1.Experimental research on compressibility of unidirectional fiber cloth;单向纤维布可压缩性的实验研究
2.Influence of Compressibility of Fluid on Force of Vane in High Pressure Intra-vane Type Pump;流体的可压缩性对高压子母叶片泵叶片受力的影响
3.The role of fluid compressibility in Rayleigh-Taylor instability;流体可压缩性对Rayleigh-Taylor不稳定性影响机理分析

1.Study on the Compressibility of Alfalfa and Its Radial Compressing Force during Compressing;苜蓿可压缩性及压缩过程中径向压缩力的测试研究
2.Study on the Compressibility of Korshinsk Peashrub and Its Stress Relaxation Characteristics柠条可压缩性及应力松弛特性的研究
3.Definition and Implications of Compressibility. Special Solutions. Reynolds Analogy.可压缩性的定义与含意,特解。雷诺相似。
4.kormon tsien compressibility correction formula卡门 钱可压缩性修正公式
5.A new k-ε turbulence model with compressibility modifications一个新的可压缩性修正的k-ε模型
6.For non-compressible fluids, where pressure drop causes cavitation or flashing.对于不可压缩性流体,如果压降产生空穴或闪蒸。
7.The Collapsibility and the Decomposition of Likelihood Ratio Tests in Multidimensional Tables;似然比检验的可压缩性和检验统计量的分解性
8.For compressible fluids, where pressure drop exceeds half the inlet pressure.对于可压缩性流体,如果压降超过进口压力的一半。
9.incompressible visco-fluid mechanics不可压缩粘性流体力学
10.viscous compressible fluid dynamics粘性可压缩流体动力学
11.Properties of Incompressible Boundary Incompressible Surfaces in Knot Complements;纽结补中的不可压缩边界不可压缩曲面的性质
12.Investigations on Compressible Plastic Mechanical Properties of Foam Plastic;泡沫塑料可压缩的塑性力学性能研究
13.Research on Scalable Video Coding Based on MPEG-4;基于MPEG-4的可伸缩性视频压缩编码研究
14.isotropic compressible plasma各向同性可压缩等离子体;各向同性压缩等离子体
15.classical hydrodynamics无粘性不可压缩流体动力学
16.incompressible viscous fluid dynamics粘性不可压缩流体动力学
17.Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in compressible fluids二维可压缩流体Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性
18.A Comparative Study of Different GLS Elements for Solving Incompressible Viscous Flows求解不可压缩粘性流的GLS单元之比较

1.Near-incompressibility and nonlinearity of propellant grains for solid rocket motors were considered.综合考虑固体发动机药柱的近似不可压缩性和几何非线性,基于不可压缩材料的粘弹性本构关系,应用完全拉格朗日(T。
2.It is al-so pointed out that the formulae of calculation of the flow conductance in physics of vacuurn are wrong be-cause of the incompressibility of the steady flow of viscous gas in conhadiction to the ideal gas equation.论证了气体状态方程不适用于气体定常粘性流,着重指出不可压缩性假定与状态方程间的排斥和矛盾。
5)compressible rigid-plastic materials刚塑性可压缩
6)compressible solids可压缩弹塑性
