本定律
2.This paper discusses the nature of relativity theory, promotive actions of space-time symmetry’s principles and geometrodynamical ideas on the developments of quantum theory and cosmology.论述相对论的本质、时空对称性原理和几何动力学观念对于量子理论和宇宙学发展的促进作用,并探讨近期相对论研究中的一些令人困惑的问题以及相对论的进展趋向。
3.This paper uses a rather simple and easy understanding method to directly derivework and work energy expression under the conditions of Relativity theory conditionfrom Lorrentz factor Y.本文采用较简单易懂的数学方法由洛仑兹系数γ直接导出相对论条件下的功和动能的表达式。
1.Electromagnetic interaction of relativism particle ——The instance of application of the relativism change;相对论性粒子的电磁相互作用——相对论变换应用之例
2.This paper makes a profound study on the introduction of the h and the c, how the revolution in physics was caused by the h and the c and how the quantum mechanics and the relativism were built on this basis.沿物理学的进展,深入探讨了h、c的引入缘由以及怎样引起物理学的革命并由此建立了量子力学及相对论
3.It was Einstein who discovered the problem a nd established relativism on the basis of it.爱因斯坦发现了它,并以此为契机创立了相对论
6)relativistic BUU相对论BUU
